Saturday, August 5, 2023

Vermont gathering has become an environmentally damaging shit show


So now the North East Rainbow Gathering (NERG) Facebook group decides who and what they want people to post on their group?

Another fucking Rainbow dictatorship that only proves that Rainbow IS a fucking organization, with leaders and members, that is nothing like what Rainbow truly is and should be!

I removed this part of my post because I don't want to shit on other Vermonsters AND fellow Rainbow brother and sisters even if they CHOOSE to disrespect me and treat me Iike shit!

I truly love my fellow Vermonsters... even the peice of shit ones!

I choose to not be like them though... and THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE!

NERG, NERF, FERN and NEMF... get off of your power trips and almighty fucking egos and quit being responsible for the current destruction of Rainbow and our gatherings! 

Can't you all fucking get along?

What new NE Rainbow group will someone create next to stoke their egos and power trips over others?

You too NERF!

You should be ashamed Jane! 

And to think I had the upmost respect for you and your visions... 

Control your members of NERF and their parking kitchen with the drug dealing festival/party that could care less about our land and the damage being done huh?

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