Sunday, September 1, 2024

Defending Panther Meadows from Spiritual Tourism

Defending Panther Meadows from Spiritual Tourism

Out of the Woodwork: The Rainbow Tribe and Mount Shasta

Out of the Woodwork: The Rainbow Tribe and Mount Shasta

Cumberland Rainbow Family council and potluck

I have ALWAYS loved the Cumberland Rainbow Family and the gatherings they have held to which I have attended many times...

And ANOTHER Rainbow SCUMBAG up in Michigan!

Yup... another fine example of a true Rainbow SCUMBAG.

This time up in Michigan. 

His name is James Williams Middlestadt aka Country, aka Country Rainbow, aka Rainbow Country Lovin...

Definitely a Rainbow scumbag...

What do you want to bet that the Rainbow Family welcomes him back into their gatherings with open arms along with shouts of WE LOVE YOU!

Afterall... Rainbow sure does love standing by their sexual predators, violent people, and their chomos!

I also bet that the Great Lakes Rainbow Family will invite him to their private property councils and is probably the people they want there...

Someone violent to do their dirty work!

Welcome the fuck home to the completely safe Rainbow Gatherings! 

Rumor has it...

... that the admin and moderators of certain Rainbow related Facebook groups online have been censoring and removing any posts that are made pertaining to this blog.

I guess they don't want others that have not found it to find it and read it or bring it to light!

More Rainbow censorship! 

I find it truly funny, comical, amusing, and entertaining actually. 

I really don't care though as I decided from the beginning of this blog that I would never promote or advertise it and just leave it for people to find on their own if they were meant to find it. And I have stood by that...

It works for me considering how many hundreds and hundreds of blog visits I get everyday not to mention the thousands more of invidual page views each day from around the world...

I always find the daily listing of where the blog views come from around the world interesting...

Wtf is up with Singapore? 

Don't they send people there to prison for ten years over smoking a joint? 

And execute people who bring the cannabis there to sell to people to smoke?

Caning people too... which does not sound fun nor enjoyable!

Each to their own I guess... 

Dear random Rainbow sheister...

You asked a question on Facebook pertaining to the Great Lakes Rainbow Family.

You did not ask me but ya get my answer anyways...

So... Nicole aka Outskirt...

The reason they don't list the other Rainbow gatherings or Rainbow related events on their sites or lightlines is because they are not their privately controlled "Rainbow" Gatherings.

They have no say, power, or control over these people...

The way it should be!

They don't want to lose any of the people they are trying so hard to get into their private cultish cabal to the other REAL Rainbow gatherings and events in their region and area.

They are not going to advertise, promote, support, or spread anyone or anything else Rainbow related that takes away from the control they have worked so hard on over decades to build and set up for themselves.

THAT is the reason!

Now... I don't know you... but I spend hours and hours a day reading and focusing on Rainbow related things including making my rounds on ALL the Facebook groups. 

Pretty much pay attention to anything and everything Rainbow over the years and every day because of this blog.

You should already know how this works pertaining to what the Great Lakes Rainbow Family is doing and how it works!

Afterall... it sure seems, from your own online postings, that you are trying to earn whatever spot you can gain or be a part of in the leadership and Heirarchy of the PNW Rainbow Family and it doesnt seem to matter to you if it fucks other people over in your process...

Making, promoting, and spreading their/your own propaganda of secrecy, private property councils, full control of lighlines and Facebook groups, and censoring or not allowing others to speak out or against wtf you all are doing up there but forcing what you have to say and your controlled decisions on the rest if us but not wanting to let or allow us to have a say about anything you guys are doing within YOUR own cultish cabal shit up there!

You guys are running off MORE people than gathering them!

I find THAT pretty ironic indeed!

People are going to start asking YOU one day what the fuck YOU are (hopefully turning into were) thinking by participating in what is going on that is clearly and plainly destroying are beloved Rainbow Family and it's gatherings!

But don't you worry... I don't know you and you will never have to worry about ever meeting me.

You ain't my Rainbow sister and more of a Rainbow shiester!

YES... I DO have a problem with people like you that seem a dime a dozen lately.

The truth is I don't care to meet people like you nor would I personally ever want to.

Again... you are more of a Rainbow sheister than a Rainbow sister to me!

Now... that goes both ways I am sure.

You don't know me either but if you ever do meet me you will know it... because I will immediately be telling you to kick fucking rocks and beat feet concrete.

It won't be my loss but am it sure it would be yours...

I truly hope you are happy with creating and being a part of the cultish cabal aspect and these modern day gatherings. 

Especially since you are responsible for posting invitations to the upcoming Mount Shasta Rainbow Gathering claiming to BE local Mount Shasta Rainbow Family! 

Even though you have NOTHING to do with Mount Shasta Rainbow Family!

Pretty shesisty but expected from a known Rainbow sheister! 

I am sure your children will be happy at the cost of so many other children who's parent's will no longer bring them to the type of gatherings you people are trying to create and control!

At least your children can learn how to become dictators who want to lead and control Rainbow one day and keep your negativity and darkness alive under the disguise of it being in the name of Rainbow, the light, and the love.

They will most likely follow what you are teaching them...

Oh... but thank you for helping point out that these people's controlled lighlines are beginning to be nothing but rubbish and that posting directions online does indeed help our Rainbow Family and not hurt it and accomplishes getting people to where they need to be safely and without issues arising.

You know... fucking GATHERING! 

Do you even know how to fucking gather and enjoy yourself without wanting to control others and the gatherings?

You should try it... you might like it says Mikey!

A true and free spread of information for all versus censorship and control of information by the few is the ONLY way Rainbow will grow, flourish, and stay alive ... 

Have a Grateful day sheister fucking bear!


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Shhhhhhh.... there is no Rainbow Gathering coming to Mount Shasta....

Is that so?

I thought the consensus reached was that they would never hold another Rainbow Gathering in the Mount Shasta area?

They are really trying their hardest to keep this all hush hush and not online hoping that people will not notice until it is too late.

I guess they don't want to create another issue or incident as they have in the past with the locals and local Native American tribes.

More of that doing what they know is wrong and now, secretly hoping no one will notice, and of course offering shallow meaningless apologies afterwards hoping for forgiveness once again.

But we all know Rainbow don't truly give a flying fuck about any locals or Native American tribes...

They proved that yet again this summer.

For anyone that does not believe there is indeed a Rainbow Gathering coming to Mount Shasta in the next few weeks?

There have been little signs here and there on Facebook but most have been censored or scrubbed by the Heirarchy.

But they are there...

I know... I know... 

But... what about this post that was made on pretty much the main Rainbow family forum online?

Yeah... HUH?

Let's see...

First off...

They say that Mount Shasta "family" is holding this and inviting people.


If this were indeed true then why has not one fucking person made it known who is doing this and being so secretive and deceitful about it.

Mount Shasta Family WILL get the blame though!

True Mount Shasta Family know the complete shit show that OTHER Rainbow family have caused here previously up at Panther Meadow and elsewhere.

Don't know when the last time you have been up there but the Alpine Laurel and Mountain Heather takes hundreds of years to grow and still has not recovered from Rainbow carelessly and knowingly trampling it in the past.

Pretty fucked up.

Mount Shasta Family knows that the locals and local Native American Tribes were... and still are pissed at Rainbow.

They got to live with these people.

The people running and directing this movie and the people coming don't give a fuck about this.

They will be gone elsewhere and not care about this place while they are here or after they leave.

Just another small vacation and party in the forest...

If any Mount Shasta Family ARE responsible for this shit show I WILL find out who and WILL post it on this blog for all to see and know who these shesisty and shady people are for future reference.

People have a right to know who are responsible for creating and causing these constant shit shows along with the many problems that are left behind for others to face and have to deal with afterwards!

Definitely have the suspicion that these people are NOT local Mount Shasta Rainbow family and are just saying they are to make it look legitimate...

Rainbow are trying to say this is not a Rainbow Gathering.

But it was decided BY Rainbow and AT this year's Annual/National Rainbow gathering.

They are definitely using the wordplay they are so well known for using and thinking everyone are stupid or unable to see right through their childish and immature shenanigans. 

Bet Rainbow Karen (Zirk) would be proud or is even part of it...

Naw... does not have her fancy DISCLAIMER: or footprints...

Oh... wait!

What is this...



The same person basically responsible for this year's Annual/National shitsow!

Bet Marty is by his side using that money to get up here that he scammed from people about his dog...

And... wasn't he the same one responsible for the last Mount Shasta shit show?

Definitely NOT Mount Shasta family!

Now we know why the local Native American Tribes were not contacted since Gary is a well known racist who continuously bashed Native Americans online this summer!

Wonder if he is going to be running his Crystal Meth Kitchen there?

Give out some more of his healing?

And then we have this...

The same person going by the name Outskirt posted this and the original invitation to this Mount Shasta Rainbow Gathering coming up.

Ironically, sources say, that this person is no other than this person.

Guess she truly is ass kissing and sucking up to the Rainbow leaders to earn her desired spot in the NRO Heirarchy! 

Go fucking figure!

Someone has to do their dirty work and people like her glady jump at the opportunity to impress them!

Definitely NOT local Mount Shasta family!


They will all be exposed and known to all soon...

A local Mount Shasta Family member tried to make a post questioning the gathering and their post was denied!

Pretty fucked up huh?

More of that NRO censorship!


They didn't hold a council.

They held a circle.

They did not reach a consensus.

They reached an agreement.

They know what they are doing goes against what they have previously agreed to and consensed to...


Just shows consensus is just a fake word they continue to use to look good. I have been saying that for awhile now and it is showing more and more.

Now they are realizing that people are catching on that these so called councils and consensuses are indeed bogus so the Leaders are now directing everyone to call them circles and agreements!

They decided that if they didn't call this Rainbow Gathering Rainbow and changed all the Rainbow terminology and jargon involved into new words then they can claim it is not Rainbow.

And claim that they broke no previous fucking consensus again proving that any Rainbow council or consensus is indeed nothing more than a song and dance pony show for people to feel comfortable thinking their words mean something when they actually are meaningless...

They already know how bad this looks.

They ain't gonna fucking fool no one...

They simply just don't give a fuck anymore!

The leaders and their Heirarchy already know that they have already got most people used to and in acceptance of their new take over of Rainbow that has been slowly happening in front of everyone without them noticing it is happening and now too late and far along to where it is difficult to rebute or rewind the changes they worked so hard on to keep others from seeing as it was happening.

Too many people blindly trusting the few and having faith it would not get this far...

They have decided not to post the directions online for lack of later evidence of this and even said they would not put it up on the California Lightline.

But... if you leave a fucking message on their lightline they will have someone get back to you with the information and directions.

Rainbow sure are desperately trying to keep things private and not online so they can deny and hide their dishonesty and shiesty actions!

Especially from the local Native American Tribes! 

Has Rainbow truly become such a complete shit show to where it is now nothing about love, light, and truth anymore but only about lying, deciet, deception, dishonorableness, shenanigans and foolishness?

Darkness and negativity?

What the fuck is so "Rainbowish" about all those words?

Any they truly add insult to injury by leaving off the word Rainbow and call it a fucking "healing" gathering?

Nothing but a complete deception purposely invented for their narrative.

Guess they all are going to need a fucking lot of healing after all their bullshit lies, negativity, and darkness they created by doing this.

At least they have a beautiful place to do it.


I see them on a daily basis and they all are good people.

Just saw one of them have to warn some Rainbow yesterday that are waiting here on the RAINBOW GATHERING to put out their fire and pull the hose off his truck to make sure it was fully extinguished.

Later, after dark, they just made a new one knowing no Forest Service would be out there after dark.

Such respect during the fire ban huh?

And these idiots are waiting on the RAINBOW GATHERING. 

With more like them to come "heal".

I am sure someone in the USFS reads this blog and might warn their brethren out here...


After this summer I am POSITIVE that some Native Americans were reading this blog. Maybe some still do and will ask the local Mount Shasta Tribes if they know about this.

So much for their Rainbow Tribal Outreach people huh?

They use those words because it sounds good to the public and makes others think they truly care but then do not use it for the purpose it was created for of said to be for?

Wonder why that is...

Honestly,.. I find this all completely disgusting!


Rainbow thinks everything is just a big game that they control!


I will say this...

I won't call the lighlines.

I never have.

I am not going to call this lighline to get directions in order to post them online.

I will not be attending.

Probally will be there with my friends afterwards as they have been cleaning up Rainbow campsites of crazy amounts of trash that has constantly been left by the large amount of Rainbow coming through before and after the Annual/National.

Proud to call them my friends!

The dark side of Rainbow that is never talked about is how these people trash the campsites in National Forests and on BLM lands when they are not at gatherings. They just move along KNOWING that SOMEONE else WILL come along after them and CLEAN UP THEIR FUCKING MESSES!

It is something you should make a judgement call on your own whether you think going to this gathering to heal is truly going to heal you.

Or if you will truly be breaking OUR previous consensus willy nilly and do it anyways and with disrespect to other Rainbow, locals, and Native Americans ONCE AGAIN?

Don't see you getting that healing there!

Honestly... I would love to go to a healing gathering where all are included and no one turned away!

Not here in Mount Shasta though...

Definitely not the time and definitely NOT the place.


And not a Rainbow one!

My medical background in the service started me onto a path of learning about healing.

It's a beautiful thing.

But how can one consider anything healing when they are hurting others in the process?

If you truly want healing on Mount Shasta then there are many of us around that would gladly help you or steer you towards finding that healing.

Even if that healing involves getting away from alcohol or substances which Mount Shasta has truly done for me personally and others I know!

We DO have Rainbow brethren here that care.

People make a big fuss about the headwaters and it's water surrounded by Babylon including an Interstate and a main railroad track and how special or magical it is...


There are too many springs to mention that are all over this area.

Most people, even the locals, don't know they were there.

But hiking hippies find them!

Just got to know where to look and you WILL be surrounded by the best forests that Mount Shasta has to offer and not spring water from the Babylonian Park!

Now that is some true healing!

Welcome the fuck home!

Why do a small select few have most the control of Rainbow and over it's gatherings?

Got two good eyes but still can't see?

Well... I do believe people are starting to take notice of this more and more and SEE!

It is getting harder and harder to hide from others anymore...

Especially with the modern age of technology.

This is the only reason that these people have been bombarding Rainbow Land online lately with their constant propaganda and slogans of "On the Land" and not online or social media.

"Land" that is more and more referring to and being PRIVATE properties that they fully control?

Saying it was for safety sake?

What fucking safety? 

The gatherings have been quite unsafe before the internet ever came along or safer depending on who you ask.

The new social media aspect has been one of the best things to ever happen to Rainbow in my opinion!

It has connected us together from all over the world in ways that were never truly available before.

It has allowed us to GATHER without physically having to be together.

We are now able to share our ideas, beliefs, thoughts, stories, and truths freely and easily with one another.

What is wrong with this?

Well... let me tell you!

There is nothing wrong with this when it comes to the standard Rainbow which most of us are and Rainbow in general.

The problem arises for the leadership, the Heirarchy, and the power and control issues that have always been in place but able to very easily be hidden from others.

All this has been coming out in the open over the past few decades to be seen by anyone, everyone, and all.

It is hard for them to hide the truths, lies, and manipulations or the facts that prove this anymore that they have always been able to hide before.

They are having a problem controlling their narrative now.

They might be able to still pull the wool over the sheep's eyes but they can no longer keep it there...

And these people are waking up to the fact that they fucked up and did not expect that the internet and social media would lead to these new discoveries and be able to prove it to so many.

Now they are trying to reverse this and salvage what they can. 

This is why everyone is starting to see a mass effort to take their shadyness and shesisty shit offline.

And onto the "land"... which is now on these people's private properties so that they can control who partakes or what might get out into the public of modern day Rainbow land and most of all online.

It as if the main leadership and Heirarchy put their foot down and their Regional minions are following their orders...

Everyone already know that these regional minions will do what ever it takes to earn their desired spot of control in the MAIN Rainbow Heirarchy and leadership. 

No longer foot soldiers but leaders of their own regions with their own hand selected Heirarchy! 

It all comes down to them starting to get scared and afraid that the control over others that they have spent all their time creating will start being taken away from them and Rainbow will go back to how it used to be before they got involved. 

They will lose their power and control over others,

Their fucking over inflated egos will mean nothing to anyone but themselves.

And they will slowly fade away which is their worst fear it seems.

I often ponder and think about how it is sad that our United States Gubernment is definitely a much better option than this Gubernment that the Rainbow leadership and Heirarchy want and do have over Rainbow right now.

The same Gubernment that Rainbow seem to hate so much.

Could not even imagine these "Rainbow" running a fucking country! 

At least we "elect" our leaders and it is "democratic"... or so we are told.

This new Rainbow Gubernment is nothing but fascist dictators who want to control every aspect of Rainbow and only appoint people they want into positions they think will have the power and control over the Rainbow masses!

This is currently all around us in Rainbow land...

And now easier for all to see!

Will Rainbow ever be able to recover what it used to be and once was?


And... not just these select few?

These modern day Rainbow leaders and their fucking Heirarchy need to be opposed and dethroned and Rainbow needs to go back to us all equally contributing and deciding how things should evolve within Rainbow and for Rainbow...

... and for us as a WHOLE!

Wake the fuck up!

This cultish cabal shiat needs to go once and for all! 

And welcome the fuck home!

Got two good eyes and still CAN see!