Thursday, June 13, 2024

Rainbow conman, thieves, and grifters

It is insane at just how many of the modern Rainbow Family are conman, thieves and grifters!

They say money means nothing to them as they can spange or jug up what they need. If not... they will just steal whatever they need from others and always have some sort of justification, explanation,  or excuse as to why it was done and okay...

Sure, the gatherings, it's freedoms, and what goes on there have always attracted these people that call themselves Rainbow afterwards but the percentage of these type of people has taken over a vast majority of the Rainbow population now a days.

What really gets me and I have a hard problem understanding is just how accepted they are and welcomed by the Rainbow family!

I guess that if this is what Rainbow has become then they are just welcoming each other now a days.

It is truly amazing at just how many people in the travelling nomadic world despise and hate anyone they hear say they are Rainbow Family. And the talks about their own negative experiences with Rainbow are far to common.

The moment someone says they are Rainbow family you can instantly see the way people change and react knowing that some sort of shit show will happen, your things will go missing, or the hard drugs will start coming out. And complete lies non stop from them.

There definitely seems to be a far more amount of males that fit this generalization. 

I often hear people I consider to be true Rainbow brothers and sisters say how they would never tell someone they consider themselves Rainbow because they don't want to be instantly judged or considered bad people and looked down upon from the get go.

Pretty sad that this is becoming an acceptable standard in modern day Rainbow Land!

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