Saturday, August 31, 2024

Yet another Rainbow council being held on PRIVATE property

Looks like the Great Lakes Rainbow Family is holding their Rainbow Fall council on private property once again.

Gotta remember this is the same Rainbow "family" that just held an emergency PRIVATE Rainbow council on PRIVATE property a few months back where they flat out said it was invite only and specifically stated that they did not want certain people there to be a part of their council or have any input on the decisions that were being made there by the people there that involves all of us in Rainbow land. 

Goes back to the issue of leadership, Heirarchy, and control factors that have taken over the various regional Rainbow families around the United States.

There is plenty of PUBLIC places in their areas that they could utilize to hold these councils on that can include anyone and everyone and not exclude them!


Where EVERYONE has a right to PARTICIPATE and have a say on the things that pertain to Rainbow and the directions furthur that involve and evolve it.

You don't even have to wonder or assume why they choose the route of PRIVATE properties...

It is plain and simple to see.


In all the decades I have been around Rainbow I have noticed one major thing about it.

Rainbow folk sure don't like to be told what to do by anyone yet like to be the ones to tell everyone else what to do!

(That and how new Rainbow are so trusting of the most awful people...)

Don't even get me started in how they like to get people to do the things they won't do themselves but how they like to be the ones that claim they did it or got it done... wanting the glory and ego boost to add to their self made Rainbow resumes that they hope fool and impress others.

Just this alone prevents and basically makes people not want to go to these PRIVATE councils on PRIVATE properties where others have that control over them.

I am seriously starting to wonder if "On THE LAND" now is some sort of Rainbow code name for "On PRIVATE Property"?

It has come to the point to where this is what people are seeing about Rainbow everywhere.

People wanting their share or piece of the control pie within anything and everything that is Rainbow related.

It is ending up to where these regional Rainbow "families" are holding councils that effect everyone but only inviting a select group of people they see fit to be a part of their shady and shiesty schemes onto PRIVATE properties so that they can soley have their control and make the only decisions that matter without interruptions, interferences, questions, or accountability.

Small groups of a defined Rainbow Heirarchy all over America vying for the attention of the big whigs of the main Rainbow Heirarchy and leadership hoping to become a major part of whatever the fuck those people are doing and calling the shots of the Annual/National Rainbow gatherings. 

Sure... they say they are inclusive to all. 

There is no denying that. 


Rainbow definitely has lost it's way with truly being inclusive to ALL and now has reached the stage of exclusiveness that it is becoming the norm within Rainbow and it's gatherings.

There is no denying that this is yet another reason why Rainbow is slowly decaying, dying, and fading out and making people not want to go even if they were allowed to.

Pretty soon all of these Rainbow gatherings will be privately held functions that are invite only!

Invitations only given by people that have set it up to where they, and their small hand selected groups, have the only say on who they want there in the first place.

They will only keep the Rainbow name as a namesake and a way to poach new MEMBERS into their groups who are unaware at first that they are not going to a real Rainbow Gathering and just the empty shell and appearance of one. 

Those people seem to wake up quickly to this realization and never want a anything to do Rainbow "family"ever again.

Now... I am not going to post the directions on here to their PRIVATE council on their PRIVATE property.

Anyone can go to their WEBSITE, call their lightline, or go to their Facebook group for the directions. 

Afterall the same select people control all those.

Fuck... you might as well reach out to their Queen Bee!

I am sure she is looking for new workers to do her work!

If you go there you will most likely have fun!

At first...

There will plenty of smiles all around!

But you will soon learn that those smiles don't last long and are mostly fake and there won't be much to smile about the more they suck you in.

There will be plenty of sharing!

You will share so much until you have nothing left to share with them because they have sucked up all that YOU have to share and have nothing left to offer them of value. Then they stop sharing even if it is what you gave.

There will be plenty of caring!


You will be smothered with caring because they want you to feel so cared about that you won't notice their true intentions, motives, and agendas untill it is too late. 

The caring will stop and you will find there is nothing or no one there that cares about you anymore and nothing for yourself to care about.

You will definitely be kept busy!

Doing things they need you to do because they don't do it themselves and always rely on getting others to do it for them.

Being on PRIVATE property I am sure that they will always have something to do for you on their property! 

Anything that another person can and will do for them on THEIR property that only they personally gain from will be plenty. 

I am sure many of you will eagerly help them under the disguise and in the name of helping Rainbow! 

Until the truth hits you and all of their cultish secret cabal shit and fine tuned indoctrination techniques and practices wear off... if they ever do.

You will go there hoping to learn valuable life lessons but leave after learning the lessons of their life and all the hard knocks that come along with it.

Yeah... have fun at your PRIVATE "Rainbow"councils on their PRIVATE properties!

Welcome the fuck home to THEIR home!

And only theirs....

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