Friday, June 28, 2024

My email to the Lassen County District Attorney's Office

Who do I need to contact to file a complaint against Lassen County District 5 Supervisor Jason Ingram?
His actions of late, including self admitted and documented vandalism, harrassment, threats, and intimidation against citizens needs to be addressed.
His behaviors and actions seem to be quite unprofessional if not down right illegal.
It is hard to have faith in our local governments when people like him are doing what he currently is dojng to US citizens attending the current Rainbow gathering.
I would like to file an official complaint along with the proper documentation of his recent actions and his self admissions of crimes he recently committed.
I am one of hundreds that would like this information so we can all file legitimate complaints as individuals.
Public employees should be held accountable for any crimes they commit and all documentation needs to be known and given to the proper authorities.
Thank you


We have received your inquiry below, and I believe you would need to contact the Sheriff’s office to file a criminal complaint. Here is a link to the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office with their contact info and address Sheriff's Office | Lassen County. You may need to contact the Plumas County Sheriff’s office as well, here is a link with their info Sheriff/Coroner | Plumas County, CA - Official Website.

Thank you, 

Devin Chandler

Executive Assistant

Lassen County District Attorney’s Office

2950 Riverside Dr. #102

Susanville CA 96130

And a second response...

It was recommended that I pass along the Plumas County DA’s website with their contact info as well:

District Attorney | Plumas County, CA - Official Website 

Thank you,

Devin Chandler

Executive Assistant

Lassen County District Attorney’s Office

2950 Riverside Dr. #102

Susanville CA 96130


People need to start emailing the Plumas County Sheriff's Department and the Plumas County District Attorney's Office to file an official complaint to be put on record!

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