Thursday, August 29, 2024

Why is it that some admin of Rainbow Facebook groups act like Nazi dictators?

A perfect example of this would definitely be the Washington Regional Rainbow Gathering group.

It is ran by this guy...

... yet another self proclaimed LEADER within the Rainbow Heirarchy that supposedly does not exist.

This is the group description...

He is well known for removing and censoring posts and replys from others at his whim and as he sees fit.

Pretty much why his group is quite slow and stale...

First off... this is his PRIVATE Facebook group that you have to JOIN to become a MEMBER of even to be a part of.

Not very "Rainbowish" in the first place.

Officially a member of Rainbow... the largest group of members that claim to not be members...

He will often make his posts dictating how things will be and say what he wants to say then turns off commenting thus preventing anyone from having any say or questions about anything he has said.

This guy is soley responsible and taking it upon himself to censor others as he sees fit. 

By doing so he is preventing any conversations, discussions, or informational exchanges from happening amongst all of us.

And obviously controlling what information is being read by people which is definitely becoming a dangerous trend amongst Rainbow lately.

Pretty much propaganda that suits only them.

Leaders who now no longer care that others see them taking control of Rainbow related things are now setting up their firmly cemented grasp into the control they seek over others.

Definitely NOT "Rainbowish"...

He goes on to say that he will not allow anyone to post any directions, locations, or logistics that have to do with the Washington Regional gathering online.

I truly find it ironic that him and a few others are demanding everyone to respect the wishes that were made on the land by them... considering that these decisions were made by them on private property and only by the people they allowed to be there while excluding anyone that might not agree with their agendas...

And what is so different about them blowing up everywhere with their lightline number online that gives the same fucking information that anyone and everyone can see which is truky no different than posting the shit online in the first place...

He hides behind some bogus excuse of saftey concerns and uses a piss poor example of a mother and her children reading wrong directions and driving into nowhere uprepared with no gas only to get stranded and maybe die of hypothermia.

Oh come the fuck on!

The only true excuse or explanation for all this, that they have constantly, is for safety purposes yet never can give even a true response of what is so unsafe in the first place and what makes it safe by posting things online.

Think about it... nothing more than a pretty pathetic and lame ass of an excuse when it comes down to nothing more than power trips and control issues. 

"Oh... it's for our saftey... well that's okay then!"

Baaaahhhhhh.... fucking sheeple

Every fucking person with half a brain knows that any directions posted on a Rainbow Facebook group are pretty much on par or updated if needed.


AND YET AGAIN... another self proclaimed leader wanting people to call another fucking lightline under select people's control.

Then mentions the typical word of mouth bullshit.

Guess it is easier to choose who you want to know what and control that information some more...


Or you can call their controlled lightlines that are half the time a recording of some high or drunk old man who people can barely understand wtf is even being said.

That shit happened this summer to an east coast Rainbow Regional to where dozens of people were complaining online saying they could not be understood on the lightline and were basically off by a lot...

Know how they fucking corrected it?

By posting new and easily understood directions ONLINE!

SO, yeah, leaving up an unattended bullshit and hard to understand recording on their lightline basically.


Or even safer than proper directions being posted online and monitored by admin or moderators that can respond to any questions that might arise versus that bs recording?

All this has NOTHING to do with safety.

It IS all about having control.

Control over Rainbow councils held on private properties.

Control over groups and websites online.

Control over lightlines.

Control over who gets information. 

Control over who is allowed to participate in what.

Control over anything and everything that can be controlled about modern Rainbow by a very select and small groups of people sitting at the top of the Heirarchy! 

These people seem to spend so much time causing issues between all of us so we remain blind to what they have truly been up to and are currently doing together!

This Wayne Lo guy keeps referring to "we" in his posts.


I mean, c'mon, is he not referring to the select and small group of people in his circle that are trying to dictate, decide, control, and enforce Rainbow in their region as they see fit?

Very "Rainbowish" huh...

Who gives him the right to speak for all of us when it is only him and a select few that get to have a say in anything or decide things that effect ALL of us?

Afterall... HE controls his PRIVATE Facebook group that you have to become a member of with his approval. HE controls who can post and censors what HE wants to when he wants.

THEY hold their councils on PRIVATE properties and only allow who THEY want to attend. 

Councils that dictate and decide when and where THEIR gathering will be held and of course the only people deciding this are people that are part of THEIR little groups of friends or who they allow into it.

So... basically, this year's Washington Regional "Rainbow" Gathering is being held by a select group of people where only their decisions matter and fuck everyone else in the process.


And Rainbow has no leaders, members, or Heirarchy? 

The sad thing is that this seems to becoming a standard amongst many of the Regional Rainbow Families.

How this is fucking "Rainbowish" is beyond me...

It is as if the main Rainbow Leadership and Heirarchy is telling all their Regional minions to all do it at once.

Definitely seeking a very cult like control issue raising its ugly head...

I guess Rainbow truly has a secret cabal!

Only it is no longer a secret or conspiracy... and nothing but the truth. 

What happened to the days where Rainbow used to be about everyone and was inclusive to all?

Consensus not communist?

When did it make this jump?

Seems like it is very recent and is gaining speed fast now!

When the Rainbow leaders and Heirarchy start not caring about making themselves known there is definitely starting to be a major problem.

They don't care who knows.

The have reached a point of realization that they have finally gotten to where they have all the people they want into their controlling leadership positions that no one can truly do anything about it anymore.

There is nothing to prevent anymore because it is there now.


Now the new age of Rainbow will be ran by nazi dictaors that decide anything and everything for others.

Their agendas and motives will eventually come out for everyone to see.

These "Rainbow" gatherings are nothing more than empty shells of what Rainbow used to be on the outside that hide the full truth of what they now are on the inside.

No wonder people don't want to go.

Enjoy this privately sponsored Washington Regional Gathering ran by nazi dictaors who decided this on private land amongst the people they only want to have a say!

Can it even truly be called Rainbow anymore?

"Rainbowish" even?

Truly sad when you can have more faith in the leadership of our country than these Leaders of Rainbow and their Heirarchy! 


Welcome the fuck home to THEIR home!

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