Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Yet another example of how Rainbow like to control their narrative

For a group of people that believe in their rights but seem to not care about others they sure do like to control the narrative of what they decide they want the people of the world to see.

Yet another Rainbow group that decides who and what they want to censor as they see fit.

Would not be surprised if all the Facebook Rainbow groups start doing this...

This time though they don't do their jobs as admin and moderators that are there to take care of any issues that arise and, instead, they preemptively want to know what people want to say before they decide if they WANT it to be seen or heard.

Many Rainbow could care less about freedom of speech unless it us their own speech.

This pretty much sets another standard and truly shows that Rainbow are run by hypocrites.

Not only does it give them the ability to control other's abilities to communicate with one another it sets up a way of not allowing anyone to speak out against the Rainbow heirarchy and their leaders. It hinders communication between people.

But it also gives them the ability to silence others that they might not like even if they just want to post something harmless and helpful.

Now, I know a bunch of those admin and moderators. No problem with any of them. They know me as a very kind person usually.

That being said... the next time one of these people, that are admin or moderators of this particular group, approach me to say hello... they will me met with a big fuck you along with a kick rocks and beat feet concrete!

And I am sure they will not understand my about face and I will give them no explanation.

I am just so fucking sick of all the constant hypocrites in Rainbow Land that think they know what is best for others but show different by their actions. Especially when it involves trampling on other's rights.

Instead of kindness, caring, and giving... they will get none. No negativity from me just nothing.

Petty I know...

But I am so sick of meeting new Rainbow that could care less about others. Definitely the norm lately.

And honestly I do not not want to be friends with fucking hypocrites that want control over others no matter how kind they make themselves seem and call themselves Rainbow.

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