Friday, July 12, 2024

Vision Circle Report?

Well... I guess they have finished up and truly decided where to go next year.

I find it interesting they are not calling it a Vision Council and now are calling it a Vision Circle?

Kind of wonder why... can they not hide who their leaders are anymore and that people are just sitting in a circle with them now?

Because people are now saying loud and clear that they are no longer councels of our peers and are now councils of the leaders and their crews...

Then they posted this about veterans which I definitely have something to say about.


Rainbow Family does not give a flying fuck about veterans, even though veterans helped created Rainbow, and most of them have no respect for our veterans or that some of us are fucked up permanently from serving our country!

I have witnessed Rainbow criticize many veterans for their service over they years. Telling them they are feddies. Heard the old baby killers comment mumbled many a times. Alot of them ask us constantly why the hell we would be a part of the government and its war machine that kills people. And many like to shame us and tell us that we are fucked up for ever joining the military and should be ashamed.

Yeah... they care... RIGHT!

NOT TO MENTION... they will refuse disabled veterans with disabled plates from using Handicamp!!!

Fuck them saying they care about or respect veterans and want us there...

Pure lies that they write in order to make themselves look good to others that read their shit hoping for fucking brownie points...


We reaffirm the Rights of everyone to peacefully assemble unless we don't want you there, move freely on public lands unless we decide to surround your vehicle with a mob and terrorize you, and freely speak until we censor you or talk over you!

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