Sunday, August 13, 2023

So the 2023 Vermont Regional is over

This was no Rainbow gathering either way. It was a parking lot shit show of a party sponsored by NERF, their kitchen, and Vitto the Fakebow with his little gang of traveling homeless grifters! Far from any Rainbow gathering I have ever seen or been to in the last three decades! I have never seen so many out of plate cars come and leave as quick as they came basically realizing what I do. Sure proved NERF is out of control and dead now a days...

"Fuck this! This ain't no gathering!" type of mentality. Even talked with quite a few people leaving, and in town, that said that same thing...

I think I am done going to gatherings, what so ever, after taking to the NERG guy and hearing him say that they could care less about the mess they focalized and created... and walked away from it with no intention of returning. I guess I had too much faith, in them being Vermonsters, to see that they were just as fake as most people claiming to be Rainbow today. I personally think they should shut down the NERG group and let others focalize any future gatherings in Vermont after such non blatant disregard for the mess they created in our only NF here!

Besides, after seeing so many Vermont plates come and trash the place then leave without cleaning up... I could care less about any Vermonsters I meet claiming to be Rainbow from now on! It is so fucking crazy how I have so much in common with them yet nothing at all........

I will just hard-core focus on my blog over the years and finish up the novel I have been working on, for the past twenty years, about a 15 yo Rainbow kid raised from birth at the gatherings, showing up at main circle during the silence and opening a duffel bag full of automatic weapons and... with an alteration of some guy named Ditto from the DERF kitchen being the first one to go down! Thinking about naming it The Day The Silence Got Loud! Maybe it will be an awesome movie some day...

Rainbow is on its way out....

And I no longer care it is dying and almost dead...

Let others clean up Rainbow's mess as usual... I guess!

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