Thursday, July 11, 2024

New take on Rainbow

After over thirty years I think I have finally figured out the gist of Rainbow and what it is truly about.

A bunch of lazy people who want to live somewhere that they can go after mooching anything they can off of society to bring with them.

They figured that the National Forests would be the place they could live for free and move on to different National Forests after trashing the ones that they were in.

All of them are complete lazy bums that refuse to get a job and prefer to sell drugs, steal things, and lie to get what they need without having to get a job.

They depend on the kindness and generosity of others to provide the things they need to survive often using scams to take advantage of those people's generosity and kindness.

They rape the local resources of the towns they travel through like locusts taking from the needy in those towns without a thought or concern for them

Then they created the Magic Hat so that people will give them money to use for whatever their personal needs might be at the time.

They sit in the woods and do absolutely nothing at the gatherings other than telling people what to do for them. They rely and depend on the fresh blood of new people that come to the gatherings. The turn over rate of new attendees is massive because a great amount of people that goto the gatherings and see that it is all a con and scam that has been specially crafted and formulated to get what they want without doing nothing themselves or being held accountable for anything they are responsible for.

When bad things happen they make others the fall guys to take blame for their own actions all the while keeping themselves out of anything that would ruin grift that they got going for them.

They utilize tactics straight from the How To Be A Cult Handbook in order to control others and rape them for any material values and use them for slave labor doing anything and everything that is need to make their gatherings function without having to lift a hand or do anything themselves.

It worked so well for decades until others figured out what they were doing and jumped into their gatherings.

They figured that if the Rainbow could do it then so could they.

Rainbow did not expect thos or plan for it!

This brought in an influx of criminals, drug addicts, and very violent people that decided that they did not just want what Rainbow had they wanted to control Rainbow and the people of Rainbow as they see fit.

Then the pedophiles and sexual predators discovered they were safe there and started coming in numbers.

The original Rainbows who were not violent did not know how to stop these violent individuals and slowly left, one by one, going off to live off of all the money they stashed away from selling drugs at all the gatherings in all the different states and at festivals they traveled to.

Thus leaving the gatherings filled with violent vagrant homeless criminals, drug addicts, pedophiles, sexual predators,and thieves who will do anything to anyone to get what they want and need.

Nothing more than a bunch of violent people that use the same excuses of constitutional rights as the original Rainbow did to do whatever they want to get what they want, wherever they want, and whenever they want and at any cost, even to others, including using the violence they are now known for to obtain it.

Then the internet came around.

It became harder for them to hide their true motives and agendas. Everything they did became much more noticeable spreading quickly and afar online.

More and more people opened their eyes to what Rainbow truly is and word spread fast across America and even the world causing others that used to have faith in Rainbow, and not knowing the truth, and now see it from afar and not upfront and in person... for what it has become.

The woke up masses are now deciding they want nothing to do with Rainbow and their gatherings and refusing to go with good reason.

The gatherings slowly began to shrink with less people going.

This has caused major issues for the violent conman, grifters, scammers, and liars that now no longer have the new blood of the fresh attendees to take advantage of to make and do all the things that need to be accomplished that they refuse to do themselves and have always relied on others to do for them.

People quit giving to the old Magic Hat because they realized it was fraudulent and doing nothing more than padding the pockets of the Heirarchy amongst the people that now call themselves Rainbow. They didn't want to be these people's personal bank account anymore.

All of this has now caused internal conflict among all of them and at their gatherings. They constantly bicker, attack each other, attempt to shame each other, and even humiliate one another for the world to see. When that does not work they take out the hatred, anger, and the negativity that they are filled with out on each other using violence.

Rainbow gatherings are no longer safe for the average person to attend... especially children

Now they are scared and frightened that if the gatherings don't exist anymore then they will be homeless on the streets instead of the National Forest where they rely on selling drugs, panhandling, jugging, and selling their women for sex or anyone else they can prey on to use for their own needs.

They know they will be surrounded by other violent homeless people in the cities who won't put up with their shit like the past peaceful and passive hippies that that they know they used to be able to control and manipulate to get what they want from them.

What is left of Rainbow and it's gatherings has become a skeleton of it's former self and what it once was.

Even so, there are still a small amount of original Rainbow left who are trying and attempting to not let the gatherings die out and hopefully become what they used to be once more. These people are ashamed to admit they are Rainbow outside of the gatherings because they know that they would be judged and looked at as one of the other violent crowd.

The internet is the tool that will put nails in their coffin as you can not go anywhere on the internet or into a y groups that involve Rainbow without noticing what is happening and going on right off.

They can no longer hide it no matter how hard they try and are reaching a point to not caring who sees this anymore.

The cat is out of the bag.

Rainbow is decaying and dying from the inside.

The gatherings are decaying dying on the outside.

There is no living light. It has been replaced with darkness and negativity that has overwhelmed it and is growing darker every day, every week, every month, and every year.

I have reached the point to where I don't give a fuck about Rainbow or it's gatherings anymore.

Simply put... I no longer want to have anything to do with Rainbow and no longer feel the need to interact with them.

Any of them what so ever!

So I will just use this blog to document Rainbow to its fullest from now on and watch from the outside.


Welcome the fuck home NOT anymore!

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