Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rainbow theives at the gathering as usual

Yet another example of just how kind and caring Rainbow Family truly are.

ANYONE that leaves their vehicles unattended at a Rainbow Gathering is asking for them to steal from you.

Rainbow Family is well know for rummaging  through and thieving from those unattended vehicles and are definitely known to work together with multiple lookouts sounding that it is all clear from afar or if someone is approaching. 

Yeah they don't want cameras there for a reason.

I feel sorry for the people that they steal from.

These are just the tip of the iceberg and the one of the few that will say something because they don't want retaliation to come thier way down the road...

Cons, scammers, thieves, liars, sexual predators, pedophiles, hustlers, junkies, drug dealers and the list can go on...

And obviously no problems of stealing from each other!

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