Saturday, June 29, 2024

Yet another Rainbow scumbag and a danger to women

This predator and woman beater is named Stephen Slingluff.

This guy is a danger to women in and out of the gatherings. 

He has no respect for women.

Or anyone really!

He is known to stalk, harrass, intimidate and physically assault women.

Another person who claims to be and presents himself as Rainbow Family who goes around and acts like a kind, considerate, and loving brother when in reality he is an awful person and a complete douchebag. 

He has two seperate profiles on Facebook. If you look him up and read what he posts... there is no denying this idiot is looking for trouble whenever and wherever he can!

Here are two different seperate domestic violence articles about him from over the years.

Here is an article about him which shows the image he wants people to see of him versus the true scumbag he is!

Wallowa County Voices: He lives a 'nomadic' life

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