Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Washington state regional gathering?


Apparently there is going to be a regional Rainbow gathering up in Washington state this year.

I guess the Oregon Rainbow Family has "approved" of this at their latest PRIVATE council.

You can find the information on the OREGON lightline and find out when their next handpicked private council on private property will be.

Basically the Oregon Rainbow Family feel that they control what goes on within the North West Rainbow scene.

Just like the old days of the North East Rainbow Family (NERF) having control over Rainbow and it's gatherings throughout the North East region of America.

We all can see how that shit show has turned out!

People up in Washington state are trying their hardest to do their own thing without the control of power from the Oregon Rainbow Family.

Once again though...

The Washington Rainbow Family are holding their PRIVATE Rainbow council on PRIVATE property.

All this is doing is seemingly giving control and power of the Washington Rainbow Gathering over to a new select group that purely have private agendas and motives of what they want Rainbow to be. 

Different people want control now... 

Seems to be a common issue lately amongst Rainbow.

PRIVATE and SELECT groups of people that hold decision making PRIVATE councils on PRIVATE properties that effect the future of Rainbow and our masses without letting us be a part of these decision making processes unless they choose for you to be a part of it.

If you do not agree to their terms and conditions then you will not be permitted to be involved with them and THEIR decisions thus preventing their control from being challenged or questioned.

I guess it us much easier for these select groups to hold their councils which WILL end up resulting in what THEY want if THEY hold them on PRIVATE properties and prevent anyone from being a part of THEIR councils that might interfere in the outcome of what THEY want to achieve with THEIR personal agendas and motives at play.

Rainbow has become quite a joke with this aspect. 

Went from a consensus being reached in true counsels to a democratic majority rule and vote at these new councils.

Now it has gone from that democratic majority rule votes and councils to PRIVATE and SELECT communist clubs that are ran by dictators who only allow others to be a part of THEIR clubs if they agree to be a part of THEIR dictatorships and agree to follow what they are told to.

I'm am sure you have noticed how many of these people have been spewing their propaganda of attempting to keep all info offline and only on the "land".

These are the same people wanting to force the "lightline" usage on everyone... basically sending them to call the "lightlines" that THEY conconveniently have control of and what information THEY want others to have.

This, and only wanting things to be decided on the "land"... the same "land" that is actually on private properties that THEY control and allowing them to control who THEY want to be there and what they are able to say.


These are also the same people that control when and where the Gatherings will end up happening by using only the scouts that THEY approve of to find a site to use.

There are other brothers and sisters scouting for those Washington regional gathering but they are being ignored and told "WE" have this covered already and they are not a part of "THEIR" scouting.

All the while wondering why people won't do what THEY say.

Gone are the days where WE the people of Rainbow get to decide together as a WHOLE on what is best for Rainbow.

It is now definitely under the control of very select few groups of people with definite personal agendas and motives.

This Washington gathering is a perfect example of all of this happening.

Oregon Rainbow Family has ALWAYS dictated and controlled anything Rainbow related in the PNW.

Now a break away group of a select few people have decided THEY want CONTROL and are setting up a new system that THEY have full control of and what goes on within Rainbow in Washington state. 

Rainbow has never been more exclusive than inclusive if you ask me...

One can not help but wonder if this is a main contributing factor to why people no longer want to go to gatherings or be a part of Rainbow.

It seem that Rainbow is starting to fracture into many little select groups of people that are all striving to see who can be the most cultish and have the most control over others and Rainbow in general.

More power for their egos to control.

Instead of working together to fix the problems that have contributed to people not wanting to go to gatherings or be a part of Rainbow anymore they are only now contributing to the reasons why people no longer have faith in Rainbow and it's gatherings anymore...

Only becoming part of the pollutions and no where near being part of any solutions. 

I guess we will find out more about this Washington state regional after this select group of people are done with THEIR private councils on THEIR private properties?

Pretty soon Rainbow Gatherings will be invitation only.

Only people that are part of THEIR cult will be allowed! 

Welcome the fuck home huh?

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