Friday, August 30, 2024

"Rainbow" Healing Gathering in Mount Shasta September 11th - 25th...

Hear it is going to be up at Gumboot Lake again.

Maybe elsewhere... we shall see.

Thought there was a seven day camping limit up there?

Obviously Rainbow won't give a shit and will probally have fires up there during the fire ban... just like they have constantly been doing on Northshore Road and up at Sand Flat all summer.

You know the routine... play stupid IF caught and beg for forgiveness later...

Gotta love the way Rainbow is becoming so exclusive versus being inclusive for everyone now a days.

Private property councils dictating and deciding who is welcome or not welcome to attend them are trending.

Now telling people they are not welcome to come to THEIR "healing" gatherings held on public lands that everyone has a right to use and be there when they choose.

People turning their backs on our brethren because some don't seem to live up to or meet their hiholy standards, agendas, or personal motives.

Drug addicts, alcoholics, and other addicted individuals that are OUR family looked down upon and not welcomed because they don't deserve their hiholy light and love or the same healing that that they feel should only be reserved for themselves and who they see fit.

Decisions that effect many but made only by a few who constantly use the terminology of "we" when in all reality it is "them".

The control of information along with common place censorship routinely taking place.

A newer and clearly defined Heirarchy full of self proclaimed Rainbow leaders that has evolved over the past decade or so it seems...

No more focalizers or focalizing... just bonafide leaders telling others how things will be. 

Anyone not living up to their hiholy standards are met with threats, violence, harrassment, and constant lies such as being called a feddie or a fucking chomo. Lies that they could care less about as long as they serve their purpose and not caring who they endanger or hurt with their constant lies.

Little cliques and groups that will use mob mentality and gang up together, online or offline, to accomplish all of this on a regular basis.

Gets hard to even grasp or comprehend what Rainbow is anymore or what exactly it means other than being a word that used to have meaning to many.


Yeah fucking right!

More like people that feel they are better than others that don't give a shit about who or what they hurt in the process they call healing... including Rainbow.

Crazy how one can just kick back and watch how Rainbow is disentegrating rapidly on all fronts.

People pretty much now just using the Rainbow name as they see fit to do what the fuck they want and call it Rainbow because they say it is.

Calling things Rainbow to hide behind the philosophy that if they call it Rainbow then no one can be held accountable for anything!

I truly feel sorry for our entire family...

Instead of joining together as one we are just continuously falling apart and not going furthur together but further from each other.

Enjoy your hiholy and exclusive fucking "Rainbow" Healing Gatherings! 

How about going out into fucking Babylon and spreading some of that love and light and healing that is needed much more there than just you hiholys focusing on healing yourselves up in the forest having a little party on your vacation?

Who am I kidding...

These mother fuckers need all the healing they can get and that healing has nothing to do with addictions!

Fucking hiholys and their warped egos!

Welcome the fuck home!

Oh wait... not everyone is welcomed anymore!

Funny how they are not welcomed or wanted in Mount Shasta but they are coming and holding their "Rainbow" Healing Gathering up here next month but trying to keep it on the downlow and not advertise it online so that the local Native American Tribes don't find out ahead of time.

People trying to hide the fact that it is indeed a Rainbow gathering being held by Rainbow but just not calling it Rainbow because some people, once upon a time ago, decided in their consensus that Rainbow gatherings will not be held near Mount Shasta again.

Bet they won't get a permit... à la Rainbow style.

Bet there will be kitchens and camps... à la Rainbow style.

Bet there will be shitters... à la Rainbow style.

Just the standard Rainbow Gathering ran completely by Rainbow for Rainbow...

Go visit that fucking shit show from September 11th til the 25th and get you some of that exclusive healing they will be doing!

Just more people doing wtf they want knowing that no one will be held accountable for anything other than the few that think it is better to do it without asking and offering the common and routine insincere fake apologies afterwards and begging for forgiveness knowing it is all meaningless...

What do you think is more disrespectful?

Rainbow lying to the local Native Americans Tribes about not holding Rainbow Gatherings near Mount Shasta ever again?

Holding a Rainbow Gathering near Mount Shasta but lying and saying it is not Rainbow even though it clearly is with the only thing not being Rainbow about it is removing the word Rainbow from it?

Or... Rainbow "family" agreeing to a consensus knowing that it is a wordplay that they have no intention on honoring and have found a way to work around it and still hold their Rainbow Gatherings near Mount Shasta.

Just more proof that so many of these people are nothing more than sheisty and shady fucking compulsive liars that do what they want anyways...

After all... no one is accountable for anything!

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