Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Twista head pretenda dreads get that shiat off of your heads

I remember a time when you could always count on a brother or sister that you met who had dreadlocks. 

If you were a dreadie and saw another dreadie you pretty much knew you had something in common with them.

You could pull into any town or city and find a dreadie to hang out with and also knew that they could always help you in directing you to where the other people you have things in common with are hanging out and be accepted.

Not to mention that those dreadies always were a good way to find some ganja if you needed any and were out.

These people took the time and let their hair mat up and eventually after a lot of time and patience their hair would start to dread up on it's own and they would have beautiful dreads.

People were quite proud of their dreads.

Sisters were sexy in my opinion.

And then all the fucking twist a head pretend a dreads started showing up wanting to make their fashion statements of looking cool and hoping to jump right into different groups of people and instantly get accepted only because of their fucking hair.

These people could care less about the old way of time and patience in having your dreads naturally form over time and rape their heads with all their twisting, ratting, and knotting all the while paying some self proclaimed deadlock making expert to have them done.


Anyone can see that they have twist a head pretend a dreads versus the beautiful knobbies the natural dreads produce.

Dreadlocks became a fashion statement and a new breed of dreadie snobs started forming that seem to think they are better than any other hippie out there because of their twist a head pretend dreads. 

You can literally sit back and watch this shit happen over night with these people.

As soon as they get those twist a head pretend a dreads put in they automatically change who they are for some reason and now they act as if they are some kind of hippie fucking royalty that are then too good to hang around others unless they themselves have the same twist a head pretend dreads.

Little groups and cliques formed over the years that constantly look down on others...

And Rainbow fucking loves them because a good majority of them are the same.

You a pedophile but have dreadlocks?


You a junkie with dreads?


You a thief with dreads? 



Most of the older dreadlocks that I know no longer have their dreads.

And we all say the same thing.

Rainbow now a days will treat people with dreadlocks differently than those without... and not in a way it used to be.

Now a days you will have some nobody who made their dreadlocks last week that show up out of nowhere, knows nothing about Rainbow, but are all the suddenly old Rainbow Family and insert themselves into anything and everything they can simply because they have those new dreads. And are wecomed without question.

Made up pasts based on lies and accepted because of dreadlocks.

Those that cut off their dreads can walk up to people who know them and they will ignore them as if they are a nobody until they realize who they are .

You can have a long time hippie who has been to a hundred gatherings sitting in a circle trying to say something and no one will give them the time of day but some new person coming to their first gathering will have twist a head pretend a dreads and all the sudden they are trustworthy Rainbow experts and listened to even though they don't know shit about anything or have any experience.

And others follow them blindly you know... because they have dreads...

This is what Rainbow has pretty much come to lately. 

These are the people that have taken over Rainbow.

People judging others because of their looks, what they fucking wear, or if they have dreads or not... or how dirty they are.

You ain't got dreads?

FEDDIE not family.

You ain't got patchwork clothes?

FEDDIE not family. 

You don't speak all that indoctrinated cultish word play of shit like WE LOVE YOU or WELCOME HOME constantly yelled at the top of their lungs?

FEDDIE not family.

But... if they simply have dreadlocks they are accepted unconditionally as one of them and automatically treated differently even if they are the most awful people out there and literally nothing more than scumbags.

And of course they all have their little groupies that follow them around like they are super stars!

Now a days when I see a dreadlocks I stay the fuck away from them because nine out of ten are fake ass twista head pretenda dreads that you know are nothing like the old dreadies of the day and will fucking rob you blind then run back to their little group of other twista a heads that will stand by them no matter what because they are a "dreadie".

Yeah... dreads are nothing more than the new scam sham in Rainbow that people utilize to get attention and their foot in the door to where they would never get the option of doing so before they raped their head of hair to fit in.

It is pretty pathetic now a days if you ask me.

I'm glad I no longer have dreads!

After decades of having them I can say I enjoy being a baldie!

Now I don't have to put up with all the losers that approach me simply because they think because they have twista head pretend a dreads and that I would automatically except them as my brethren. 

Life is so much easier now not being part of their cool kids clubs...

I find it comical when people from my past will walk right by me only to act like I don't exist because they don't see my dreads anymore then all the suddenly turn around and say Holy shit... it's you... you cut your dreads off.

No shit Sherlock and it's pretty schwag that you kept ignoring me until you realized that.

Yeah... not the type of people I care to have in my life anymore.

To fucking hiholy for me now a days...

When people accept or treat others differently simply because of their hair... that sure says a lot about those people.

And Rainbow now has an overabundance of these people.

A dime a dozen so to say... and not worth a cent.

Many of them are responsible for the degradation of the Gatherings if you ask me.

Why do people automatically assume that someone with dreads is more Rainbow than those without?

What a fucking joke!

Your twista head pretenda dreads don't mean shit to me and many others... and actually get you the opposite of what you expect to get.

We can see right through your bogus facade and charades...

I will glady accept and respect a baldie over any of these fake ass wannabes! 


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