Sunday, June 2, 2024

If I had a hundred dollars...

... for every Rainbow I have met that are thieves and steal... the magic hat would never need another donation ever again!

No shit!

They will steal something from someone, somewhere, or an establishment and always have some sort of justification, reason, explanation, or excuse of why they do it or why it is okay!

Pretty pathetic at just how common it has become lately.

Pretty pathetic at just how common it has become amongst Rainbow and accepted as a norm.

Even the Rainbow that don't steal have no problem in sharing the rewards of the thefts by others.

Someone will show up with some cannabis and be asked where they got it. They will say they stole it from someone and everyone around will be like RIGHT ON LET'S SMOKE!

And it goes far beyond that.

They steal people's food.

They steal people's crystals and stones.

They steal people's pipes.

They steal people's lighters.

They steal people's animals.

They steal people's automobiles.

They steal people's gas.

They steal people's clothes. 

They steal people's IDs.

They steal people's wallets.

They steal people's purses.

They steal people's shoes.

They steal people's sleeping bags.

They steal people's drums.

They sreal people's guitars. 

They steal people's hats.

They steal people's drugs,

They steal people's tobacco. 

They steal people's patches.

They steal people's jewelry. 

They steal people's water.

They steal people's books.

They steal people's pins.

They steal people's flags.

They steal people's innocence. 

Shit... there is not much they won't steal if they can.

And they know it is easy to just disappear and move on down the road to the next town or city. 

Most of them are proud of this and like to show off or share their ill-gotten gains with others as if it is a big game they all play.

The greatest thieves are even looked up to!

People always wonder how a good amount of the Rainbow seem to always get by and make money and continue their nomadic life non stop.

It is because the beg, steal, or sell drugs!

And always moving to a new place makes those three things easier for them and helps keep them from getting caught!

Yeah... that magic hat would definitely be filled!

And remember that if you steal and share... sharing is caring so it is okay!


Today there was a very interesting post on one of the Rainbow groups that had over a hundred comments in response. In ALOT of those comments Rainbow family openly discussed how they steal from people while they are at the gatherings and that it was okay because everyone does it and how they consider it a "game".

That post was just removed after the admin/moderators realized just how bad it made the Rainbow family look and not wanting people to see the truth about it!

Swept under the rug so they can try to pretend and say it doesn't happen and continue to try to not look as bad as they really are!

Rainbow family are experts at sweeping shit under the rug hoping nobody will see it or find it and and acting like their shit don't stink!

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