Sunday, August 11, 2024

Another pathetic Rainbow brings guns in the "church"

Yet another Rainbow who could care less about bringing guns up into the gatherings.

Not only that but telling others it is okay?

Says a lot about theses modern Rainbow Gatherings where people feel they need to bring a gun to protect themselves at a gathering that is supposed to be about peace!

Rainbow Gatherings are now so dangerous to the point of hippies having to carry firearms for self defense.

Ironic that they would even call themselves Rainbow if they can't even respect the decisions of "no guns in the church".

I guess that it has grown to the point that people just don't actually give a fuck about Rainbow and just want to go to the party in the forest...

Guns are so common that no one seems to give a shit about them being there anymore... unless they want an excuse to yell at LEO!

It is only time before someone else gets shot at a gathering again or we have another drunken Shawnee incident involving a gun...

What a fucking joke!


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