Friday, July 12, 2024

Gun toting James Parisho's threats of violence!


This idiot just can't help but making himself look bad for all to see.

Not only is he a constant drug user and drunk with multiple firearms, which is illegal, but he seems to like to make serious threats towards other Rainbows!

When is LEO going to take action on this scumbag and remove his firearms from him before he hurts another person? 

It is only a matter of time before he seriously hurts someone or kills them... and it seems bound to happen unfortunately. 

Kind of reminds me of a Dateline special...

All the signs were present...

He was on their radar...

They knew he was a danger..

LEO took no action...

Now 13 people are dead in the middle of the Forest shot down at a prayer circle...


Sure MAKES HIMSELF look like an unhinged wingnut because he IS an unhinged wingnut with a couple of firearms to boot!!!

HIS brother also added his own thoughts...

Too bad no one will report him to the proper authorities because they are scared of what he might do and that they might be labeled as a Rainbow snitch!

Rainbow will just do what they do to sexual predators... not report it so the can later hurt someone else down the road in their travels!


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