Friday, August 9, 2024

Definitely getting the taste of the Rainbow on Mount Shasta this year

What is it with the way Rainbow Family changes as soon as a gathering is over and they are in between gatherings?

They don't seem to care about trashing the National Forests here in Mount Shasta!

They have been constantly coming through and alot of them have been leaving their camp sites trashed when they leave. Been watching the local hippies that are routinely here doing nothing but cleaning up after them.

A few of them running around doing nothing but begging from people for food, dog food, water, and ganja or anything they can get. 

A couple new puppies given out to people that can't even take care of themselves not to mention afford to take care of a puppy at all...

There is a fire ban on the mountain which includes ceremonial fires but that doesn't seem to stop them from repeatedly having fires up at Sand Flat saying they don't give a fuck about the bans.

They say they care about the environment yet choose to repeatedly drive their vehicles into the meadows and places they are not supposed to park which is destroying the lands.

I keep watching people telling them they can't park where they do and get told to fuck off.

At least the large broken down RV is parked out of the way...

I guess the biggest issue some people have are the group of well known Rainbow from Slab City that have been here over a month even though there is a seven day camping limit. Having raging fires without any concern for anything except what they want to do.

Screaming and hollering non stop into the night. Fighting. Mass drunkenness and hard-core drug use. Shooting off firearms unsafely with no concern for others. Agro violent dogs. People pissing and taking shits everywhere and leaving piles with toilet paper and not even bothering to bury it...

Guess they got a self proclaimed "witch" from Slab City up there that seems to be the focal point of them all.

Trying to turn the Forest into her own Slab City and acting like she is there too...

Yeah.... the Rainbow Family are such great people!

That being said...

I have met a lot of good folk also.

If you can look past all the drama and shit talking about others behind their backs...

Definitely got my fill and taste of the fucking Rainbow already! 

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