Friday, June 28, 2024

Man high on hallucinogenic mushrooms 'killed his cat named Sequoia on the side of the road'

This person goes by J.P. Lafleche online and on Facebook. 

This guy is a well known "Rainbow" brother and very much involved with this year's Gathering.

He is floating around the Susanville area trying to convince other Rainbows to resist and defy the vacate order that the Forest Service has put into effect.

It truly saddens me that this person is claiming to run a pet rescue and transportation service. 

After reading this article it makes me sick!

This is yet another example of the people that are running and ruining today's gatherings. 

It sad that Rainbow family welcomes him and others like him.

But I guess they need people like him to do their dirty work and toss to the side afterwards and he seems like the perfect example of what modern day Rainbow has become and the people who control it and are in charge!

Man high on hallucinogenic mushrooms 'killed his cat named Sequoia on the side of the road'

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