Thursday, June 6, 2024

OBITUARY: Creg ‘Spirit’ Hommey, 1966-2024

 OBITUARY: Creg ‘Spirit’ Hommey, 1966-2024

Creg Hommey, aka “Spirit,” was an urban legend from the Rainbow Family Gatherings. In Arcata he was famously known for the bunny. But in the rest of the country he was known famously as a permanent feature of just about every Rainbow gathering and the thousands and thousands of personal stories about him will live on. He will be missed by so many of us that loved him.

He didn’t do a lot. He was king of the bliss ninnies, and it was always speculated whether he was more leprechaun or elf, and whether there really were clones of him at other gatherings. But what thousands of his friends can say for certain is that they met him in a remote location in a national forest for their first Rainbow Gathering. And Spirit loved them all.

Creg Hommey was born April 12, 1966 in Orange County and passed April 28. He is survived by his sister, Alexzandria Hommey

Spirit, a magical creature who walked a path in the wild as one with nature. Most people couldn’t even imagine visiting as many beautiful remote places across this country as Spirit has. Or knowing so many people from every state in this country. As much as society had rejected him, he made up for it by finding the people who accepted him. He never had a lot but he always had love for us and Rainbow, and he will be remembered for that. He’s climbed many a mountain, and celebrated many actual rainbows.

He had the mind of a child, and the wisdom from being on the road for decades. He listened to the stories told around the heart fire and he really loved marijuana. If you had any, it was common for him to just magically appear; “Gotta nug?” “right on,’” “gotta cig.” As lore would have it, if you said his name three times he would arrive shortly after. He was always appreciative, and he always told us that he loves us.

Plans are being made to bring him to his last Rainbow Gathering this summer in California. May the four winds blow you safely home, brother.

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