Sunday, August 11, 2024

Native American tribes think Rainbow are a problem on Mount Shasta?

I find it truly amazing that the Native American Tribes and the locals around Mount Shasta have such a problem with the Rainbow Family when they come to the area.

Yet... they seem to have no problem with the various new age sewage groups that come to the mountain and do nothing but disregard and disrespect the basic beauty and sacredness of the mountain in general.

This weekend there has been a group of over a hundred Wixarika people that are from Mexico on the mountain here to have a psychedelic fueled party that they are calling a ceremony.

They told the Forest Service that they were here for a "family" gathering and not a paid to attend event.

A gathering that people pay $250 and more to attend...

Basically paying money to use drugs and call it a spiritual ceremony where they can act as if no rules or laws apply to them.

These people seem to have no respect for the sacredness and peacefulness of the mountain or the people on it.

They are driving their cars through the meadows. Actually removing the rocks in place that are there to prevent people from driving in sensitive areas that they are not supposed to be.

Literally driving into the tree lines where they are parking and setting up their camps.

They could care less about anyone around them and are swarming the area like fucking cockroaches and showing little if any respect to the others using the area.

The damage that their vehicles are causing will last for a very long time in this high elevation and the sensitive areas.

They are building fires even though there is a fire ban in place which includes ceremonial fires. It is not like they don't know that they are not allowed to have fires up here as they drive right by the big temporary led sign that is all lit up on the way up the mountain saying this.

They are all high out of their minds screaming at the top of their lungs like they are possessed at 5 in the morning and pounding on drums non stop.

The amount of trash that these people are creating and leaving is tremendous especially the micro stuff that they seem to not give a shit about expecting that others will deal with it instead of them.

And you know that they will go back to Mexico without a care in the world about the damage they have done to the sacredness of this area and the health of the mountain.

They will be posting on Facebook about what a great time they had on the sacred and beautiful mountain and how it was life changing for them yet failing to mention the damage they have done to the mountain in the process or their major disrespect they are showing to others...

But Rainbow are the fucking problem?

You won't see any of the local Native American Tribes or locals making a fuss about these people's drug fueled paid for party in the forest!

These people have done more damage with their vehicles in the past few days than any Rainbow Gathering has ever done up here! And there will be no one holding anyone accountable for this.

Only to happen again next year and lining someone's pockets with all that cash these people pay to attend.

Yet it will be the local hippies that will go clean up after them...

Being up on the mountain this year has been pretty eye opening indeed!

It is crazy with the amount of non Rainbow related spiritual groups and events that come to this mountain and could care less about respecting it as long as they get those top dollars that people pay to attend...

Fucking disgrace if you ask me and anything but spiritual and actually far from it!

If I learned anything this weekend it is that the Wixarika people of Mexico are nothing more than fucking scumbags that seem to sell spirituality for the almighty dollar and could care less about any nature or the damages they have caused to it.

And the local Native American Tribes have a fucking problem with Rainbow?

The Wixarika people from Mexico are the fucking problem.

They are a disgrace and should be ashamed of themselves.

Hope their top dollar paid for "spiritual" drug fueled party was worth it!

Craziest thing about it all is that a couple hundred Mexicans are up here and have been awake for over two days using psychedelics and then just hop in their cars to drive back home!

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