Friday, June 28, 2024

Another lowlife Rainbow scumbag

Here we have a perfect example of yet another true Rainbow Family scumbag!

This is Adam Buxbaum who also goes by a Rainbow name of Finch.

He is one of the self proclaimed Rainbow Leaders and is very high up in the Rainbow Heirarchy and the Gang Of Nine.

Rainbow seems to be filling up full of vile and disgusting people that are continually welcomed by the Rainbow Family without reprecussions for the awful things they do and crimes they commit. 

Adam Buxbaum aka Finch is a prime example of someone that says they are Rainbow but continuously does things that are nowhere near what others consider to be true Rainbow.

He puts on a complete show of kindness to most but does horrible things to other people.

He was in charge of helping another brother drive a vehicle somewhere for them.

That person was arrested for something that saw him released nine hours later to find that Adam Buxbaun aka Finch had left the vehicle somewhere and stole all of the guy's belongings.

Adam Buxbaun aka Finch was later seen at shows selling pins that were stolen from the vehicle. 

I guess he gave some of his stolen and ill-gotten items to other Rainbow Family and Gang of Nine members which is a reason why they choose to overlook his criminal actions.

Definitely the modern Rainbow way that believes it is okay to steal from people as long as they share what they stole from other Rainbows and people in his travels.

This happened awhile back but keeps on popping up now and then by others that still feel it is wrong.

It is also a WELL KNOWN FACT that Adam Buxbaun aka Finch has repeatedly called the police on other Rainbow family and rumors have it that he is a Rainbow SNITCH that is funneling information to the Forest Service about the gatherings and the Rainbow family!

Another rumor has it that a long time Rainbow brother that had proof of his snitching was found dead of an overdose shortly before he was going to show everyone the proof. And guess who happened to be there? Adam Buxbaum aka Finch... of course! 

The guy didn't even use drugs!

This goes along with exactly what I have said before about having to be extremely careful about accepting ANYTHING from any of the Gang of Nine!!!

Especially with the ones that might have a problem with you because they know if they slip you some fentanyl your death will just be written down as the standard overdose with nobody knowing better other than the people that killed you. Kind of makes you start to wonder about other Rainbow related overdoses...

He IS the perfect example of someone that is once again welcomed by and fully supported by the Rainbow Heirarchy and the Gang of Nine even though they are awful terrible people that try and hide this from others hoping it goes away or is forgotten!

So beware if you ever meet this guy Adam Buxbaum aka Finch.

He hides behind a fake facade of kindness and caring but is the type of Rainbow that will want to give you a hug as they reach for your wallet to steal it from you and act like nothing happened! 

(Notice the reference to Scotia Fogelsanger?)

It truly sucks that you have to be weary of anyone that calls themselves Rainbow now a days!!!

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