Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Safety at the gathering

For anyone that might feel unsafe at this year's gathering you should put those fears at rest!

You can always hook up with the Arizona Rainbow family focalizer James Parisho who has taken it upon himself to continuously disregard and disrespect Rainbow's traditions of NO GUNS IN THE CHURCH!

He will definitely have your back with his trusty firearm strapped to his side or rifle slung over his shoulder while he hovers over people at main circle and councels staring people down and getting his kicks and ego inflated while being proud of his intimidation tactics!

Funny how our President's son was just found guilty of being a drug user in possession of a firearm yet James has no problem being high as a kite and using drugs while having his firearms at our gatherings. HE SURE STANDS BY HIS SECOND AMMENDMENT RIGHTS YET COULD CARE LESS ABOUT BREAKING THE LAWS BY USING DRUGS AND OWNING A FIREARM... that VOIDS his 2ND ammendment rights! 

If you don't feel comfortable with being around firearms in our church then you can always look for Jesus Joe the Bible Thumper. Jesus Joe is ALWAYS prepared with his cans of bear mace ready to use it on anyone he sees fit as he has just shown at this year's Arizona Love Gathering when he bear maced a crowd! James was also there with his firearms to "protect" our gatherings too! 


AND... if you are really nervous about your saftey you can always choose to stay at Acamp where their weapons of choice are shovels which they have no problem using against others and have been used to harm many people throughout Rainbow history!

Sure seems most the violence at the gatherings come from the Rainbow "focalizers" and gatherers themselves!

So... you should have nothing to worry about at a Rainbow Gathering with all the hippies and their weapons of choice that are there to protect us and keep us safe!

Guess we now need to add metal water bottles to the list!

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