Sunday, June 2, 2024

Rainbow Family Of "Living Light"

The one thing has fascinated me when it comes to the Rainbow Family Of "Living Light" from when I was younger is the aspect of said "light".

More so the energy side of the meaning.

Now, I have had the discussions about energy with thousands of Rainbows as I am sure many have. You truly get to find out about others with these discussions.

After you filter through all the bullshit newage sewage shit... you meet some very true and unique individuals and the same said about experiences with them.

I learned of energy before my first gathering or knew anything about Rainbow. But Rainbow helped teach me and learn about energy and what I sought.

My first true experience with energy was when I was young and in the Navy. Me and my partner were taking care of someone and I was monitoring the person's vital signs manually with my fingers on their pulse. All the sudden the kid's pulse stopped and I felt something go through my fingers into my arm and then when it hit my chest it was gone. Honestly though I was about to have a heart attack. The kid fucking died. Everyone kept asking me if I was okay and kept saying I was pale. My CO sent me home.

Anyways... shortly afterwards the voice in my head ended up getting me to my first Dead show. Still in the Navy. Never even heard of them before. That was a Hampton Virgina show in the early nineties. I got out of the Navy shortly after and pretty much went to Dead lot.

That introduced me to Rainbow "family" and the Gatherings.

I feel that in order to be whole you need to know both about the light and the dark in full. The negativity and the positivity equally. How people become whole varies with everyone but once you get there you are there with the rest.

Alot of the people pretend or lie or really think they are whole when they are far from it.

Not everyone is ready to spend their time hanging out in Shady Grove with a Touch of Grey... so to say.

At Rainbow gatherings there seem to be a lot of people searching for something than only happens through energy.

Becoming whole.

Yet... they practice and preach their high holy light bullshit almost to a point where it becomes cultish.

I don't even know what a living fucking light is?

These people are definitely never going to become whole because they truly ignore, shame, and shun the other half thinking for some reason that they can combat it or destroy it or change it.

They need to learn more about the other half to understand and except it. Then it will truly show them why their self righteous high holy asses will never be whole unless they come to different and new understandings about energy and being whole.

And it goes Vice versa...

And no one can say whole is going to be easy when you get there!

It is truly hard to remain neutral in the world of energy.

And all these idiots throughout Rainbow Land that go around trying sell energy through their "work" or "talents" you will never be whole and it is not somewhere money will take you!

Ladies beware of them MANY rainbow brothers that want to help you with energy, chakras, or massages.... most of them just want to feel you up!

Energy can not be bought though people sell it and make bank off of it. It is meant to be free and shared by all.

Have I learned some dark lessons and done dark things in my life. Absolutely. Spread the light? Plenty. We all have, can, and will... if we choose to. And really figure out how. No one can truly show another but the hints are everywhere and always have been throughout time.

I am an asshole all the time and definitely have to make up for it three fold all the time...

Being whole is another whole story down a different hole...

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