Thursday, August 22, 2024

Yet another Rainbow scumbag sexual predator made known

Can't say I am actually surprised about this sister's post considering it involves Solace Dane's wannabe Rainbow Gang Nic@Nite YET AGAIN...

Of course, as usual, nothing will become of this within the Rainbow Family because Solace Dane and Nic@Nite go to the gatherings just to feed people's addictions... and Rainbow love their vices and addictions. 


Will Rainbow ever take the subject of sexual assaults serious?

When will it get to the point of it becoming a serious issue?

This seemed to of happened back in 2018 and of course nothing was done about this guy over what he did...

Kind of makes you wonder just how many other sister's this scumbag has sexually assaulted since then.

Why does Rainbow Family protect rapists, pedophiles, and criminals?

How many people have suffered such violent crimes because Rainbow constantly does nothing to prevent these people from harming others and chooses to protect these scumbags instead?

Each and every one of these scumbags need to be outed and the public made aware of their histories.

Rainbow Family doesn't seem to care though.

How many other sexual assaults go unreported allowing these people to only continue to find their next victims?

Yer another example...

Wonder how many more sisters have been sexually assaulted since nothing was said about this Fox guy too...

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