Sunday, June 2, 2024

Happy Pride Month except from the Rainbow family

Be who you are!

Pride month is here and if you really want to see the true faces of alot of the Rainbow Family who claim to pray for peace, spread love, and are supposedly against hate...

Read through the Rainbow Facebook groups all this month and you will get a fill of what I am speaking of.

Alot of Rainbow family have a problem excepting gay people and are truly homophobic. Especially when it comes to the trans folks. They do not even bother hiding their feelings when they see people say something about it being Pride month.

I bet the moderators and admin that care are quite busy deleting these posts or comments. BUT... on a lot of these groups the admin and moderators are just as homophobic and anti trans as the people making these comments and posts and letting them remain while deleting people's posts that question their hateful words or speak out against them!


So much for Rainbow being all inclusive and anyone welcomed?

So much for anyone with a belly button being welcomed.

So much for peace and love huh?

I find it ironic that these same Rainbow family that sure like to force their hatred upon others online are the same ones you meet in person that then run away when questioned and can't back up their filthy mouths!

I can definitely see why a lot of gay and trans people don't feel safe at the gatherings and won't go!

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