Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dear Rainbow:

Something on Facebook that I saw that is amusing.

I copied it as is because it is too long to screen shot.

Quite the interesting read....

Dear Rainbow: I work counter intelligence for a 3 letter agency. I have been amongst your ranks for about 4 years now, at almost every notable council / gathering. I am someone you all have seen, maybe quite a few of you know well and consider a good “friend”. You would never suspect me, you will never “weed me out”. I am so deeply embedded in your operations that to suggest my name as being associated with the government would be considered blasphemous. Try to figure me out if you want (you won’t). That’s not the point. Obviously this account is one of many that I use to gather intelligence through various online communities. So don’t even bother using any information found on it as a point of reference. The point of this post is: Rainbow family is done. Give it up. Make our jobs easier. We’re sick of following you around. Yes I said “we’re” I am one of multiple, spread across multiple agencies that are among your ranks. Some of us know one another (The ones I’m speaking for), but for the most part everyone is working under cover and don’t know eachother directly. We just know there are others like us. We have suspicions and various questions / behaviors that we can pick up on to help us identify one another but beyond that each one of us has our own individual assignments. We are informed that there are a certain number of assigned agents to any specific event in case things get ugly or cover is blown for one of us. We are (Indirectly) the ones responsible for the site choice that led to the whole fiasco with this years gathering. Our prime directive is to sew division and splinter the family into individual factions and drive a wedge between the overall community. We’re the ones who manufactured the outrage, we’re the ones who swayed local opinions and incited tensions. You are way easier to manage and much less a threat in smaller, less organized groups. Your movement as a whole has been done for a few years now, you just don’t realize it yet. Soon, events will happen that will damage the “organization” as a whole irreparably. Orchestrated, planned out and ready to roll. I will not disclose more information or the timeline of the events but just know it is coming. I am breaking rank to tell you to get out while you still can. I know many of you and I know for a fact there are a lot of great people in the “family”. You have been lied to and led astray by your “Elders” and “Councils” time and time again. They are the biggest threat to the movement as a whole and why we have done so much to subvert operations over the past few years. If you only knew the truth about some of these people you call your “Family” you would never attend another gathering again. You are far better off in smaller localized factions that operate based on individual freedoms and shifting ideals than you are as one large group think conglomerate. Among you there are many pedophiles, users, abusers, traffickers, psychopaths, terrorists, violent individuals and enemies of humanity. There are also a considerable amount of foreign terrorist cells that operate within your ranks. These people are only among you to drag innocents into their webs of deception and to find new victims to dominate. The methods used, the governments involved, the objectives they can get you to accomplish for them are all things you want no part in. We are in a pivotal point in American history, war has changed. Wars are no longer fought with guns and bombs in foreign lands. The new battlefront is here, fought through information warfare where the minds of masses such as yourself is the ultimate prize. Propaganda, subversion, alienation, manipulation are all being used to turn you into the weapons. The most powerful weapon of mass destruction is the will of the people. Many people at the top of the food chain know this and have been weaponizing groups such as yourself for many years. Including our own government. While my own personal opinions are irrelevant (I have a job to do)- I do believe that the vast majority of you are good people. You are looking for belonging; a place to exist in the world, and to feel like you’re doing something meaningful for humanity. I am not a total heartless individual otherwise I would not be posting this and warning you like I am. Get out. For the sake of you, your friends, your families, your children. Create your own localized movements. Foster change in your own communities. These large gatherings and mass nomadic tribal mindsets will only bring pain and suffering in the long term. Mark my words. You are free to ignore this message, call me a troll, call me a liar. I don’t care. Don’t shoot the messenger. I just feel a responsibility as a human being to give the warning even if it is detrimental to my own career. Do as you will, choice is the definitive- I hope for all of you to be well. We must each take our own paths. Allow yours to be beneficial.

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