Monday, June 17, 2024

I'm not on your friend's list... HA HA HA HUH?

Had another idiot Rainbow brother try and insult me yesterday in a Rainbow Facebook group.

Tried to pull that same standard rainbow shit of trying to call someone a "feddie".

They have always had a fascination with using that word. I guess it is because a good majority are criminals that are constantly committing crimes and are truly looking over their own backs expecting to get arrested some day themselves and have to look out for feddies all the time because the crimes they often commit are on Federal Property.

So, in all reality, it's not much of an insult!

The hilarious thing is that the brother then goes on and says something about not having any mutual friends on his Facebook with me and gave me the finger sign.

I find it hilarious because we do indeed have hundreds of mutal friends together and I AM A FRIEND ON HIS FUCKING FACEBOOK ACCOUNT!

Been a friend for years!

Just not on my main profile with my real name that I use. 

I have nothing to hide from anyone as alot of these Rainbow folk do.

I have over 3500 people that are purely Rainbow related on my friends list on my other profile that I use to keep track of Rainbow discretely. 

I chose to make that profile over a decade ago as a way for people to not be able to ban or block me and prevent me from seeing what is said by some people and in groups. 

I guess that persona grew from there into what it is today.

Loose lips sink ships and not a single person but myself knows who this persona is and what it even identifies as.

I have that profile on a second phone that is only used on that phone along with it's corresponding email account for the same purpose. That phone is used for nothing else.

Yeahhh... if you are one of those Rainbow folks that like to accept other Rainbow friends requests or add people just because they are Rainbow... 10 to 1 I am on your friend's list!

Don't even want to get into how many private Facebook groups I am in and how I'm on most of the Gang of Nine's friends list.

Even thought about trying to nestle my persona into some admin or moderator positions but decided against it so far...

Definitely walking a tight rope that will not be discovered anytime soon!

People constantly assume I am a stupid individual! 

If they only knew...

Maybe they will one day in a book?

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