Monday, June 3, 2024

Hopefully this is the year LEO finally gets off of their lazy asses

If LEO would finally get off of their lazy asses and finally crack down hard on the Rainbow gathering it would be welcomed by so many people!

Let's see lines of vehicles stretching for miles having to go through a road block!

People's shit spread everywhere after being searched!

Thousands of tickets and infractions written!

They would be getting so much illegal hard drugs such as meth and fentanyl off the streets. Why continue to let Rainbow bring large amount of drugs into the forest? And crime?

They need to use whatever laws they can to stop them from illegally diverting water from our waterways. Identify and keep track of anyone that is bringing in the materials they need and use to steal the water. CHARGE THEM WHEN IT IS SET UP! Then confiscate or destroy all the illegal items used to steal the water. Treat them as if they were no better than an illegal cannabis grow op here in California! Lots of experience doing this in California so they know how...

Take their water and filters and see who wants to stay!

Use whatever laws that are already in place in the county the gathering is being held in and bring in any Health Departmen officials to go after their kitchen's and food sources! Shut down the unsanitary kitchen's and write the people up and fine them out of their asses for running a kitchen and serving food without any required permits. 

Take their food sources away and see what happens!

Put in a temporary fire ban if needed!



Enforce public nudity laws that are in place and start arresting and charging people as sex offenders for being nude around kids with their peckers bobbing right in front of children's faces! Not to mention anyone sitting down! FUCK THEM PERVERTS!

Bring in Inspectors to fine camps like Granola Funk for building unpermitted dangerous and unsafe structures that might cause an injury to someone! Stop them from building things in the first place.

Isn't it illegal to build a structure on Federal lands without permission or permits?

Fine them for the contamination from all of the automobiles fluids that leak all over their parking lots and bus villages!

Send in mass undercover officers and document all the crimes that occur and ticket or arrest and prosecute them fully afterwards! 

Send in undercover officers to Kiddie Village and document anyone that endangers a child. I mean come on. Various sexual assaults, giving drugs to children, and violence around chidren over the past few years at Kiddie Village?

More like child predator central!

Set up one of those license plate readers and catch the stolen cars known to be driven into the gatherings!

Rainbow has been making a fool out of all our country's various Law Enforcement agencies FOR OVER 50 FUCKING YEARS NOW!

LEO are a joke to Rainbow family and it always shows! 

Rainbow family knows this and all the locals know this as well!

They have no respect for anyone and less respect for LEO yet expect and demand that everyone respect them!

I have always thought that LEO were pretty intelligent and knew how to enforce the laws but now I am starting to see that maybe they truly are a bunch of clueless idiots that have no idea what they are doing and the Rainbow family has proven this for over 50 years now!

People are charged or arrested for things much less than what Rainbow does... all around our country every damn day!

Guess the cops leave them alone in the forest because they are proud white Americans! 


If anyone could do it California would be the place to do it and at this gathering! 

Many people wonder if our LEO truly do care about doing their jobs and enforcing our laws!

Or just lazy...

They definitely give us a reason to wonder!

Supposedly our LEO are supposed to be some of the best in the world?

They definitely don't show it because Rainbow blatantly says FUCK YOU to LEO every year for 50 years now! 

Not many crime families stay around as long as the Rainbow family has been around. And nation wide at that!

They say they come in peace and pray for peace then act like criminals and two bit domestic terrorists!

They damage our forests!

Yeah... American LEO are a laughing stock to all the other countries where Rainbow gatherings are held and don't have to deal with the shit everyone has to here!

Guess that is because the LEO in those countries actually do their jobs and enforce their laws! And their citizens respect them unlike here in America!

Who is truly in charge here?

Who is kissing who's ass here?

LEO must like that taste of the Rainbow... and the smell from continuously kissing Rainbow's asses!

Tie up our court systems with these losers!

Hit em where it hurts!



Rainbow is decaying and dying AND NOW IS THE TIME TO STRIKE!

I have been documenting all their leaders and actions for years now in detail! Just not on here...

You guys have had 50 years to do it and do nothing but fail and let them make you look like fools!

Think about all the harm that has happened over 50 years that never would have happened if LEO just did their fucking job!

All the deaths and murders!

All the drugs!

All the overdoses!

All the thefts!

All the drunk driving accidents!

All the assaults!

All the stabbings!

All the shootings!

All the poisonings!

All the sexual assaults and rapes!

All the children harmed!

All of the animals harmed and abandoned!

All the trash!

And so much more!

Not to mention all of the fucking millions upon millions of citizen's tax dollars spent over 50 years and has accomplished absolutely fuck all!

LEO should be ashamed of themselves for being nothing but a complete shit show when it comes to the Rainbow Family and their gatherings! 

Sure bet they are proud of themselves and congratulations all around!



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