Friday, August 9, 2024

Definitely getting the taste of the Rainbow on Mount Shasta this year

What is it with the way Rainbow Family changes as soon as a gathering is over and they are in between gatherings?

They don't seem to care about trashing the National Forests here in Mount Shasta!

They have been constantly coming through and alot of them have been leaving their camp sites trashed when they leave. Been watching the local hippies that are routinely here doing nothing but cleaning up after them.

A few of them running around doing nothing but begging from people for food, dog food, water, and ganja or anything they can get. 

A couple new puppies given out to people that can't even take care of themselves not to mention afford to take care of a puppy at all...

There is a fire ban on the mountain which includes ceremonial fires but that doesn't seem to stop them from repeatedly having fires up at Sand Flat saying they don't give a fuck about the bans.

They say they care about the environment yet choose to repeatedly drive their vehicles into the meadows and places they are not supposed to park which is destroying the lands.

I keep watching people telling them they can't park where they do and get told to fuck off.

At least the large broken down RV is parked out of the way...

I guess the biggest issue some people have are the group of well known Rainbow from Slab City that have been here over a month even though there is a seven day camping limit. Having raging fires without any concern for anything except what they want to do.

Screaming and hollering non stop into the night. Fighting. Mass drunkenness and hard-core drug use. Shooting off firearms unsafely with no concern for others. Agro violent dogs. People pissing and taking shits everywhere and leaving piles with toilet paper and not even bothering to bury it...

Guess they got a self proclaimed "witch" from Slab City up there that seems to be the focal point of them all.

Trying to turn the Forest into her own Slab City and acting like she is there too...

Yeah.... the Rainbow Family are such great people!

That being said...

I have met a lot of good folk also.

If you can look past all the drama and shit talking about others behind their backs...

Definitely got my fill and taste of the fucking Rainbow already! 

Meadows occupied: Now the "Rainbow Family" is to vacate their camp

Meadows occupied: Now the "Rainbow Family" is to vacate their camp


Guess the German Rainbow Family are following the American Rainbow Family's core value of not giving a fuck about anyone but themselves. 

Holding a Rainbow Gathering on private land... 

And then taking over a neighbors private property and refusing to move until they "talk about it".


The Rainbow Family of Dying Darkness seems to be spreading around the world now! 

What's next...


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rainbow Family Life Stories

Interviews with Rainbow Family of Living Light folks conducted by Jodey Bateman between 1977 and 2008. Scanned in 2018. Jodey may be contacted on Facebook or by email at

( All the different pdfs (stories) are on the left. )


People of the rainbow : A Nomadic Utopia

Rainbow, a book by Phil Coyote

Rainbow Gatherings have been held worldwide since 1972. The first one was held in Colorado, USA. Phil Coyote was there in the beginning during the years before 1972 helping to create the first gathering. In his book, Rainbow, Phil tells the story of his life, his involvement in the inception of these gatherings and many of the characters and times they shared. Phil continues to update his book from time to time. Please enjoy this wonderful account of the beginnings of the worldwide phenomenon that is Rainbow. :) 

( ☊ button reads it out loud and the circle with 3 dots lets you download a pdf )


Largest Gathering Of A Non Organization Made Up Of Non Members

In this video, Luke Rudkowski interviews Vermine Supreme an American performance artist and activist who has run as a candidate in various local, state, and national elections in the United States. The two met at the national gathering where over 10,000 people met at the national forest and created an alternative society. We discussed how this community came about, hassles from authority and how this is all happening. (2016)


Living Color Living Sound (Washington Rainbow 2011 documentary)

FILM DESCRIPTION: Living Color Living Sound is an experimental documentary on the American Rainbow Family's 40th Annual National Rainbow Gathering. Shot in Washington State's Gifford Pinchot National Forest in July of 2011, and completed as a master thesis in Visual and Media Anthropology from the Free University Berlin. The American filmmaker, StarLynn Jacobs, has created this sensorial document as a introduction to this diverse group she identifies with, one which functions without official leaders or doctrines, uses consensus, and is open to all. An auto-ethnographic glimpse of a thriving thread of American life that attempts to operate outside the hyper-capitalistic world of the "dominant culture." 

EXCERPT (Jacobs 2011): "This year's 40th Annual U.S. National Rainbow Gathering in Washington States's Gifford Pinchot National Forest was my eleventh Rainbow gathering. […] In one way though, this year's gathering was a first for me, as it was my first gathering to participate in while playing the role of a visual anthropologist with the intention to conduct fieldwork and to create an ethnographic film. Serendipitously, through the fieldwork, the topic of first-gatherings, first-time gatherers and “firsts” in general, became a theme for my work. [...] One of the most striking observations which stood out to me at this gathering, was the amount of “first-timers” that I met. Instead of going on a hunt to find the people who I thought played some of the key roles in the family, I decided to stay true to the Rainbow spirit by acknowledging that all roles are equally important, and to let the unfoldment of research happen naturally. It was a refreshing experience to meet so many first-timers who were in awe of the unexpected love they felt and to observe so much new energy and changing ideas, helping to keep the family organically growing. On the other side, with further observation, I also found a red flag of warning about the dangers which could occur with an influx of new energy coming into the family without any connection to the more experienced generations. In any case, it became obvious that the family is growing, and the observations that I made seemed to indicate that the Rainbow Family is at a new generational shifting point." SCREENED AT: -Moviemento Cinema Berlin, October 2011 -KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Autonomous University @7th Berlin Biennial, May 2012 Entered the Internet Archive November 2014


We Love you

We Love You and two extra little videos from the Internet Archive.

We Love You documents the Rainbow Rainbow Family of Living Light. Every summer since 1972 thousands of people co-create a temporary city deep in the wilderness of our national forests to practice anarchy and hippy spirituality. This isn't a music festival; there is no charge for entry and the main event is an elaborate prayer for peace on July 4th. The Rainbows peaceful ways are challenged when federal agents charged with monitoring them shoot pepper spray projectiles into the children's' area of the gathering. 

(Definitely give props to the 2nd little video after the main one)