Friday, June 28, 2024

DAMN James Parisho is a pretty fucked up guy!

So... James Parisho, the "focalizer" for the Arizona Rainbow Family and their Gatherings and the main supporter of bringing firearms into the church to "protect" people, made the news awhile back.

This article basically says how his family stopped somewhere and the guy could care less about watching his two year old son who was attacked by some dogs which he scared off with his gun.

I definitely would not leave a two year old child unattended in a strange place and nobody I know would either!

He was also recently at the Rainbow Meet and Greet at Memorial Park in Susanville claiming to "represent" and "speak" for Rainbow.

He is a hard-core Trump supporter who ran Rainbow Family Liberty camp.

The guy is a total gun freak and NRA supporter that also drinks and uses drugs around firearms which is highly illegal!

One might wonder how safe all his children are when he is drunk or high on drugs around them and firearms? 

Not a very responsible firearm owner!

The guy is a proven and proud white supremacist!

Whenever he has a problem with a female he always threatens that his "wife who is a veteran" will fuck them up for him.

He openly admits to intentionally creating violence at the Rainbow Gatherings along with assaulting many people. He is proud to "boot stomp" people.... his own words.

Along with admitting to violence he openly admits to vandalizing and destroying people's tents and property of people who he decides he does not want at the gatherings. 

He admits to calling people he does not like pedophiles in order to spread rumors about them and hope someone will do something to them. Definitely not a very kind thing to do!

Apparently even the leaders of the Rainbow Heirarchy and the Gang of Nine have problems with him but are to afraid to do anything about him due to him always carrying a firearm and his open ended threats and intimidations.

The guy was even threatening locals up at the gathering site which has gained  a lot of negative attention... 

This guy truly shows that anyone can come to a Rainbow Gathering because it is a free Forest and he is a perfect example of the darkness that has overtaken Rainbow gatherings. 

A prime example of when you hear people talking about the bad Drainbows that give the good Rainbow folk a bad name!

The fact that he is even the Rainbow "focalizer" for Arizona still is sick, insane, and truly fucking disgusting.

I guess people are too scared to do anything about him and just accept him.

Kind of reminds me of the old Death Camp folks awhile back! 

People would confront the Death Camp folks but won't confront this known violent gun toting white supremacist. And people really can't blame them because you never know if you might be his next victim of violence.

I have dozens of screenshots that deal with him that I will post later that shows alot of this.

All you have to do is type his name into the Facebook search bar and read through his public posts to see for yourself what a truly awful person he is in Rainbow land!

This particular Facebook post from a few years back is definitely an interesting read that involves some of the leaders of the Rainbow Heirarchy and Gang of Nine discussing him!

And people wonder what the fuck is wrong with Rainbow and what it has become?

Time to start letting people know who some of the true Drainbow scumbags are!

And some posts from the guy to the local Native Americans that supposedly "represents" and "speaks" for Rainbow...



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