Saturday, August 10, 2024

Do Rainbow ever clean up after their dogs?

It seems like no matter where you go where there are Rainbow there is an overabundance of dogs.

Some take very good care of their dogs while others should not even have a dog in the first place.

Sometimes I think that some people only get their dog to use as a prop when they beg from people...

Just saw someone kick down a person some cash who then went to town and got beer and tobacco and are now asking others for kibble. Seems pretty common...

It truly does not matter if they are in a city, a National Forest, or on BLM land but they all seem to have one thing in common...

They never clean up their dog's shit!

You often get dozens of Rainbow dogs running free in areas that are very limited for camping. Every fucking one of them shit and piss everywhere around and in between various camps.

You always have to watch where you step when walking anywhere around them.

Even the people with agro dogs that are tied up don't bother cleaning up after them or burying their shit and just fling it aside.

Here is one way to look at it...

Two dozen fucking dogs in this small area.

Two shits a day and numerous pisses.

Forty eight shit piles a day.

Three hundred and thirty six piles of shit a week.

Pretty fucking disgusting and they could care less.

Not to mention about anyone else.

If they could figure out a way to make money off of all that dog shit I am sure they would be right on it!

I ALWAYS clean up after my dog either bagging it and taking it to a dumpster or digging a hole and burying that shiat!

Props to the other people that do too...


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