Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Why people SHOULD keep their dogs on a leash at the gatherings

This IS definitely why people should keep their dogs on a leash while at the gatherings.

Truly feel bad for the dog to have to go through this.

Can't honestly feel any sympathy for the owner though who obviously was very irresponsible in watching after their dog and put it into a situation that let this happen.

A simple leash would have prevented this from happening. 

At least it will not cost the owner much, from what I read, because they are relying on the charity and kindness of others to foot the vet bills...

Pretty typical of Rainbow though.

If you ever see this guy don't forget to remind him of what a complete douchebag he is... with a very welcoming FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!

He sure looks like a fine outstanding citizen!

Crazy how people on Facebook are all talking about banning him from future gatherings, with force and violence if needed, yet, could care less about banning all of the people that are bringing fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamines into their gatherings who are using and selling it or removing them by force and violence!

Rainbow Family priorities I guess...

And so much for Rainbow constantly saying that EVERYONE has a right to be there which they always use as an excuse for themselves! 

Fucking hypocrites!

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