Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Say whatever hateful shiat you want as long as you include...

Lovin you!


Peace and love!


Love and light family!

Love you family!

Lovin you all!


You know what all these have in common?

These are what usually are the last words a Rainbow leaves with online after they get through treating people like shit, threatening someone, making up lies about someone, bullying someone, ganging up on someone, or flat out being rude or disrespectful to someone.

It as if they honestly feel that those words makes it okay after they verbally abuse someone relentlessly online.

Makes them feel like they can get away with thier actions online as if it is a different world where they can do anything they want or say anything they want to whomever they want without any reprecussions or accountability for thier words and actions to anyone including the people they talk shit to.

This is usually done by people who act all righteous and hiholy thinking nothing will ever become of it. That they are untouchable online and when you do see them offline... they are truly fucking pussies that won't or can't back up their fucking mouths and the shit they say online only and run off too scared to answer for their own words. 

Keyboard fucking warriors who never have even been in a war like some of us!

They would rather run off to continue their abuse online than do it in person knowing that they just might get their ass beat to the ground .

People like Adam Buxbaum (aka Finch) who will do just that to people online or get his little group of friends to gang up and do it for him. Always throws in the "I am not violent" bullshit after he treats people like shit online or incites shit knowing that he gets others to commit the violence for him and on behalf of him. People gladly doing his bidding hoping to impress him and earn a spot in HIS Rainbow leadership and Heirarchy.

Always online constantly disrespecting, degrading, or insulting others with his word manipulations thinking he is the shit. And incites others to do the same and follow his lead.

He truly thinks it is funny by adding 🤣 🤣 🤣 afterwards.

And people like to do it right beside him following his lead like it is a big game...

I guess I'm just once again noticing just how so many Rainbow are abusive to others online in a post I was reading today.

Especially Finch!

People flat out acting like they are peaceful loving Rainbow hippies then showing that they are far from it. 

Ganging up together on some elderly folk knowing they won't stand up for themselves or can't even though they try. 

I guess it makes them feel better about themselves picking on others who are harmless and peaceful especially the elderly.

He even goes after the original people that created Rainbow including Barry recently.


The fact that most of the people doing this together right now are some of the admin and moderators of Facebook groups only makes it worse.

Finch even just told some original elders/olders he was goin to ban them from all the Facebook groups he moderates or is an admin in and have his friends do it in groups he's not in control of only because he does not like them.

(I have to get start taking screen shots of the shit that Finch posts when I first see it because he has a habit of saying awful shit to people so they read it then cleverly deletes his foul words so that people can't go back and reference them and denies he even ever says the shit. More of his game playing. Here is a perfect example of something negative he was saying about females that he deleted so people won't see what he really is like because he can't just edit it out because people could still read what was edited...)


These admin and moderators won't let others do what THEY DO but think they should be able to do it along their friends AND NO ONE CAN STOP THEM BECAUSE THEY CONTROL THE RAINBOW GROUPS!

ANYONE that speaks out against them get group shamed, ganged up on, slandered, or censored and banned.

How about this...

Why don't all you fucking shit talking people that like to fuck with people, but only online, come and find me next time, IN PERSON, and try the same shit to me in person?

I will GLADLY have a fucking "chat" with you!


And maybe realize that one day... someone might just walk up to you on the street when you least expect it and knock your fucking ass out for all the shit you like to talk online...

Yeah there are a lot of us peaceful people that CHOOSE to be non-violent yet have no problem being violent when provoked unnecessarily. 

Some of us being well trained in how to be violent, when needed, during our military services... at that!

You never know when you might piss off the wrong person online thinking you got away with it because it was online.

Especially with people that are strangers to you and you wouldn't know it when they WILL walk up to you ONE DAY!

The best way to create a problem is online...


Some say the pen is mightier than the sword...

But that sword will make it where you will never use that pen to write again.


Twista head pretenda dreads get that shiat off of your heads

I remember a time when you could always count on a brother or sister that you met who had dreadlocks. 

If you were a dreadie and saw another dreadie you pretty much knew you had something in common with them.

You could pull into any town or city and find a dreadie to hang out with and also knew that they could always help you in directing you to where the other people you have things in common with are hanging out and be accepted.

Not to mention that those dreadies always were a good way to find some ganja if you needed any and were out.

These people took the time and let their hair mat up and eventually after a lot of time and patience their hair would start to dread up on it's own and they would have beautiful dreads.

People were quite proud of their dreads.

Sisters were sexy in my opinion.

And then all the fucking twist a head pretend a dreads started showing up wanting to make their fashion statements of looking cool and hoping to jump right into different groups of people and instantly get accepted only because of their fucking hair.

These people could care less about the old way of time and patience in having your dreads naturally form over time and rape their heads with all their twisting, ratting, and knotting all the while paying some self proclaimed deadlock making expert to have them done.


Anyone can see that they have twist a head pretend a dreads versus the beautiful knobbies the natural dreads produce.

Dreadlocks became a fashion statement and a new breed of dreadie snobs started forming that seem to think they are better than any other hippie out there because of their twist a head pretend dreads. 

You can literally sit back and watch this shit happen over night with these people.

As soon as they get those twist a head pretend a dreads put in they automatically change who they are for some reason and now they act as if they are some kind of hippie fucking royalty that are then too good to hang around others unless they themselves have the same twist a head pretend dreads.

Little groups and cliques formed over the years that constantly look down on others...

And Rainbow fucking loves them because a good majority of them are the same.

You a pedophile but have dreadlocks?


You a junkie with dreads?


You a thief with dreads? 



Most of the older dreadlocks that I know no longer have their dreads.

And we all say the same thing.

Rainbow now a days will treat people with dreadlocks differently than those without... and not in a way it used to be.

Now a days you will have some nobody who made their dreadlocks last week that show up out of nowhere, knows nothing about Rainbow, but are all the suddenly old Rainbow Family and insert themselves into anything and everything they can simply because they have those new dreads. And are wecomed without question.

Made up pasts based on lies and accepted because of dreadlocks.

Those that cut off their dreads can walk up to people who know them and they will ignore them as if they are a nobody until they realize who they are .

You can have a long time hippie who has been to a hundred gatherings sitting in a circle trying to say something and no one will give them the time of day but some new person coming to their first gathering will have twist a head pretend a dreads and all the sudden they are trustworthy Rainbow experts and listened to even though they don't know shit about anything or have any experience.

And others follow them blindly you know... because they have dreads...

This is what Rainbow has pretty much come to lately. 

These are the people that have taken over Rainbow.

People judging others because of their looks, what they fucking wear, or if they have dreads or not... or how dirty they are.

You ain't got dreads?

FEDDIE not family.

You ain't got patchwork clothes?

FEDDIE not family. 

You don't speak all that indoctrinated cultish word play of shit like WE LOVE YOU or WELCOME HOME constantly yelled at the top of their lungs?

FEDDIE not family.

But... if they simply have dreadlocks they are accepted unconditionally as one of them and automatically treated differently even if they are the most awful people out there and literally nothing more than scumbags.

And of course they all have their little groupies that follow them around like they are super stars!

Now a days when I see a dreadlocks I stay the fuck away from them because nine out of ten are fake ass twista head pretenda dreads that you know are nothing like the old dreadies of the day and will fucking rob you blind then run back to their little group of other twista a heads that will stand by them no matter what because they are a "dreadie".

Yeah... dreads are nothing more than the new scam sham in Rainbow that people utilize to get attention and their foot in the door to where they would never get the option of doing so before they raped their head of hair to fit in.

It is pretty pathetic now a days if you ask me.

I'm glad I no longer have dreads!

After decades of having them I can say I enjoy being a baldie!

Now I don't have to put up with all the losers that approach me simply because they think because they have twista head pretend a dreads and that I would automatically except them as my brethren. 

Life is so much easier now not being part of their cool kids clubs...

I find it comical when people from my past will walk right by me only to act like I don't exist because they don't see my dreads anymore then all the suddenly turn around and say Holy shit... it's you... you cut your dreads off.

No shit Sherlock and it's pretty schwag that you kept ignoring me until you realized that.

Yeah... not the type of people I care to have in my life anymore.

To fucking hiholy for me now a days...

When people accept or treat others differently simply because of their hair... that sure says a lot about those people.

And Rainbow now has an overabundance of these people.

A dime a dozen so to say... and not worth a cent.

Many of them are responsible for the degradation of the Gatherings if you ask me.

Why do people automatically assume that someone with dreads is more Rainbow than those without?

What a fucking joke!

Your twista head pretenda dreads don't mean shit to me and many others... and actually get you the opposite of what you expect to get.

We can see right through your bogus facade and charades...

I will glady accept and respect a baldie over any of these fake ass wannabes! 


Monday, August 12, 2024

Don't post directions online?

So lately a lot of people from the various regional Rainbow families are making a big deal about posting directions to THEIR gatherings online.

Some of their Facebook groups will erase posts with directions and even ban people.

They get really disrespectful towards people asking for directions to the point of if becoming ridiculous. 

You got some that want to suck up to these people to fit in and others that only seem to want attention and have something new to bitch, whine, and complain about. 

Wouldn't be Rainbow without all that..

I thought Rainbow Gatherings were supposed to be all inclusive and available to everyone.

They claim that it is because they don't want trolls or LEO to know where they will be?


As if LEO doesn't keep track of what the fuck is going on in the various places. 

Yeah... okay.


If a troll wants to find out where a gathering is then believe me they will find out...

Yeah... okay again.

No... what it pretty much comes down to is CONTROL! 

Leaders who CONTROL...




AND... I guess some personal kind of ATTENTION gain that floats their boats.


In all reality... these people only want to release the site directions after they have their select groups be a part of seed camp and hold their private back channel councils before others show up that might disagree, go against, or challenge their authority or decisions.

This is what Rainbow has become and has slowly been manipulated into becoming what these people think it should be and only these people.

They will come up with every explanation and excuse or reason why they are doing what they are doing to truly hide their intentions from as many people as possible because they are afraid someone will come along and knock them off their hiholy chairs and go back to being nothing with no influence over anyone.

These control issues are becoming common more and more as time goes by. 

Egos have always been there but now seem to be exploding more than ever.

And people are definitely taking notice and many choose to back away from Rainbow gatherings either temporary or permanently. 

The newbies are keeping it going until they realize the con, sham, and scam that is nothing like what they were told it would be.

And the cultish groups will always find their hew members seeking attention and suck them right up until there is nothing left.

Some of these modern gatherings seem to talk the talk of Rainbow and walk the walk of Rainbow but only for appearance sake to get people to come so they have new blood to stoke the blazing dumpster fires of their egos.


Gee... kind of defeats their fucking reasoning huh?


Yeah... I have actually thought about just recording all their lightline directions and having an app translate it into text and posting them on here.

Maybe when I get bored which comes and goes lately?

What are they going to do cry a fucking river?

What a fucking joke!

At least you get a healthy dose of seeing who is who in Rainbow land.

All the people talking that Rainbow talk and walking that Rainbow walk yet acting nothing like Rainbow when it truly comes down to it.

These modern gatherings are nothing more than an empty shell of a Rainbow Gathering on the outside and alcohol, drug, and ego fueled parties in the forest on the inside controlled by small select groups of people.

So... I saw this on Facebook...

This is on the White Mountain Regional Family Facebook page.

You know... thst new Facebook group that was formed by people who wanted the Leadership position and CONTROL over others because they didnt like the way that NERF would not let them into their Heirarchy. 

Just like the Mainebow, or the SMURF, or the North East Mountain family, or the NERG, or what the fuck ever new North East Rainbow Family offshoot that has been formed because they don't like how NERF has control over them and they want to have control instead and put in their own leaders, focalizers, admin, and moderators that have control to dictate how things will be.

Got to do something to get their own power and control over others in Rainbow Land so they can dictate what they want to happen personally. You know... keeping out the rest of Rainbow Family until they can have their private little decision making councils behind the scenes that only the people that back them will be allowed to attend.

Then release their new lightline that IS the ONLY Authoritative and OFFICIAL one.


How fucking hard can it be to make a simple recording?

I decided to use my alternative Facebook profile to message the Admin of this group asking for directions because I couldn't understand the lightline and their response was that we had no friends in common on Facebook and that I am not a MEMBER of THEIR group that I had to go by the lightline or ask another MEMBER of THEIR group if I even knew one or was even Rainbow.

Basically saying that they don't know me so they won't send me the directions.

I didn't even respond back...

How this is all inclusive and considered Rainbowish is beyond me.

Ya got to ask what kind of shady ass sheisty shit these people are pulling with their secretive cabal MEMBERSHIP and cultish control over what they feel Rainbow should be and want it to become under the control they have created.

And no one even questions their intentions or motives and accept their LEADERS and what they do and say... only because they are all like YAY! ANOTHER PARTY IN THE FOREST! WOO HOO! NOW WE CAN GET SOME GOOD DRUGS!

Rainbow is a fucking joke now a days under the CONTROL of a select few individuals and nothing near what it used to be all about.


It is not the internet that is wobbling the gatherings...


The main reason Rainbow and it's gatherings have changed to much is because too many people over the past few decades have decided they know what it is better for Rainbow than than even the people that helped create it.

Rainbow seemed to work fine untill all these new random idiots decided they could make it better when they are in charge!

That is working really fucking well I guess.

These people will not be happy until they personally destroy what Rainbow was and make it into what they want and feel it should be... and have control over who they want there! 


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Another pathetic Rainbow brings guns in the "church"

Yet another Rainbow who could care less about bringing guns up into the gatherings.

Not only that but telling others it is okay?

Says a lot about theses modern Rainbow Gatherings where people feel they need to bring a gun to protect themselves at a gathering that is supposed to be about peace!

Rainbow Gatherings are now so dangerous to the point of hippies having to carry firearms for self defense.

Ironic that they would even call themselves Rainbow if they can't even respect the decisions of "no guns in the church".

I guess that it has grown to the point that people just don't actually give a fuck about Rainbow and just want to go to the party in the forest...

Guns are so common that no one seems to give a shit about them being there anymore... unless they want an excuse to yell at LEO!

It is only time before someone else gets shot at a gathering again or we have another drunken Shawnee incident involving a gun...

What a fucking joke!


Native American tribes think Rainbow are a problem on Mount Shasta?

I find it truly amazing that the Native American Tribes and the locals around Mount Shasta have such a problem with the Rainbow Family when they come to the area.

Yet... they seem to have no problem with the various new age sewage groups that come to the mountain and do nothing but disregard and disrespect the basic beauty and sacredness of the mountain in general.

This weekend there has been a group of over a hundred Wixarika people that are from Mexico on the mountain here to have a psychedelic fueled party that they are calling a ceremony.

They told the Forest Service that they were here for a "family" gathering and not a paid to attend event.

A gathering that people pay $250 and more to attend...

Basically paying money to use drugs and call it a spiritual ceremony where they can act as if no rules or laws apply to them.

These people seem to have no respect for the sacredness and peacefulness of the mountain or the people on it.

They are driving their cars through the meadows. Actually removing the rocks in place that are there to prevent people from driving in sensitive areas that they are not supposed to be.

Literally driving into the tree lines where they are parking and setting up their camps.

They could care less about anyone around them and are swarming the area like fucking cockroaches and showing little if any respect to the others using the area.

The damage that their vehicles are causing will last for a very long time in this high elevation and the sensitive areas.

They are building fires even though there is a fire ban in place which includes ceremonial fires. It is not like they don't know that they are not allowed to have fires up here as they drive right by the big temporary led sign that is all lit up on the way up the mountain saying this.

They are all high out of their minds screaming at the top of their lungs like they are possessed at 5 in the morning and pounding on drums non stop.

The amount of trash that these people are creating and leaving is tremendous especially the micro stuff that they seem to not give a shit about expecting that others will deal with it instead of them.

And you know that they will go back to Mexico without a care in the world about the damage they have done to the sacredness of this area and the health of the mountain.

They will be posting on Facebook about what a great time they had on the sacred and beautiful mountain and how it was life changing for them yet failing to mention the damage they have done to the mountain in the process or their major disrespect they are showing to others...

But Rainbow are the fucking problem?

You won't see any of the local Native American Tribes or locals making a fuss about these people's drug fueled paid for party in the forest!

These people have done more damage with their vehicles in the past few days than any Rainbow Gathering has ever done up here! And there will be no one holding anyone accountable for this.

Only to happen again next year and lining someone's pockets with all that cash these people pay to attend.

Yet it will be the local hippies that will go clean up after them...

Being up on the mountain this year has been pretty eye opening indeed!

It is crazy with the amount of non Rainbow related spiritual groups and events that come to this mountain and could care less about respecting it as long as they get those top dollars that people pay to attend...

Fucking disgrace if you ask me and anything but spiritual and actually far from it!

If I learned anything this weekend it is that the Wixarika people of Mexico are nothing more than fucking scumbags that seem to sell spirituality for the almighty dollar and could care less about any nature or the damages they have caused to it.

And the local Native American Tribes have a fucking problem with Rainbow?

The Wixarika people from Mexico are the fucking problem.

They are a disgrace and should be ashamed of themselves.

Hope their top dollar paid for "spiritual" drug fueled party was worth it!

Craziest thing about it all is that a couple hundred Mexicans are up here and have been awake for over two days using psychedelics and then just hop in their cars to drive back home!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Do Rainbow ever clean up after their dogs?

It seems like no matter where you go where there are Rainbow there is an overabundance of dogs.

Some take very good care of their dogs while others should not even have a dog in the first place.

Sometimes I think that some people only get their dog to use as a prop when they beg from people...

Just saw someone kick down a person some cash who then went to town and got beer and tobacco and are now asking others for kibble. Seems pretty common...

It truly does not matter if they are in a city, a National Forest, or on BLM land but they all seem to have one thing in common...

They never clean up their dog's shit!

You often get dozens of Rainbow dogs running free in areas that are very limited for camping. Every fucking one of them shit and piss everywhere around and in between various camps.

You always have to watch where you step when walking anywhere around them.

Even the people with agro dogs that are tied up don't bother cleaning up after them or burying their shit and just fling it aside.

Here is one way to look at it...

Two dozen fucking dogs in this small area.

Two shits a day and numerous pisses.

Forty eight shit piles a day.

Three hundred and thirty six piles of shit a week.

Pretty fucking disgusting and they could care less.

Not to mention about anyone else.

If they could figure out a way to make money off of all that dog shit I am sure they would be right on it!

I ALWAYS clean up after my dog either bagging it and taking it to a dumpster or digging a hole and burying that shiat!

Props to the other people that do too...


Friday, August 9, 2024

Definitely getting the taste of the Rainbow on Mount Shasta this year

What is it with the way Rainbow Family changes as soon as a gathering is over and they are in between gatherings?

They don't seem to care about trashing the National Forests here in Mount Shasta!

They have been constantly coming through and alot of them have been leaving their camp sites trashed when they leave. Been watching the local hippies that are routinely here doing nothing but cleaning up after them.

A few of them running around doing nothing but begging from people for food, dog food, water, and ganja or anything they can get. 

A couple new puppies given out to people that can't even take care of themselves not to mention afford to take care of a puppy at all...

There is a fire ban on the mountain which includes ceremonial fires but that doesn't seem to stop them from repeatedly having fires up at Sand Flat saying they don't give a fuck about the bans.

They say they care about the environment yet choose to repeatedly drive their vehicles into the meadows and places they are not supposed to park which is destroying the lands.

I keep watching people telling them they can't park where they do and get told to fuck off.

At least the large broken down RV is parked out of the way...

I guess the biggest issue some people have are the group of well known Rainbow from Slab City that have been here over a month even though there is a seven day camping limit. Having raging fires without any concern for anything except what they want to do.

Screaming and hollering non stop into the night. Fighting. Mass drunkenness and hard-core drug use. Shooting off firearms unsafely with no concern for others. Agro violent dogs. People pissing and taking shits everywhere and leaving piles with toilet paper and not even bothering to bury it...

Guess they got a self proclaimed "witch" from Slab City up there that seems to be the focal point of them all.

Trying to turn the Forest into her own Slab City and acting like she is there too...

Yeah.... the Rainbow Family are such great people!

That being said...

I have met a lot of good folk also.

If you can look past all the drama and shit talking about others behind their backs...

Definitely got my fill and taste of the fucking Rainbow already! 

Meadows occupied: Now the "Rainbow Family" is to vacate their camp

Meadows occupied: Now the "Rainbow Family" is to vacate their camp


Guess the German Rainbow Family are following the American Rainbow Family's core value of not giving a fuck about anyone but themselves. 

Holding a Rainbow Gathering on private land... 

And then taking over a neighbors private property and refusing to move until they "talk about it".


The Rainbow Family of Dying Darkness seems to be spreading around the world now! 

What's next...