Saturday, August 10, 2024

Why are so many Rainbow ashamed to admit that they are a Rainbow?

I met a really cool sister who I have seen a few times in various different places around the West coast.

She was pretty cool as far as our interactions and quite younger... but we got along good.

I thought I saw her picture in a Facebook group at a gathering and asked her about it.

She looked me dead in the eyes and said it was not her and that she didn't hang around "those people" and that it was probably someone that looked like her. I told her I could have sworn it was her and she insisted that I was mistaken kind of acting like she wanted me to drop the subject which I did.

That was pretty much it...

But a few months later a friend of ours sent me a post she made on Facebook about something random. When I looked at her profile it said we shared some Rainbow groups in common.

Turns out that she is indeed a Rainbow and is actually an admin and moderator in a couple of well known Rainbow Facebook groups.

She didn't know I have been involved in Rainbow and I never brought it up.

Did some asking around and it turns out she has been going to the gatherings for five or six years and worked her way into the Rainbow Leadership and Heirarchy quickly.

Yup... I guess she shared her pussy with some of them including Finch which sealed her deal of climbing the ladder in Rainbow Land.

Now I don't care about her sex life or the fact she chooses to be a Rainbow "mattress" as many sisters do that to get what they want to climb that ladder...

BUT... I do care about the fact that she chose to lie straight to my fucking face. I can't stand fucking liars! They lie to you about one simple thing then who the fuck knows what they will lie about to you next.

Rainbow is so full of liars...

We got along well and I don't really care she was cool but next time she encounters me and wants to chill or smoke some ganja I will flat out tell her to beat feet concrete and kick fucking rocks...

I have no place for liars in my life anymore even if that is the only thing they have ever done and lied to me.

I have never found it funny that people are ashamed about being Rainbow and not wanting others to know they are Rainbow but it is quite entertaining and somewhat comical.

In a way I can't blame them.

A good majority of people in the travelling and nomadic world will tell you that they want nothing to do with anyone that says that they are a Rainbow because they are usually a drunk, a junkie, a thief, and a liar...

They will lie and say they are not Rainbow so they won't get or be judged I guess...

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