Wednesday, June 5, 2024

PSA: Beware of this Rainbow Facebook group!

Rainbow Facebook groups are a dime a dozen now a days but every once in awhile people create groups for their own nefarious intentions.

There is a group with the very simple name of Rainbow Family Of Living Light.

This one:

The person that runs this particular group hides behind dozens of different lame ass fake profiles and uses them as admins and moderators in the group.

This person is apparently trying to revolutionize Rainbow to their own beliefs, wants, and needs whatever those might be. And they continously spread mass amounts of disinformation and full blown made up ideas when it comes to Rainbow.

They seem to be connected to Silas and Crystal and are shitting on the traditions of Rainbow and spreading fake council news while ignoring the real councils.

That might confuse anyone who searches for Rainbow on Facebook including new people that are attempting to learn about Rainbow.

They are in all reality trying to force their own Rainbow propaganda upon other Rainbow and change Rainbow and it's traditions.

You can not believe anything that is posted on that group from the moderators or admin.

They censor, block, or ban anyone that openly question them and proudly boast that they think they should decide who is welcome or who is not!

Not very Rainbow and not very Welcoming Home of them!

These same moderators and admin openly admit that they hide behind all their made up names so that no one can figure out who they are. But people DO know and it will eventually come out!

If you go through their list of MEMBERS you will notice just how many fake profiles they have as admin and moderators! 

Facebook has a policy against such fake names and profiles! 

If you get bored I highly suggest reporting those profiles to Facebook and flagging them as fake!

Rainbow love their games so play one!

Good thing they only have 1200 members. Most people that are true Rainbow have no need to hide who they are even when using their gathering names!

These people are trying to hide and there are reasons they do this...

If you truly want to learn about the real Rainbow and their gatherings and ways or meet some really good people in the process that truly care about Rainbow which is dying out...

I highly suggest this group as your goto Rainbow Facebook group and pretty much ignore any others that are trying to be a main Rainbow Facebook group...

There are 45 thousand members to meet people and find out about Rainbow there.

And they use censorship only when needed even though it doesn't seem Rainbow like to censor others.

At least the admin and moderators are real people not hiding behind made up names with nothing to hide!

Separate regional Facebook groups seem untouched!

Now go on and JOIN the Rainbow Heirarchy and become a MEMBER of the Gang Of Nine!


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