Friday, June 7, 2024

Gang Of Nine, Europeans, or A.I. trying to take over Rainbow Land?

WTF is up with the person or persons who is creating all of the recent obviously fake Rainbow oriented profiles on Facebook lately?

Whoever it is is attempting to stoke their ego by trying to force their own personal agenda on everyone in Rainbow Land! 

They are obviously trying to hide who they are behind all of these bogus profiles.

One might wonder what their true motives and intentions truly are by doing such.

But they they are definitely nefarious! 

Anyone that claims to be Rainbow and wants what is good for Rainbow and it's gatherings would never hide their themselves and who they are from other the Rainbow folk...

You should be able to have a respectful and open conversation with someone that claims to be Rainbow without them hiding. They only reason one would hide who they are is because they have things to hide! 

Trolls are a dime a dozen now a days in Rainbow Land! 

So are fake ass motherfuckers too!

ALL of these newly made profiles are blatantly stating non stop that they feel they should be in charge of Rainbow and who should be allowed to be a part of Rainbow as they see fit.

They openly support censoring and banning others from being part of Rainbow as if that is proper some how.

When does their words in the online Rainbow world turn to actions in Rainbow on the land?

What up with the EVERYONE being welcome?

These people are more harm to Rainbow and it should not be taken lightly.

Part of me suspects it has something to do with Scotia and her Gang of Nine hiding behind all of this... a way to try and distant their true motives, intentions, words, and actions from who they are in real life and not be held accountable by anyone for anything they do or the outcomes from their meddling. 

I think they think this is a way to spread their personal agendas without others knowing it is them!


But... in all reality, a majority of those profiles seem to have things to suggest Europeans are involved.

Maybe some Rainbow folk in Europe think they know what is best for Rainbow in the US than they do?

Worst case?

AI and bots?

Either way it honestly is the ways of a coward to act like this an do what they are doing and hide who they are!

Would you trust anything you hear from these people?

Knowing that they won't even let you know who they are?

Wouldn't you think that if they truly cared about Rainbow and their words they speak they would proudly be who they are and not some made up over dramatized profiles that seem to want to ORAGNIZE Rainbow into something it is not meant to be? 

Treated like a membered organization or some sort of corporation? 

Even looking at what they named some of the profiles is sickening

At least people know who the fuck I am and I don't try to hide it even if half the shit I say is filled with sarcasm and onion like words...

Read some of these stupid names they are using to try to organize Rainbow into departments or something...

Truly looks like some people are trying to become the new modern defacto leaders of Rainbow!

Rainbow Fundamentalists

Rainbow Admins

Secret Holding Camps

rainbow European magic hat oversight

Rainbow Love Family 

Rainbow Cristal Land network -global 

Rainbow Social Media Admin's Evaluation

Rainbow Shanti Sena

Rainbow and mad Dogs

Rainbow New Age Traveler Decentrale

Rainbow Investigation Group

Rainbow Para-Medics

Central Europe Rainbow Rebels

Rainbow Empoorer

Rainbow Tribe Pax Christi

NON - Rainbow - OTHER

Rainbow Ethics Talking Circle Europe

Galactic Rainbow

Rainbow Street Artists

Rainbow Archive International

Rainbow Scouts Europe De

Rainbow Newspapers

Rainbow Palatine online

Magic Rainbow Erimita

There are many more!

Get bored?

Flag their asses on Facebook for being fake which is against Facebook policies. 

Just another example of Rainbow showing they could care less about anyone else's rights, rules, laws, policies or regulations other than their own fucking hypocritical ones!

People like this are the ones that have created this modern shit show of Rainbow!

Rainbow is definitely decaying and dying and pretty soon might end up as some private organized membership group!

Bet they are in the process of looking at getting copy rights and trade marks if they can... as I speak!




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