Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Vermont gathering is happening

People might think that everything I have been saying about last years gathering was not real.

The Silas and Crystal shenanigans that I have spoken of are quite real indeed!

Silas and Crystal have been trying to hijack the NERF gatherings for almost a decade now and lying and spreading false information.

They have no respect for any other Rainbow family and show it non stop.

It seems the only thing they have been after has been wanting to force their presence into some sort of Rainbow history and for some reason feel the need to insist they are the only people in charge of the Vermont gatherings acting as if they want to be or are some sort of leaders versus being actual focalizers.

Last year they "focalized" the Vermont gathering and felt it was only about them and no one mattered but themselves. 

They released their Howdy Folks long before the start of the gathering and against Rainbow traditions only because they heard others planned on doing it and needed to be first to boost their egos and say they were in charge.

People showed up early to the site unprepared and it was the start of an alcohol fueled parking lot shit show that resembled nothing like a Rainbow Gathering. 

Then they showed up as if they thought they were some kind of Rainbow gods and chose to pretty much disrespect Rainbow traditions further along with the other gatherers and our councels.

They seem to like to force their words upon others then get up and leave the councel and not listen to everyone else and act like children.

It seems they are doing the same thing again this year already!

Because of last year's unexpected MAJOR storms in Vermont the land and meadows they gathered on were literally destroyed from people driving and parking on them due to oversaturation from the recent storms. STORMS SO BAD THE ONLY WAY INTO OR OUT OF THE GATHERING WAS WASHED OUT and needed repairs before anyone could leave.

Automobiles getting stuck in the meadows caused more damage getting them unstuck.

I personally asked Vito (from the NERF kitchen that did fuck all with that kitchen) who was doing the clean up and rehabilitation and was told by him directly "Not us. We are leaving tomorrow.  LET FOREST SERVICE DEAL WITH IT! IT IS THEIR PROBLEM NOW!"

Hearing that made me kind of agro so I decided to contact Silas and Crystal, the "focalizers" of the gathering, and ask him if they were going to help cleanup and rehabilitate only to find out they were the first people to pack up and leave.

Silas' words when asked were "We have better things to do and are already home. It is someone else's problem now. WE JUST FOCALIZED IT!"

Forest Service ended up locking the gate and closing the forest access for the rest of the year. We was the last person out before that happened.

Vermonster locals not allowed to use THEIR own forest was a shame and Rainbow could have cared less!



People seem to want ego boosts and recognition as being some sort of major Rainbow players now a days and it does not matter what the cost to others and Rainbow itself might be because of them!

Just thinking about them and their actions over the previous years gets me pissed off and I can never seem to put my thoughts about them and their shenanigans into words without being agro.

Fortunately someone else has spoken my mind with better words than anything I could say...

(I find it amusing and ironic that someone has taken it upon themselves to write the above song about the Rainbow Gatherings and decided to copyright it!)

Wonder if they will disrespect the land again at this year's gathering? 

Will they use the same spot again because they are truly lazy and just want a place they know they can throw another alcohol fuels parking lot shit show again?

Wonder if Silas and Crystal will now go into the full on crazy batshit mode that they are well known for and create the drama and attention they seem to seek non stop?

Definitely gonna forward their intentions on to the Green Mountain National Forest workers so they know they are coming!

These people, Silas, Crystal, and Nerf are solely responsible for making me never want to gather again after 30 years and dozens of gatherings! 

Vermont used to be one of the greatest gatherings in Rainbow Land and now it has become a complete shit show!

I will always remember my last Rainbow gathering as being in the state I love and call home even if it was on a negative note!

At least when people meet Silas and Crystal from now on they will already know just how far from Rainbow they truly are and nothing but fake ass motherfuckers who only look at Rainbow as something they can use for their own personal gain and inflating their theirown egos!

Word spreads fast through Rainbow land!

This is EXACTLY why Rainbow has no leaders and what happens when people try to become leaders of Rainbow for whatever personal greedy reasons and motives they might have in doing so!

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