Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Great Lakes Rainbow Family's bullshit private council

Just another perfect example of how Rainbow does indeed have bonafide leaders and a Heirarchy that run things behind the scenes and make decisions that others are not allowed to be involved in.

Rainbow often like to push and force their lies upon others when it comes to that there are no leaders or no Heirarchy bullshit.

They like for the general public to think these things and that everyone is welcome to gatherings or councils and that it is ran off of a concensus reached by our peers. 

But, in all reality, it is far from the truth now a days!

Definitely shows that these modern day private councils and consensuses are nothing more that a fraudulent scam sham that would even make Donald Trump proud!

I guess it is easy to have a concensus reached when the only people reaching the concensus are the ones approved of being there for their private councils!

Not only are the Great Lakes Rainbow Family holding a private invite upon approval only council that has to do with reshaping the future of Rainbow and it's gatherings but they are setting up a future that will seemingly be decided and controlled by a small and selected group of individuals. 

These people will be making decisions for the rest of us and pretty much force it upon everyone and completely without any say in the matter. 

How this is anything like what Rainbow supposedly says it is about blows my mind.

The thing is that this is not just happening at the Annual/National gathering levels but it is basically how it is now a days within most of the regional Rainbow gathering scenes.

How can a regional Rainbow Family hold councils on private property or be hosted by people that have a complete say in who is able to even be a part of it even be considered Rainbow? Is hard to even understand or comprehend.

It has now turned into, with thier own words, a gathering that not all are welcomed at.

They don't like you?

They don't know you?

You are new to Rainbow?

They think you are a challenge to them?



How is there not personal agendas and egos at play?

Who are these Rainbow Leaders that are taking control of this regions gathering scene?

Why are people supporting this and allowing this to even happen in the first place?

Why the secrecy?

And most of all... why are people completely blind to this bullshit or choosing to ignore it?

I guess the answer is that people ARE taking notice to these things that are happening and just deciding that Rainbow is no longer the thing it used to be or mean to them and decide they no longer want anything to do with Rainbow Gatherings.

I wonder just how many people this will cause to turn their backs on Rainbow and no longer support or go to it's gatherings.

Considering the dwindling head counts at Rainbow Gatherings this is only going to add more fuel to the raging dumpster fire known as Rainbow today...

These people that call themselves Rainbow Family should be a fucking ashamed of themselves even though we know they are not.

The other folks of the Great Lakes Rainbow Family should also be ashamed of themselves for letting this happen in the first place.

Wonder how long until the cultish cabal aspect of Rainbow will fully take it over once and for all...

NOT welcomed the fuck home...


The signs of Rainbow and it's gatherings decaying and dying are all around us...

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