I don't know about the Rainbow Gatherings and their gatherings leave no trace bullshit anymore!
These were two beautiful little meadows three weeks back! I wish my mind would have thought to take brfore pictures.
The damage is fucked considering the people that did this.
FUCK Rainbow and their gatherings!
Not only did they disrespect our land, here in Vermont in it's only National Forest, they have also disrespected the locals and the rest of Vermonsters. This is the second smallest populated state ya know. The biggest "city" is Burlington which onky has around fourty five thousand people.
Forest Service came to my camp and politely asked me to leave in the morning. We had a good long talk. An elder female and male who have worked here a long long time. THEY were highly disappointed at what was left, and as a result, they are closing the gate and all vehicle access past it.
Pretty much closing it to everyone and preventing others from coming along and destroying it further by four wheeling there now. It will not be open for the rest of the summer. So many Vermonsters come here and utilize this area for camping and more. NO LONGER!
We also talked about how a grey Subaru came down from there the other day. The people in the car had to be going over 50 mph and almost wrecked right by my camp. They hit and took down two solid reflector signs down that were showing a creek. Fucked their car up and left pieces of it. The signs flew a good thirty five feet and slammed into some trees beside where I am parked. Those trees saved my truck from being hit and killing my dog. She was freaked out for over a day and wont go on that side of my truck anymore. The forest service guy was further up the road when it happened and they flew by him too. I put the reflectors back next the creek to mark it still...
Pretty fucked up!
There was someone up where front gate was, with a bunch of trash, waiting and hoping someone would take it. The Forest Service helped him and said he took all the trash he could put in the truck. GREAT and KIND people! Front Gate was basically a group of people, with some chick and her small child, flagging down people to try and bum beer, tobacco, or cannabis. After going back up there I have to give credit to whomever cleaned that camp up. Some guy in a VT plated Subaru with a wheel barrel on top. It was spotless and they deserve props for sure!
All this really sucks as I was planning on using this spot in my rotation this summer. And I am sure many Vermonsters were going to come out here for the rest of the summer and fall only to be like WTF and disappointed.
All for what?
Northeastern Rainbow Family (NERF), Vitto the Fakebow, and their parking lot kitchen could do whatever the fuck they wanted? GREAT parking lot gathering huh? You guys got your way for sure! If anything says something about the people of NERF this truly speaks volumes as to just how fake these people are and just how far they are from any such visions of Rainbow than others. When Vitto the Fakebow told me he didn't give a fuck about clean up and to let Forest Service deal with it... he wasn't kidding huh? Fuck em!
North East Rainbow Gatherers (NERG) is just as bad! I talked to them trying to see about what would be done about cleanup. Was told they did not care and were not doing cleanup. Said they had better things to do and didn't want to deal with it. WTF? I quit reading their pathetic messages and excuses...They are truly worse than NERF! They are Vermonsters who live up in Burke Hollow. They are the ones that sent out the Howdy Folks 10 days before seed camp even started because they wanted credit. Guess they are running from any credit or responsibility nowadays! THEY focalized and invited people to this shit show. And THEY could give a fuck about what THEY have done and truly responsible FOR IT ALL!
If anyone reads this because they were looking for anything about the 2023 Vermont Rainbow Gathering... these are the people responsible for getting this area of the only National Forest shut down to everyone and for the immense amount of environmental damage done. Go to their Facebook groups and voice your disgust! Silas and Crystal are the admins of the NERG group and DIRECTLY responsible for this shit show. Say hi to them!
My heart hurts for our forest but it hurts more from Rainbow dying in my heart today. I will only have nothing good to say about Rainbow and the people that claim to be Rainbow and act as if they are supposed kind and caring people that care about our National Forests and the locals. Three decades and dozens of gatherings and I am officially done. I don't share their vision anymore after seeing this and the last five gatherings I went to over the past two years...
Here are a some photos and a video of what environmental damage was done and not a single fucking person that claims to be Rainbow seems to fucking care! I didn't feel like walking the trails again. I did the other day and forgot my phone to take pictures. You can only imagine what those trails look like to. Just as bad... As were most the sites people used for their camps. Truly pathetic. Keep in mind those mud trenched "roads" were not there before in the meadows that were completely destroyed...
Yes... Rainbow is truly dead to me once and for all!