Friday, July 26, 2024

A Great Lakes Rainbow Family leader identified

I guess it is time to slowly start identifying all the Leaders of Rainbow and their Heirarchy so other people know who they are.

I find it only fair considering that they have chosen to self appoint themselves into bonafide leadership of the Rainbow Family Heirarchy and it's gatherings through backdoor private councils and get togethers in which they have full control of.

Others deserve the right to know who these people are that have hijacked Rainbow and it's gatherings and make decisions that others are not aware of or do not support in any way what so ever.

At least we will eventually have an extremely well documented history that others will know about throughout the future history of Rainbow.

This is Betsy Wenger who is one of the main leaders of the regional Great Lakes Rainbow Family and an admin of thier Facebook group.

She is basically calling a Rainbow Council on her own private property that is invite only.

People that she does not want there will not be allowed to attend.

She is saying that it is not an "official" gathering or council and calling it a discussion.

Hmm... sure seems like it is an "official" council that decides things for Rainbow that they will force upon others who have had no say or don't agree.

Seems like they are definitely doing more than having a simple discussion...

Definitely more of that Rainbow word play the leaders like to use.

Regardless of whatever the fuck they want to call it... it has to do with Rainbow, it's future, things they want to change, and basically a perfect look at how many of the Leaders of Rainbow and it's Regional Heirarchy operate in private. Probably one of the best examples yet... 

This is one of the main reasons why they try thier hardest to keep it all done through back channels with private meetings and secret online Facebook groups people are not aware of or have no clue they even exist. 

I don't think old Betsy cares anymore about who sees what considering her admin position allows her to censor or ban anyone that questions or speaks out against her in their Facebook group.

The Rainbow leaders of the Annual/National have been well known over the past decades but now we are seeing the Regional Heirarchy leaders being exposed more and more.

That bullshit that Rainbow likes to say about there being no leaders is starting to completey fall apart as people leave Rainbow one by one and are speaking out themselves.

It is so simple to see in plain sight now a days!

They like to always say that because Rainbow has no leaders that there is no one to be held accountable for anything.

Well... I think that is starting to change and about to gain speed. If anyone, even me, can slowly piece together who the true leaders are you have to wonder about what all those three letter word departments in our Gubernment have Gathered (yes... pun intended) on them over the past few decades. 

Kind of makes one wonder when they are going to be wrapping up one hell of a long investigation and holding various people accountable for all the past, current, or future liabilities that Rainbow have racked up over time at the various gatherings throughout are country because of the actions they are literally guilty of doing under the Leaders directions and commands.

Probally been saving evidence forever...

Maybe that is the only thing that could happen to wipe out all these Rainbow Leaders along with their Heirarchy and bring back Rainbow and it's gatherings without leaders and the way it was always intended to be in the first place.

Maybe Rainbow is going to become a Phoenix that has to die to be rebirthed and fresh and people will begin to return...

This is a continuance of the Great Lakes Rainbow Family's bullshit private council post.


Betsy... how many roles do you actually have full control of in your region?

Let's see... 

1. Great Lakes Rainbow Family's "Focalizer"

2. Owns, operates, and controls the the Great Lakes Rainbow Family's website at and its email contacts.

3. Operates the Great Lakes Rainbow Family's Light Line

4. Is admin of the Great Lakes Rainbow Family's Facebook group

5. Hold's private Rainbow councils on her land in which she controls who is able to attend.

6. Decides and controls when and where the public Rainbow councils will be held.

I am sure there are many more...

For the Great Lakes Rainbow Family not having any leaders able to dictate and control their region Betsy sure has a lot of CONTROL and it certainly looks like Leadership to me and many others!

Rainbow was never intended to have one person so blatantly in charge of it anywhere by anyone!

But there she is along with one hell of a fucking ego!


It is quite ironic she says she is doing what she is doing so people's voiceS won't be silenced... BUT FUCKING SILENCING OTHER PEOPLE'S VOICES IN THE PROCESS! 

I guess it is up to her to pick who's voices get silenced huh?

I guess these leaders have been utilizing private property for a long fucking time in order to control who can be a part of their private councils...

And they call it fucking Rainbow?

Welcome to THEIR fucking home!

At least one of thier kitchens has common sense and know what these leaders are doing is completely wrong and a direct threat to Rainbow's existence and definitely not healthy for Rainbow over all... 

Welcome the fuck home!

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