Sunday, September 15, 2024

How amusing!

Actually... truly fucking hilarious if you ask me.

Apparently the main Rainbow Facebook group's admin lost their site!

Can't help but laugh...

Wonder if Amy fucked with the wrong people and made some enemies?

Props to the people who did it!

Gonna be interesting to see where THAT goes to next!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A much more proper Cumberween invintation...

Family Picture

Who doesn't like a song once in awhile? 

Gotta love the Dude of Life!

A PERFECT example of how Rainbow like to censor other's words on facebook.

Here is a perfect example of just how Rainbow like to censor AND DO CENSOR other people's comments and words that they disagree with OR DONT WANT YOU TO SEE on Facebook and HIDE them from all of us and the world to see. 

A well known tactic of the NRO Heirarchy.

Notice how it is showing that 24 comments were made but only 8 are showing and available for us to see?

Where are and what were those other 16 comments about that Paco wanted to hide from all of us since he can't delete other's comments and only hide them?

This particular thread was about the NEW Cumberween Spirit Gathering made by Greenbean Paco and some of those comments were screenshotted and posted before Paco DECIDED to GO OUT OF HIS WAY to hide and censor them!

There were comments that were simply questioning the picture he chose to use.

Along with Greenbean Paco attacking, shaming, and disrespecting a sister because she questioned HIS choice of a picture which he then turned around on her and used to personally attack and publicly shame her for all to see.

Definitely showing what Greenbean Paco and the Beaver Stew "kitchen" are truly about in the process!

Way to represent Rainbow and your "kitchen".

If he wants to censor and control others over a simple picture HE POSTED in the first place one can only imagine what this NEW gathering will honestly be like considering he IS one of the people IN CONTROL of IT and what goes on there.


Which obviously includes disrespecting sisters who clearly do not deserve it!

And if the NRO Heirarchy will censor simple things then it must make you wonder what serious things they are routinely censoring and want to keep from everyone else...

Those comments in the above linked post are from the post above in the picture but have been hidden from us.

Just another way the NRO Heirarchy uses to silence us so that ONLY their narrative is available to us and any comments questioning their narrative or behavior are hidden from all.

The sad thing is that those comments made still show up for the commenter looking as if they are available for all to read when in all reality they are hidden from everyone but themselves, the original poster of the post, and the admin and moderators of the group... which are ALL mainly controlled and enforced by the same NRO Heirarchy. 

They can simply hide your words and comments from others without you being privy to this happening!

Thus being censored and CONTROLLING what is ALLOWED for us to actually see and causing the conversations and discussions to ONLY go where they WANT them to go and hide what they DON'T want us to see...

...such as them being called out for their OWN behaviors or anything that questions their own motives and private agendas at play. 

Yeah... pretty fucked up and a very sheisty way of doing it as is!

What cha got to hide Paco?

I guess I was RIGHT about you and the Beaver Stew "kitchen" in the first place!


Maybe you should ask more sisters to PAY FOR your new bus you want huh?

Instead of disrespecting them?

Welcome the fuck home to THEIR home!

Monday, September 9, 2024

A rare apology....

Yeah... I apologize for apologizing!

My apology about the so called "kitchen" going by the name Beaver Stew has been rescinded. 

All I smell is shit coming from their "kitchen" and their septic tank filling up FAST...

After all it can be smelt from far way! 

Not only have I received a few emails saying they are not what they are trying to appear to be but that they are quite fake in their intentions and truly are just more Rainbow grifters using the "kitchen" as a tool, means, and excuse to get people to GIVE to them only to further themselves and wanting and hoping to earn their positions up in the NRO Heirarchy. 

Quite a common Rainbow scam sham and nothing more than yet another Rainbow grifter's con utilizing the kindness and generosity of the Rainbow family.

Specifically and especially among the newer and younger generations that see that IS what is all around Rainbow now and this IS what they are being taught or shown!

Inflated egos along with the power and control over others along with the "perks" that the NRO Heirarchy offer...

Yeah... Rainbow sure like to blindly trust people that come along and act like they care about Rainbow when all they truly care about is THEMSELVES and what Rainbow can DO for them or GIVE them!

They clearly see their "kitchen" as nothing more than an investment to use to get what they are after however they can....

An investment that they of course want and need others to pay for except themselves as usual. 

Yeah... nothing new actually.

Enjoy their fucking food!

"There ain't no city like generosity!"

"There ain't no nation like a donation!"

"There ain't no kickdown like a shakedown!"

"It ain't no fun unless it's other's funds!"



Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Cumberween Spirit Gathering

I don't know about that fucking picture they chose to use for their invintation this year.

Posted by Greenpea Paco courtesy of the so called Beaved Stew "kitchen"...

More of that switching of words changing council to circle once again....

I'm just going to stay quiet and say each to their own... Naw...

Though they should have stuck with this one...

Few of the leaders in the NRO Heirarchy have thoughts...

As a few others have thoughts...

If I had a thought about anything it would be about fucking the so called "kitchen" named Beaver Stew and the Greenpea Paco guy and his response to someone questioning this invintation and it's picture...

Sure seems like the guy likes to attack, disrespect, and shame a sister questioning his invintation's photo and try and turn it around on her?

Way to fucking go Paco!

Usually when I smell shit there is a septic tank near by!

And the shit I have been smelling seems to be strong when it comes to this Beaver Stew "kitchen"...

Really starting to wonder if I need to go back and remove my earlier apology and now just make a new post specifically about Beaver Stew, their bus scam, and what their thoughts are about sisters and how he seems to respresent his "kitchen"...

Guess I will ponder on it some more but at this point I truly am starting to wonder what they might be ACTUALLY about now and what their true intentions are.

Guess it includes degrading, disrespecting, and shaming women over nothing though!

Typical of a lot of these modern MALE Rainbows. 

Sure starting to look like this "kitchen" wants a spot in the NRO Heirarchy though! 

And if they can't get it?

They will just start their OWN gatherings hoping to be wecomed by the NRO Heirarchy or even better... "bought" out!

OR... already have and are now in the process of putting boots on the ground hoping to take over the Cumberland Regional Families and put it under the NRO Heirarchy's umbrella... by starting a new gathering in the area!

Enjoy this new gathering... just another one for the NRO Heirarchy to control of or run!

Yeah... starting to smell more of that shit a brewing (or cooking) with Beaver Stew "kitchen" smack dab in the middle...

Welcome home!


THERE definitely are a lot of psychedelics at the Rainbow gatherings and throughout Rainbow land!

LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, MDMA, mescaline, and unfortunately unknown and known research chemicals seem to be the main stay.

Of course there are harder and addictive drugs available in mass too along with plenty of THC.

But I am focusing on the psychedelics aspect.

Some people choose to use psychedelics for entheogenic purposes.

For those that do not know what the word entheogen means here is a definition....

A chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes.

Totally suits Rainbow gatherings some say.

And this I totally get and can only hope by using them for that purpose they truly find whatever it is that they are seeking and looking for from their use.

But... most the people at Rainbow gatherings are clearly using psychedelics for recreational purposes in order to PARTAY!

Regardless.... mass amounts of psychedelic substances are widely available at the Rainbow gatherings and in amounts that would definitely float anyone's boats!

How do you find them for your own personal use?

You can always wait for or find what they call the "mad doser" who runs around giving out free psychedelics to anyone that wants them. 

Curtesy of the NRO Heirarchy! 

Usually they find you versus you finding them though.

Believe me... the mad doser is supplied by the NRO Heirarchy and they really like to focus on certain individuals that they make sure ingest large amount of those psychedelics knowing they can pounce on them when they are high or out of their minds.

Shall we say puddles a plenty?

They want and know that these people WILL BE and ARE high as hell and even sometimes lost in their own heads and not aware of any fucking thing, anyone, or what is going on around them.

I will personally never forget the time at the Prineville Annual/National in the late nineties where there was a young sister that was screaming at the top of her lungs, non-stop for hours... screaming "JOSHUA! JOSHUA! JOSHUA! LOOK AT ME!"...

THIS WENT ON FOR HOURS and you can only wonder what was going on in her mind to cause it other than the extremely large dose of LSD that someone apparently gave her.

This was up at bus village where we were parked and next to our bus.

It was very saddening but not as sad as the various males coming up to her repeatedly who were attempting to "help" her and "watch after her" by trying to get her to go into the woods alone with them.

Fast Eddie was one that tried repeatedly...

Yeah some fucking "help" and one can only imagine what their true intentions were.

And these men were NOT very good people to begin with.

Luckily there were a bunch of us there to prevent this from occuring repeatedly.

Again luckily, it came to an end when my ex, God bless her soul, calmed her down and took her into our bus for the night with a few other sisters.

I slept outside...

We found out what it was all about though the next morning.

She walked up to her tent to find her boyfriend fucking some random chick that was a well known Rainbow mattress. 

Someone else dosed her massivley afterwards and caused her mental break.

But, this example shows just how vulnerable some people get while high on psychedelics. 

And THIS is what the leaders of the NRO Heirarchy WANT!

THEN... they can come along and scoop them up and start pushing their indoctrination techniques and mind control on them much more easier which take well under the use of psychedelics!

Yeah pretty fucking cultish indeed!

But... that is only one of the two MAIN purposes they have.

The other purpose?

Making and getting that almighty dollaz!

The NRO Heirarchy have the MANY connections for those various psychedelics. 

And they KNOW people come looking for them at the Rainbow gatherings...

And for large amounts and not just personal use.

They get them to sell and take back home and make bank fattening their wallets with more of that almighty dollaz!

Not to mention the NRO Heirarchy will mail the psychedelics all around our country if not the world and ade spreading them afar.

They say say there is NO money at Rainbow gatherings but it is DEFINITELY there and exchanging hands behind closed doors and in tents and vehicles. 

And not no chump change either!

We are talking people making fucking bank!

Now you know how the NRO Heirarchy is able to give so many free psychedelics away!

If you can't find the mad hatter or them find you just head on over down to the trading circle!

You won't see any there out in the open usually but if you ask around you would be surprised at just how many people will pull shit out of their bags or from under their drop clothes!

They rarely want money though and will gladly trade and barter their drugs for any "trinkets" you might have!

Especially rocks, gems, crystals, and minerals.

But... in all reality, if you are looking for large amounts of drugs to take back home and sell there, then there are definitely a few people that will find out that is what you seek then get your attention and invite you back to thier kitchens, camps, tents, and vehicles to sell you as much as you want as long as you got the cash flow yo!

In private of course!

Yeah... pretty fucked up.

People often wonder how they get these drugs into the gatherings especially when there are roadblocks and searches...

Hippies like to fucking hike anyways so they all have runners that they drop off with a couple of backpacks that simply hike miles into the forests with those back packs packed full of drugs.

Been going on since I have been attending gatherings and always will. Seen it or know of it happening many times. 

The major danger of psychedelics at Rainbow gatherings definitely involve the modern day use of the various hundreds of research chemicals now available! 

You might think you are getting and taking something but that is NOT what it will be and once taken it is too late to go back and and you are fucking stuck out of your mind!


Happens all the time but particularly with LSD or what is claimed to be LSD!

Nothing more than bunk ass shiat that they, the NRO Heirarchy, has found that mimics true LSD but are specifically, specially, and intentionally using because they make your minds susceptible to their well known indoctrination techniques and mind controlling needs! 


And that is truly fucked up!

Yeah... them drugs are definitely safe and the gatherings even safer huh?


Welcome the fuck home!

Shanti Sena

Everyone at a Rainbow gathering have heard the words Shanti Sena.

But for those that don't know what it is or means it is time to learn what Shanti Sena means.

It is said that if you are fearful or scared that something bad is happening or about to happen at a Rainbow gathering all you need to do is yell SHANTI SENA at the top of your lungs and HELP will be on the way!

The Rainbow po po poe poe lice will come a runnin!

Now this is NOT always true...

A good majority of people attending the gathering could give a fuck about hearing the words Shanti Sena being yelled.

They just don't seem to care or want be a part of what they know will be happening once those words are yelled. 

But that is quite understandable. 

People in the past might have been having a problem with someone that is just that... nothing more than a simple problem.

It happens ALL the time...

So they yell Shanti Sena at the top of their lungs hoping to get the attention of anyone and everyone around in ear shot.

And it does.

Or did? 

The use of the word has so many times in the past been abused by others that a good majority of people that hear it just ignore it now and carry on whatever it is they are currently doing.

But then there are always the ones that hear those words being yelled and come running as fast as they can only because they want to get into the middle of whatever is currently going on and feel the need to prove to everyone around JUST HOW MUCH RAINBOW THEY TRULY ARE for all to see.

Nothing more than violent attention seeking drama whores!

Now I definitely see the intention of having Shanti Sena and the need for it but don't see the need of what people use to accomplish the mission of BEING Shanti Sena or how Rainbow reaches some of the outcomes and "accomplish" handling a Shanti Sena call out.

The did not want to call them The Rainbow Police.

Though MANY do.

I guess yelling anything that has the word police in it at a gathering would only get the opposite reaction of what they are hoping for.

Instead of a whole shit load of people running towards the screams of police they would only run from them thinking the poe poe is coming.

And everyone knows how much Rainbow despise and hate the police. Mostly because off all the drugs, wants and warrants they have, and well... Rainbow has a high percentage of true criminals that want nothing to do with the police.

They all got that NWA "Fuck the Police" attitudes...

So let's look at the word...

What is Shanti Sena and what does it mean to and for Rainbow and it's gatherings?

Shanti simply is a word for and means peace. 

It is from Hinduism and is a Sanskrit word meaning peace or inner peace.

Pretty straight fucking forward...

Rainbow claim to love peace afterall.


In India, "sena" is a noun that means "the army". It is also used in the names of certain paramilitary political organizations.

Paramilitary Rainbow Police suits it well I guess...

So Shanti Sena means Peace Army.

Ironic that they use a word that describes an army yet hate the military and it's veterans.

Taking the words Shanti Sena further and you will find it goes back to the days of Gandhi...

"Shanti Sena" is a term first coined by Gandhi when he conceptualized a nonviolent volunteer peacekeeping program dedicated to minimizing communal violence within the Indian populace.

Got it!

More proof that Rainbow does indeed like to appropriate, or I mean borrow... words, beliefs, traditions, and spirituality of the Native Americans but also need to feel the need to do the same with the people from India.

Maybe the old timer Rainbows had some "Indian" fetishes back then?

So... they got the army word right from the definition and description...

And they do act like an army.

Well... more of a violent vigilante mob and gang that come running with the intention of hoping to fuck someone up!

When the yell of Shanti Sena blares through the air at a gathering some ignore it because it is over something that does not require mass amounts of people showing up.

They know that people frequently scream Shanti Sena over nothing and even over the simplest of things.

Usually from some of the drama whores that seek attention or just want people to come running to back them up when they are not getting the results they wanted and are fucking with someone themselves over something that is quite meaningless and has no need for Shanti Sena's presence in the first place.

BUT then you get the same standard and typical response of people showing up that think they are bad asses and have to show everyone else around just how Rainbow they truly are and want people to see them and be known as Rainbow bad asses.

The Rainbow Rambos!

You get one of these people on their own and they are pretty much pussy posers that only seem to become a bad ass when they have their Rainbow mob of an army behind them in mass.

Well less of a Rainbow army and more a violent vigilante mob of people acting like a gang using their gang mentality and well known mob mentality tactics that Rainbow like to utilize to accomplish things they often want to achieve.

And most the people that show up are usually there with that same exact mind set along with a few people trying to calm the mobs and keep it peaceful usually being sisters that do that.

Don't really know what is so PEACEful about that....

Their idea is creating peace through violence I guess!

And I have seen it all over the years. 

And people often like to get their mass violent vigilante mobs to come a running over complete lies in in order to create a problem for the person that they have as their target. 

Knowing that people that feel the need to show others that they think they are Rainbow Rambos having to prove to others just how much of a bad ass they are...

Many of these people that take action first without even truly knowing what it is about in the first place.

I have seen many people get beat down by these vigalante mobs.


And not just at the gatherings! 

Often the people on the receiving end are completely innocent of what they are being accused of.

I have seen people literally be assaulted with a shovel!

And it's already been reported on...

More than once.

Shut up and eat it loved their shovels!

Amongst other things like the new found fondness of steel water bottles!

And proudly posting the dents made in the bottle from hitting someone... for all to see as a warning to others and clearly wanting some sort of Rainbow "cred" to add to their made up Rainbow resumes...

And then there is the all too common use of duct tape that Rainbow love to use any chance they get and now along with zip ties.

You ever see that famous picture of a hippie being duct taped to a wheelbarrow and being paraded through the gathering to show everyone their "policing" and shame him that was floating around decades ago?

Yeah I will try to find it again and post it.

(Well here are the pictures but I was wrong about them being duct taped...)

Just another Rainbow chomo caught molesting a ten year old?

Unfortunately it was nothing new and still isn't. 

Just like the Geat Lakes Rainbow Family's recent incident involving another ten year old by this Scumbag.

At least this guy was arrested unlike the Great Lakes NRO Heirarchy standing up for, supporting, protecting, and helping their chomo get away!

BUT... Rainbow LOVE to duct tape people to trees!

I have personally seen this happen twice now.

Once in Florida and once in Kentucky.

The one in Florida was found to be based on lies. 

Can not say it was a mistake as those lies were purposely used to get that specific outcome and the person was truly innocent of the reasons why they were duct taped to the tree in the first place and FED LARGE AMMOUNTS OF LSD at that! 

I know I know...

Duct taping people to trees?

Can't be real... BUT IT IS!


Well ole Betsie... non violent huh?

You are failing to say anything about THE VIOLENCE that is used to "detain" and duct tape them to the tree in the first place!

Guess that is the "acceptable" violence huh?

And others notice...

I guess if violently physically assaulting someone along with kidnapping someone along with forcibly holding them against their will is your thing IT IS YOUR THING! 

No federal charges for me thank you!

YEAH... PEACEful indeed!

But definitely an army of a riled up agro and violent vigilante mobs of people using a gang like mentality and tactics to accomplish whatever they want for their desired outcome! 

So basically what it comes down to is that when someone yells SHANTI SENA at a Rainbow gathering many want no part of it now a days.

Wonder what happens when my dog gets loose and I see her hiding and yell at the top of my lungs "SHANTI! I SEE YA!".


Welcome the fuck home!

Saturday, September 7, 2024


Just wtf exactly is an "elder"?

There are a couple ways of looking at it.

The first would be age.

You know like "Hey you old fucks!".

Those type of elders...

I was told along time ago that they preferred the term "olders" over "elders".

But too many old fucking folks like to still throw it in your face constantly that they ARE AN "ELDER" as if it is supposed to mean something and as if they require you to worship the fucking ground they walk on.

Now, I will say that I think either are meaningless and pointless.

Sure... respect the older folks.

What I mean is that... do you actually realize some old fucks claim they have been Rainbow since the beginning but in all reality they just started going to the gatherings and popped out of fucking nowhere.

You can always tell when you fucking talk to them!

And this has been going on since I first started attending Rainbow Gatherings and hit the road.

Some of them are very convincing and get better at their lies the longer they go.

But it is not only the old fucks... it also happens with a lot of younger people claiming and making up a similiar bullshit story about how fucking much of a Rainbow they are.

Which gets to the second use of the word "elder".

In this use there is no age involved.

It is all about time, experience, the amount of gatherings, or their fucking Rainbow resumes. 

They LOVE to throw it in your fucking face any chance they get basking in the glory of their own hiholy egos.

I find these shows of fucking egos absolutely hilarious!


Do you really expect me to idolize or worship your hiholy asses and fucking egos and expect me to treat you differently than any first time Rainbow at their first gathering?

No fucking thank you!


And you know how many other mother fuckers are always running around telling everyone they are an "elder" even when they were are nothing close to being one if there was such a thing?


There was a young kid that showed up at Sand Flats after the gathering and while I was up there.

Sat down at our morning wake and bake and coffee circle.

Walking around with a self made can on a strap around his neck like he was fresh out of Nic@Nite's indoctrination.

And also running around yelling WELCOME HOME and WE LOVE YOU at every car that came by that were not Rainbow even... with a few other new timers... including the Reggae Kid who never shut the fuck up yell singing Bob Marley EVERY FUCKING DAY ALL DAY LONG!

Fuck... when they were holding a drum circle which I did not attend and was at least 100 yards away... I could barely hear the damn drums but could hear him yell singing the same fucking Bob Marley songs that he has been repeatedly yell singing all week.

Guess trying to impress people? 

Definitely did not work!

All of us up there were kind of annoyed.

Those psychedelics must have been good at this year's gathering and their indoctrination techniques in full swing!

When the Nic@Nite wannabe kid sat down everyone realized there was something not right and off about him.

He just said it was his first gathering. 

Then started talking nonsense thinking he was trying to impress people which he definitely was not.

Avoiding and giving a run around non stop when people asked him questions.

Heard him later telling someone else that he was an "elder" who's parents were Rainbow and he was born at a gathering?

I was like wtf and walked off.

This kid was nothing but trouble.

In the military they would call what he was doing stolen valor I believe.

Not to mention he was there unprepared expecting others to feed him.

Even knowing he was full of shit it made me think that there can only be so many fucking people that were actually born at a Rainbow Gathering and that they would all be pretty much known because of it.

Wonder what the tally is honestly...

Met a few folk in my time that were legitimately born at a Rainbow gathering but it was very few.

So... yeah.

Elder fucking smelder!

You can hardly believe in anything that comes out of these young kid's mouths that you meet that claim to be Rainbow say anymore.

Me, when I meet new Rainbows, and they ask me about Rainbow... I always say the same thing!

I say with the straightest face" Naw... I have never been to and I won't go to one of those LGBTQ Festivals!"

The looks they get on their face is priceless and they then go into trying to teach me what Rainbow IS and what the gatherings ARE.

My playing stupid sometimes goes on for awhile and even days.

You get to know what someone thinks Rainbow IS and what the gatherings ARE all ABOUT!


Welcome the fuck to the "elders" home!

Just what kind of councils exactly are the Great Lakes Rainbow Family holding and what goes on there?

WTF Great Lakes Rainbow Family? 

I was just reading another interesting post on Facebook that once again has to do with ole Betsie the Queen Bee standing up for, supporting, and protecting this Scumbag again.

AND now she is standing up for one of her friends who also stood up for, supported, and protected Koi.

This "elder" is actually the one who drove him away from the gathering and REFUSED to take him to the proper authorities and LEO!

And people think I am fucking joking when I speak of all the leaders of the NRO Heirarchy having sexual predator and chomo friends that have done awful things to people that they TOO stand up for, support, and protect! 


Another person's honest comment gives a good description of this particular incident that involved this "elder" helping Koi and is a response for ole Betsie who is still defending Koi and now this "elder"...

We MUST find out who the fuck this "elder" is and what her name is!

Truly fucking mind blowing...

But not as mind blowing as what the"elder" said about sexual assaults!

Guess that seems to pretty much be the norm in the thoughts of these Rainbow "elders" and the leaders of the NRO Heirarchy... 

But most of all... I am very curious in wanting to know just WTF GOES ON AT THE GREAT LAKES RAINBOW FAMILY COUNCILS? 

Mass alcohol?


Couldn't wait for your guys next PARTY in the forest?

Sexual assaults?


For fucks sake... there were two people that were involved!

And ya got to wonder...

Were those two men reported to LEO and the proper authorities?

Most likely not and now they are going to be looking for their next victims most likely at a Rainbow gathering near you!

Or at least definitely at the fucking Great Lakes Rainbow Family councils and gatherings where they will be welcomed back with open arms to shouts of WE LOVE YOU!

Afterall... they did hold their kangaroo court council to shame them as punishment!

And... notice how you are seeing them change the wordage of the name council to circle once again?

This region too now huh?

The bigwhigs of the NRO Heirarchy told them to I guess...

Took away the word counsels because they were getting a bad name and replaced it with the word councils which has now also gotten a bad name only to now replace council with the new and current word circle.

If this is what happens at their councils or fucking "circles" with multiple witnesses there imagine what could happen at their gatherings behind a tree off the trail or in a tent with NO witnesses around! 

Once again... WTF?!?


But don't you worry...

Rainbow gatherings are safe... especially with their kangaroo court councils and public shaming there us to protect people!

Welcome the fuck home!

Admin and moderators of Rainbow Facebook.

With all the various Rainbow admin and moderators on Facebook groups who the fuck moderates and admins them?

Oh wait... themselves! 

Who made them admin and and moderators in the first place?

It definitely seems that with all the different Rainbow groups on Facebook 90% of these groups have people that are these admin and moderators that are pretty much the same Leaders of the NRO Heirarchy. 

And most of them are admin and moderators on multiple Rainbow groups at that.

Now I do understand the concept of there being personal Facebook groups and that they might deal or pertain to Rainbow and it's gatherings. 

But... what about those mainstay flagship "unofficial" OFFICIAL groups that are far from being personal and ARE Rainbow groups and are nothing like a personal group. 

Who the fuck gets to decide or determine just who exactly gets to be put into these positions of admin and moderators.

Must be the MAIN leaders of the Rainbow NRO and it's Heirarchy? 

They place admin that they know are going to follow their orders and moderators that will follow these admins orders.

Quite the little online Heirarchy if you ask me!

All this is done to control and dictate whatever narrative these leaders have with their personal motives and agendas at play and only have what they want put out there into Rainbowland as they want it and as they see fit.

These people, have secret closed door meetings using secretive Facebook groups that they are the only members of together. They team up behing the scenes and have their own private online councils. And they are well known for having private and secretive zoom meetings to where they get together and mingle and make and take their orders to distribute further down the Rainbow road.


And get their underlings and minions to join in mass.

People often say that online is NOT Rainbow?

Then how come these people get together online to do this and have major control over the decision making processes that obviously have such a great impact upon Rainbow both online and on the land itself?

These people have truly found a way to skirt and scam any Rainbow systems that are in place... once again to plan and decide whatever it is that they want together that will effect all of us and Rainbow in general.

And all of us are the ones to suffer from anything they decide a d will not have any say on or with the outcomes THEY decide for US as a whole.

Since when did Rainbow suddenly decide that these people were in charge of these groups and GET the power they obviously have? 

Are there fucking councils on the land to decide this?

Or is it done behind the scenes?

When you have Facebook groups with fifty thousand people that a good majority of people utilize for information pertaining to Rainbow but that information is decided and controlled by just a handful of people and WHAT information IS given is controlled and then given to the rest of us.

And ONLY what they want us to know or see.

These admin and moderators ALWAYS have their say and say whatever the fuck they want to whomever they want and as they see fit.

But when anyone questions them they get censored and banned by these same people.

They often use the excuse of claiming people are ATTACKING them when it is simply asking questions about what they are doing and not "attacking" anyone except the admin and moderators doing the attacking themselves. 

The admin and moderators get to treat people however they want and do.

They are rude to people.

They attack people verbally whenever they want knowing they face no consequences.

They gang up together on others.

Especially when someone comes along and questions their own behaviors and actions.

Then they censor and ban people as they see fit.

When people like Amy are in control they can post whatever they want regardless of what it is but won't let anyone speak or share their words and utilizes her admin privileges to silence them in the process.

Now here is a perfect example why all of this does not work for Rainbow and is nowhere near being Rainbowish.

Let's pick a HYPOTHETICAL State as an example!

We will use The State of Jefferson.

Rainbow has had it's gatherings in the State for decades and was being ran by the LOCAL regional family. It was a gathering as it should be for the people by the people and focalized by LOCAL family where ALL were welcomed.

Slowly over time this new Rainbow NRO Heirarchy formed and felt the need to change how Rainbow held these gatherings. 

Felt they could do it better and CHANGE these gatherings to suit their own needs for their own purposes according to their own personal beliefs.

A little bit of thinking they could do and make better what was already ALMOST perfect but mostly over egos, power and control issues and the need to have that power and control over others while inflating their own egos.

Been around since the first humans and people do things like this throughout our human past.

So nothing needs to be changed and is being focalized and ran by LOCAL family and ran perfectly fine.

The NRO Heirarchy have already taken full control over the Annual/National Rainbow gatherings and have decided to now go after the regionals to bring them in under their NRO umbrella. 

These new people that formed the NRO Heirarchy decide they want to focus on the gatherings in Jefferson and take control to make it theirs to control.

Back in the days before the internet it was quite harder and it was more of a "boots on the gound" scenario. 

They show up with their minions and take over the gatherings in Jefferson and kick out the LOCAL Jefferson family that have always focalized their Regional gatherings as it was meant to be,

They do this by sending the foot soldiers of NRO in groups to the Jefferson Gatherings to gang up on the Jefferson family.

They first start with a mass propaganda spread of disinformation, lies, manipulations, and try to turn everyone at the gatherings against each other. 

It usually starts with a NRO kitchen being set up purposely for doing this.

This kitchen will be the bomb. 

REALLY dank ass kitchen AND food

Everyone knows food gathers people to THEIR kitchen.

Ran by the NRO with the unlimited financial backing of the NRO.

Their kitchen remains untouched and they smother people with love and amazing food.

And tobacco. 

And cannabis. 

And drugs. 

And gifts.

And as much free alcohol for ACamp to accomplish getting the drunks on their side.

And will help them with things they might need.

Making themselves look and seem like they are truly Rainbow and have nothing but good intentions.

Meanwhile they are secretly running their propaganda program of disinformation.

Specifically targeting the Jefferson Rainbow Family and it's focalizers.

They spread rumors and lies about them non stop around the gathering and at their kitchen.

They do whatever they can to distrup the other kitchens however they can to make them look bad.

They will claim that so and so sexually assaulted a sister somewhere someplace in the past. Often even going as far as getting one of their minions to be that person even though it never happened and creating their own evidence.

They will spread lies about Jefferson family being junkies and drug addicts.

They will use their formulated and tried, tested, and true tactics to accomplish their intention of taking over the Jeffeson Gatherings and placing their own people in the original Jefferson family's focalizer positions.

They will even go as far to have someone move to and live in that area to be there now.

Then they hold private councils on their own personal private properties where they have the legal right to decide who they WANT on their property and who they DON'T want there. 

They then control the local Rainbow and most blindly follow them with out even questioning anything.

Party in the woods ya know...

And they end up taking control of the future Jefferson Rainbow gatherings.

And will use violence to accomplish this, if needed, in and out of the gatherings. 

And then the word is sent down the Rainbow road for all to hear or find out about later and accept it as the truth.

A lot of good people are hurt by the NRO's actions and have had their reputations ruined in Rainbow land never to be able to fix it.

And some are never seen again with rumors of bodies buried in the National Forests.

Then they move on to the NEXT regional Rainbow families and those gatherings to claim them for the NRO.

And they now CONTROL regional Rainbow families from afar.

Most never even attending those region's gatherings!


And then the internet came along.

Made it so much easier for them to do this especially with the control of the narrative and all the places where mass information can be given out and mass disinformation spread quickly and far.

These mother fuckers don't even have to leave their homes now to accomplish their agendas and find people on the ground to do it for them by offering positions into the NRO and all the "perks" along with the power and control over others along with one hell of an ego boost!

This is still going on today as they continue on focusing on the last true Rainbow families and their region's gatherings that have held out and remained untouched by them and the control of the NRO.

They are now doing it online and have gotten pretty far along in doing so.

All roads and paths lead back to the same people!

And WE have no say in any of it though it is clearly NOT meant to be this way and goes against what most consider what Rainbow is or was. 

Now the NRO Heirarchy has control over the information online that goes out to the masses.

Along with the power and control they have over what information goes OUT they also have control over what information DOES NOT GO OUT!

IF the LOCALS of Jefferson want to get together and retake their local region and have uncontrolled gatherings how they should be and once were... it is almost impossible to do! 

Sure they can try to focalize their own new local gatherings focalized by LOCALS but they will get nowhere and very few people will attend.

Any information or posts made on the main Facebook groups controlled by the NRO about these new gatherings are censored and the people making the posts sometimes banned. 

Sure... the LOCAL familys can start and create their own groups!

BUT... the NRO will make sure they do nothing but fail and not succeed. 

They immediately infiltrate those websites just as they did the gatherings on the ground but they don't need to have any need for "boots on the ground" anymore.

They can do it from their keyboards at home and from afar!

The same shit happens that happend at the gatherings though inluding the spreading of lies, disinformation, and manipulations to destroy those new groups and along with once again ruining the reputations of people as they see fit.

The NRO love spreading lies and rumors!

Especially lies they know would cause the biggest uproar amongst us and possibly bring harm to others that did nothing wrong except challenge them.

And since they have no control of those groups and are not admin or moderators in them they try to buy the loyalty of some of those people by offering them positions in the NRO Heirarchy and the "perks" that come with it.

If they are not able to do it using those means then they send in people to join those groups and massively start "trolling" the groups.

They flood it with spam and nonsense twenty four seven.

They mass report the group and posts in it to Facebook hoping by doing so that they will get Facebook to flag the group and hopefully get it shut down.

They report the admin and moderators of the new groups for having fake names on their profile which are their "Rainbow names".

Therefore making the new group a group that no one wants to be a part of because it is pretty much useless now.

And they go back to the "unofficial" but quite OFFICIAL Rainbow groups that are controlled by the NRO Heirarchy...

One may wonder why they are doing this and I will get into that in a post coming up.

But I will say this...

Where our world's drug cartels focus on the almighty dollar aspect of things the NRO is more focused on their egos, their power and control over others, and effecting and controlling Rainbow and the information that they can utilize by doing so to end up getting more power and control over others and the masses further and farther which in turn boosts their hiholy egos even further. 

And they WILL go would wide!

Oh, wait... they already are and Adam Buxbaum aka Finch is proof of this along with others.

They are testing the waters with select people by sending them out and afar on nothing more than their own NRO scouting missions!

Now I have always said that Rainbow IS NOT a cult.

Maybe cultish at times and with certain aspects...

And definitely little off shoot groups within Rainbow that clearly are cults and there is no denying that.

No... Rainbow is not a cult!


I will get into this more in a later post.

I have never fully focused on this blog but have decided to now fully focus on it and spend dedicated time with it.

I guess you can say Amy unfortunately was the final straw for me.

After once again seeing the NRO Heirarchy utilize censorship yesterday and finding out yet another way they are accomplishing it which involves tactics that utilize Facebook's programming to hide the fact that they are actually able to censor people now and hide it from all even the people being censored NOT KNOWING they have been censored in the first place.

People will have their comments be censored but still see that their comments are there where they are hidden from everyone but the admin and moderators and the commenter themselves who still sees them.

The commenter thinks their comment is still being seen by others when in fact it is not.


After seeing this happen yesterday and finding out they are able to do this to people that are unaware of this happening.... it DEFINITELY has hit a nerve with me.

Everytime you see a post that says it has twenty comments but you only see ten... THAT IS HAS HAPPENED and that comment count gives it away.

If you think they did it to you all you have to do is check a friend's account and they won't be able to see your comments but you can on your phone!

Completely shady and sheisty for sure!

I understand that admin and moderators are necessary in today's online world.

They have valid jobs to do and are needed.

But the NRO admins have crossed the line.

I personally feel there needs to be councils held that determine who becomes admin and moderators of any of the major "unofficial" OFFICIAL Rainbow groups.

And then NOT given full control because there would be further councils making sure they are doing their jobs versus doing the jobs that the NRO want of them.

If they are fucking up they should be removed and replaced.


Rainbow was not meant to have people with so much control over it and US!


It is exactly what has happened. 


Being controlled by a few handfuls of people that decided long ago that they will not relinquish their control and teach no one new or the generations after them how to do things properly.

They only hand pick and select the people that they want and know will keep the control and power within a small select group of people.

And these people are now destroying Rainbow further!

Making and deciding how things are for all of us even though the majority of us don't like it nor want it but have no say or choice..

If you don't like it they say speak about it on the land.

Land that is their private properties which they won't let the people that want to speak up and out against what they are doing and the decisions they are making.

And the councils on public lands are for show and completely bogus...


So people quit going!

Twenty thousand down to two thousand?

No... there is not a problem at all huh?

If there was one thing that is the most dangerous thing that WILL truly and finally destroy Rainbow it is CENSORSHIP!!!

AND the people that are in control and doing the censoring.


I don't think they realized how noticeable their censoring and censorship would eventually become.

If you follow and trace the censorship, who they censor, why they censor, and what they censor it will lead you right to them!



And actually start looking around and see what IS happening around us.

It USED to be hard to see!

But NOW it is getting harder for the NRO HEIRARCHY to hide! 

Wake the fuck up and welcome the fuck home!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Someone needs to start a Rainbow group that deals with our veterans...

I would definitely be a part of some sort of Rainbow group that is created where we could get to know each other!

I think it is really needed!

Now more than ever...

If any of you veterans out there happen to read this and start a Rainbow Group on Facebook I would GLADLY be a part of that!

Send me the link and I will definitely JOIN!

I ain't got nothing to hide and never have!

They say that Rainbow was created with the help of us!

Maybe it is US that can fix it now? 

Or at least try to...

Maybe start a Veterans camp?

Clean up Rainbow from all those sexual predators and chomos that the leaders of the NRO Heirarchy love to support and protect!


I will say this... I TRUST my veteran brothers and sisters more than I will ever trust Rainbow and definitely got their backs and know they have mine!

We could share much needed info that people might not know or seek.

I feel I could help other veterans with their questions and needs such as referring them to our Stand Downs and navigating the Veterans Administration tricky system.

I got my 100% service connected disability approved in three months which is extremely fast as any disabled veteran would know.

Yeah... I am pretty fucked up I admit.

But so are many more that are not getting what they truly need and deserve!

Any veterans that wants to talk or needs to talk?






AND people like Amy B Sahlin needs to learn to be one of those people instead of CHOOSING to shit on us!

Would Rainbow even be here today if us veterans were not there in the beginning of Rainbow?


We had your backs!

Fuck you Amy B Sahlin!

You are a true disgrace to ALL veterans and any service dogs they have AND TO RAINBOW IN GENERAL!


Welcome the fuck home!

More Rainbow censorship... when will it end?

It appears that there is more Rainbow censorship going on.

Saw a post earlier where a Rainbow admin was basically telling others to commit fraud and scam the system when it comes to claiming your dog is a service animal when they are not one.

Then read a very valid comment which I did not take a screen shot of because I did not feel the need to as I was a perfectly fine comment with some very valid points and nothing in my eyes that would need censoring.

That comment was removed and censored I guess after reading this...

Guess we will have to wait and see if she censors that comment too?

(She has now fully censored it and now banned...)

Censored by Amy B Sahlin.

Now... I don't know or have never met Amy.

Been working on piecing together and findind out and identifying who these leaders of the NRO Heirarchy are for over a year now and Gathering massive amounts of evidence proving it.


Been saving hundreds of screenshots and such about them and from them and will eventually get it up for all to see.

But it is a work in progress

Now... people know what I am doing and often send me in stuff about these people including private conversations I was not part of.

They do it a lot though I never have asked!

This time I am going to ASK anyone that has any info on her to send it in to

Might as well send in anything you might have knowledge about on the others...



AND... I keep my fucking word unlike most lately...

There has always been a question mark next to her name for me...

This is because I was not sure where she stands in the NRO Heirarchy but knew she was amongst the top tier of the NRO Heirarchy.

Now I have no doubt she is pretty far up there and not just a random kind admin that loves Rainbow.

She is in a position to control it and there for a reason obviously.

So we now know that she likes to tell people that it is okay to scam any systems in place and basically commit fraud not caring who it effects or hurts.

And actually encourages it.

We also know she believes in censoring others which question her motives or agendas.

What's next?

Finding out she is also one of the NRO Heirarchy that supports and protects sexual predators and chomos which are most likely her friends along with the rest?

After all they all have as friends and hang around people that they support and protect that ARE fucking proven to have committed sexual assaults and are chomos!

Wonder if she is one?

Glad I am not some Clint Eastwood Charles Bronson vigilante or all of them would be on my list!

Gee Amy!

If that is the best pictures you got of yourself I am scared to look at the rest.

You sure are butt fucking ugly and look like you just got off a meth bender with your sunken in eyes and face.

You look like a lost soul looking up from hell in that one pic.. and now I can see why!

I guess it is time to focus on learning more about her and rereading all the stuff sent in that she was involed with!

Stay the fuck tuned...

If the leaders of the NRO Heirarchy are clearly censoring posts that really don't have a need to be censored or have a reason to...


Oh and if ya run into dear Amy...

Ask her what the fuck is so "Rainbowish" about censoring and having control over other Rainbow and their harmless yet valid questions and words!

Also ask her why she chooses to disrespect true service dogs and the people that need them including our disabled veterans who all ready sacrificed so much for people like her and CHOOSES to shit on them!

Told you guys in another post how Rainbow shits on veterans constantly even though they helped create Rainbow!

And Amy is pure proof of this as are are the rest of her NRO Heirarchy crew!

Are there any other legit admin or moderators in Rainbowland other than that Colleen sister?

Starting to truly wonder now!


That cunt just got called out!

Oh... don't we love just watching these people's stupid fucking games unfold?

Guess this is the explanation that shows Amy taking it upon herself to censor people on her own posts and prevent others from seeing it without even using her admin privileges...

Sure makes you wonder just how many other comments people hide from others!

Love being shown this new knowledge though and guess I will be starting to take more screen shots of shit before they do it...

Definitely throws a curve into the censorship issues knowing that they can now censor people and those people won't even know they are censored in the first place!

Good thing there screenshots for me to put on here!


People need to start sending me more sreenshots of their bullshit games as they happen like the above!

I WILL gladly post them!

And THESE are the people who fucking control Rainbow and it's gatherings?

Yeah... Rainbow as it was meant to be is truly dead now!

Fuck the NRO!!!


NOW... you are one I will truly focus on!

Watch your back biatch!

They say that Rainbow cares about our veterans but Amy sure the fuck doesn't and has shown she has no respect for them or their dogs and think having fake service animals is a cool thing to do!

I honor our veterans and do not disrespect them and their service animals they have for getting fucked up serving our country for losers like Amy!


At least the truth about you is on this blog and can't be censored and generations will read this blog eventually and learn about you long after I am gone!

Rainbow history and not in a good way!

Welcome the fuck home!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Oh Queen Bee... tsk tsk TSK

All I can start with is wtf? 

Really WTF?

LOOKS LIKE the Queen Bee's days might be numbered...

Turns out that ole Betsi gotta a few issues going on people might not be aware of.

For one, it turns out, I guess that she is holding private property secretive councils, as we already know, that make decisions that effect the outcomes of the Great Lakes Rainbow Family and their gatherings.

BUT... it turns out she is not even going to any of the fucking gatherings!


Pretty twisted if you ask me.

Running things fucking behind the scenes and in secret but not even going?

That actually is only the secondary reason why I say WTF?

The first reason is even more fucked up.

Do you remember this Scumbag?

Well... it turns out that ole Betsi is one of those disgusting people that have always stood by sexual predators and chomos!

Including this summer when she stood by and up for the guy above named Koi.

It is people like her that are fully responsible in believing doing nothing about these sexual predators and "walking them out" of the gatherings after holding their own kangaroo court councils and only shaming them.

Well... that was easy huh?


And Koi is a perfect example of why.

He was shamed and walked out.

He returned. 

Pretty fucked up but not as fucked up more than the fact he has done similar things in the past and the same outcomes of being welcomed back.


And people like ole Betsi want to protect these people and allow them to walk amongst us and our children.

No big deal!

Nothing another kangaroo court council with some more additional shaming and a "walk out" yet again.

Ok.... HELLO!


How does one deal with a situation like Koi?

Tough question to think about but there ARE answers that will come which truly needs to be and should be talked about to find and reach together.

My fucking opinion only...

Shanti Sena ESCORTS at all time after it happens. 

As many as it takes but being PEACEFUL and no more than what is needed case by case!

Shant Sena ESCORTS to be with victims until the final solution and outcome is achieved.

They ARE a victim at that time and need to start a path of becoming and being a survior with whatever support they might need THERE or in the future.

Nothing more.

NO walk out.

No shaming to make one get agro.

MAYBE shunning by others?

MEANWHILE... LEO should be called and the PROPER authorities notified ASAP without the person knowing or realizing if possible.

OTHER Shanti Sena waiting for LEO to arrive and to immediately escort them to find the individual being watched with their escorts.

No assaults. 

No kidnapping.

No mobs or mob justice.

We are NOT vigilantes.

NO violence.

Shanti does mean PEACE does it not?

And nothing to further cause any more issues that might happen or arise that may encourage, escalate, or incite violence from ANY parties involved.

Let the fucking LEO do their damn job.

That IS what they ARE there for!

They will probally be there extremeley fast to deal with it and get the person as well as any MUCH NEEDED statements and such for evidence and their eventual reports.


And don't forget or just brush it under that famous Rainbow rug to hide and be forgotten and ignored...

I guess it is time for me to be real or unreal.

You decide...

I don't do trigger warnings and shit.

But I will say some of you adult SA surviors might not like my words in a moment.

IT is now up to you to decide if you want to read.

When it involves a minor... 

It is the parents responsibility to take care of that minor.

No fucking doubt the laws say so.

On top of that it is YOUR responsibility to fucking report it AND SPEAK for your children or you ARE breaking REAL laws and if shit gets out you did not report it you just might get your childen removed for a bit one day. 

Many states act first and ask questions later as they investigate. 

Better safe than sorry philosophy. 

And it does catch up.

I know this... when I got into the medical field I took various oaths. One of those oaths was to REPORT any knowledge I have that involves SA or abuse of minor children and the elderly.

The most fucking vulnerable that often can't speak for themselves or know how.


WE are...

DO FUCKING JUST THAT YOUR FUCKING SELF and with others help if needed!

Are you going to feel responsible when Koi eventually does it AGAIN one day down the road to another 10 year old girl but maybe even advance his crimes? 

Or THAT child ends up gone to be found dead in a creek covered in foliage? 

Watch it on Dateline reruns one day?

Doubt it if you report it.

And Koi is a KNOWN re-offender!

I KNOW this...

There are MANY of us that will STAND BY YOUR SIDE through those scary times and even walk you through the processes needed. AND... with YOUR permission DO IT and even SPEAK for you if needed. I KNOW I would! And MANY others... some trained, and have before.

AND it is not about what that child wants!

Then get those children any help they might need or require if needed and when needed as needed.

Nuff said.

Okay... sisters or even brothers.

You are fucking adults so act like it.

What you just read above is the same fucking thing for and pertains to you.

You are grown-ups in a quite real world.

I often see posts made of where a SA survivor often say they never reported it.

How many more other SAs would be prevented if you spoke up?

How many more WILL happen if you don't?

Now I was one of those agro whiskey drunk agro assholes online when yahoo, MSN, AGRo, and Facebook were just starting up and being used. 

I still remember those sister circle written "wars" online.

I was against them because some sisters stood by that but saying it was okay but insisted there be no male only circles and be allowed at any of those themselves.

Who the fuck cares about all that shit when it deals with something like this.

Go to your fucking sisters only... if it helps you and THEY WILL help you through the process and the unfortunate things that happened.



People like KOI and others need to be dealt with to keep the Rainbow family and it's gatherings safer and as safe as we can.

And don't even feel like you would be a narc like I often hear a person say.

NO ONE... can say that this is not a tricky topic or subject to talk about.


And will be.


And lately more than ever and SHOULD HAVE been a very long time ago!

They ARE uncomfortable of course.

Some WANT these discussions but some don't. 

They are needed regardless...

Unfortunately almost every time it comes up on various Facebook Rainbow groups it is quickly censored by the leaders of the NRO Heirarchy which prevents the people that feel the need to talk about it being able to do so as I am here now.

Silencing surviors needs to stop also.

Whether it is to prevent the outside world from seeing the TRUE bad things so the NRO can continue to say it is not a problem or if is because some of the people in their own personal circles, that are some of these known and proven offenders, are their friends... it IS happening! 

Some fucking friends huh?

They are preventing us from being able to speak our minds and try and attempt to reach solutions to prevent future issues from arising with other offenders down the road by having those discussions. 

The lack of actions have clearly made some feel that they can get away with it and only encourages it.


Well... I guess that is enough of my PSA and this subject matter.

For now at least.

And ole Betsi ya Queen Bee...

You ARE pathetic and should be truly ashamed of your self.

No kangaroo court council, any talk, or shaming will be good enough for you I do believe. 

You should of course be always welcomed at ANY gatherings.


IF it was up to me?

I think when you approach people they should look you straight in your fucking eyes and say nothing.

Then turn around and walk off.

A BUNCH of that just might actually work?

Hopefully you would get the picture and want to change to not be shunned anymore?


But meanwhile... it is starting to look like a new and different Rainbow Clean Up Crew is starting to show up around you.

We will call them the Asian Giant Hornets...

They are coming along to destroy that secretive cabal of the NRO Heirarchy you control in the Great Lakes region and gonna wipe out that personal beehive of yours that you worked so hard to build over the years!

And give it back to the people!

Fuck you...

Pretty soon it WILL be OUR HOME again!

Welcome the fuck to OUR home!