Sunday, June 2, 2024

One of the Gang of Nine groups on Facebook

The Gang of Nine is alive and well and as strong as ever!

This is the main Rainbow group on Facebook that the actual Gang of Nine has full control of.

And remember... Rainbow has no membership but you can join the Gang of Nine's group and be their member!

They love to censor people that question their hatred.

As you can see their leader Scotia Fogelsanger is right in there as are some of the other 8 people that make up the main core of leadership within the Gang of Nine.

Notice how their leader Scotia has two Facebook profiles?

That is because when people ban her for her nonsense and hateful rhetoric she has the other profile so she can still see what people who don't like her say and talk about. This way she can keep track of her enemies and be aware of what is said by them!

That profile can be banned to but they all have other fake profiles they use anyways to spew their hatred and it can't be traced to them! If you watch some of the profiles of people that encourage the hatred you can figure who they really are pretty quickly!

Don't forget that PSA that the sister put out on Facebook around this time last year speaking openly about the Gang of Nine. She shared who she narrowed down the leaders to be...

Her VIDEO is actually a good watch!

And these people have control of a Rainbow group of over 40,000 people? 

Such hatefulness amongst those people. 

The Gang of Nine are all homophobic and transphobic. 

And antisemitic to top it off!

I hear Scotia will not be making it to this gathering this year.

Guess she had her fill  from poisoning someone and trying to kill them last year?

But... just because she will not be there it does not mean that the other Gang of Nine and their foot soldiers won't be there to continue any violence or do as Scotia sees fit from afar!

If you are on any of their bad sides...



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