Thursday, June 13, 2024

Rainbow conman, thieves, and grifters

It is insane at just how many of the modern Rainbow Family are conman, thieves and grifters!

They say money means nothing to them as they can spange or jug up what they need. If not... they will just steal whatever they need from others and always have some sort of justification, explanation,  or excuse as to why it was done and okay...

Sure, the gatherings, it's freedoms, and what goes on there have always attracted these people that call themselves Rainbow afterwards but the percentage of these type of people has taken over a vast majority of the Rainbow population now a days.

What really gets me and I have a hard problem understanding is just how accepted they are and welcomed by the Rainbow family!

I guess that if this is what Rainbow has become then they are just welcoming each other now a days.

It is truly amazing at just how many people in the travelling nomadic world despise and hate anyone they hear say they are Rainbow Family. And the talks about their own negative experiences with Rainbow are far to common.

The moment someone says they are Rainbow family you can instantly see the way people change and react knowing that some sort of shit show will happen, your things will go missing, or the hard drugs will start coming out. And complete lies non stop from them.

There definitely seems to be a far more amount of males that fit this generalization. 

I often hear people I consider to be true Rainbow brothers and sisters say how they would never tell someone they consider themselves Rainbow because they don't want to be instantly judged or considered bad people and looked down upon from the get go.

Pretty sad that this is becoming an acceptable standard in modern day Rainbow Land!

The complete lie of Rainbow not having leaders

Rainbow has often and repeatedly said that complete bullshit of a lie that they have no leaders and that they are the largest non-orginization in the world and have no Heirarchy.

Maybe it used to be that way or maybe it used to be easier to hide the fact that Rainbow is truly an organization with members and leaders with a definite Heirarchy. 

With the invention of the internet those days are long gone!

All it takes is a trip down into the rabbit hole of Rainbow Land on Facebook to figure out and see who the leaders of Rainbow Family are and where they stand in the Heirarchy.

Before the internet it was much harder to gather information about these people and connect all the dots with them and Rainbow. 

Now it is clearly visible to any and all that want to find the information that used to be so hard to find.

There us are no defacto leaders but The Gang of Nine have made it clear that they are indeed a majority of the Rainbow leaders and are at the top of the Rainbow Heirarchy.

They control and dictate what happens, when it happens, how it will happen, where it will happen, and who they want it to happen with.


It is their gig! It is their power! It is their's control. 

This has even shown itself over the past decades online and it is getting to the point that there is no denying this!

It becomes much more apparent when the Annual/National gathering roles around and they get together from their various regions.

All of them are the admins and moderators on the various Facebook groups and easy to find. AND if you take a time to pay attention to how they interact and what they say amongst them in the open you can clearly begin to identify them much more easier.

Imagine what they speak and say amongst themselves behind closed doors!

It definitely seems to be the much younger people that have decided to take control and make it to where there are a defined group of leaders and that it only matters what they choose or decide. Hence the new Gang of Nine.

It never used to be this way with the olders.

Or the scouts.

The scouts only answer to the Gang of Nine now and they are the ones that choose who is to be the scouts.

Sure... anyone can get together and realistically and honestly scout locations and so forth but you will not ever be one of the Gang of Nine's scouts and your imput will be worthless and not even given the time of day. And if they can't find something on their own they will use others information and fully take credit for it while ignoring where any credit might be due.

Anyone that thinks that the modern day Rainbow Councels are ran by the consensus they used to be ran by are fools!

It used to be where we would all agree and reach a consensus together.

Now they are ended without people reaching or coming to an absolute agreement together and the predetermined outcome is forced upon all involved regardless of what others feel even if they are a majority. 

If 100 people gather for a Rainbow councel and only 25 agree to something where as others don't... it does not matter. Those 25 people are there on behalf of the Rainbow leaders and the Gang of Nine and THEIR word is finally.


This alone is one of the major reasons Rainbow has slowly lost a good amount of great people that will no longer go.

It is an insult to Rainbow, it's traditions, and the people that fully believe in them.

Most people now a days don't give a fuck and go just because it is something to do and could care less how it happens and just that it does.

But at what cost to Rainbow itself?

It has definitely shown over the past decade or two and is starting to show more and more every year.

The more I think about it the more I see a joke that these Rainbow leaders and Trump have in common.

They will continue to lie even though people know they are lying and just don't give a fuck about what their lies and actions are or cause or any outcome... just as long as they get what they want and whatever cost to others does not matter. 

And people follow them blindly and without question. 

The site of this year's gathering has already been chosen and decided upon.

Spring Councel is nothing more than a charade used to keep people distracted from the truth and reality of what is going on and make people think that the Rainbow and it's traditions have not changed when they have actually been changed immensely. 

People ARE benefiting tremendously from being in control of the modern gatherings and it is not about just egos anymore as it was in the past.

So... go on over and become a MEMBER of Rainbow on Facebook but don't dare question any of the Gang of Nine or the Rainbow leaders or they will quickly censor or ban you! Something I would never expect a person claiming to be Rainbow would do to another Rainbow brother or sister.

Their censorship and banning truly prove just how far they are from what Rainbiw is supposed to be and how they want to turn it into what they alone think it should be and want it to be with their own agendas.

So much for Rainbow having no leaders!

Welcome the fuck home!


Oh wait... So many Rainbow telling others they are not welcome at THEIR gatherings lately..

Definitely not a very good Welcome Home huh...

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Spring Councel directions

The directions to the song and dance of a pony show the Rainbow call Spring Councel have been released on the Light Line.

Directions to Spring Councel 
From Susanville, CA take Highway 36 West for 9 miles towards the Roxi Peconom Campground.
Turn left onto Forest Road 29-NO3 (Willard Creek Rd)
Continue past the campground and you should start seeing where you need to be.

It looks like it is going to be outside of Susanville, California. 

In the older days of Rainbow the Spring Councel used to be a major part of deciding where the Annual/National Gathering would be held.

People would get together until a consensus was reach amongst ALL people after EVERYONE was heard.

Today's Spring Councels are nothing more than a PAST tradition that is kept alive even though it is nothing like it has been in the past.


It has become nothing more than a song and dance of a fake councel that means nothing in all reality.

It is all for show now a days.

Anyone familiar with Rainbow and what it has become already know this.

Rainbow DOES have LEADERS and people IN CHARGE!

It is these people that truly decide anything and everything that happens within Rainbow.

They already have decided where the gathering will take place and for some reason feel they need to still deceive everyone by saying that we will hold a fake consensus to make it seem as if a consensus really matters at all.

Now a days the Rainbow LEADERS could care less about the true way a consensus works and all the people that object to anything they have decided are ignored, shunned, ran off, or ridiculed.

A consensus is supposed to be reached amongst all there participating on the land but instead is pre-decided by a handful of indivuals versus the people as a whole!

Modern Rainbow gatherings are ran by its LEADERS many who are part of the Gang of Nine.

The LEADERS of Rainbow and the Gang of Nine utilize the Spring Councel now as a way to find out who anyone is that might disagree with them and know who might one day be a threat to them and the control they have manipulated to get over the years!

So... don't expect to go to Spring Councel and think your opinions or thoughts matter! 



Funny how the first person to release the directions was Amy Sahlin who is one of the nine MAIN members of the Gang Of Nine and head honcho at the pedophile camp called Kiddie Village!

Rainbow respect

Amazing isn't it...

How Rainbow family DEMANDS respect from others yet chooses to disrespect others routinely and non stop!

Safety at the gathering

For anyone that might feel unsafe at this year's gathering you should put those fears at rest!

You can always hook up with the Arizona Rainbow family focalizer James Parisho who has taken it upon himself to continuously disregard and disrespect Rainbow's traditions of NO GUNS IN THE CHURCH!

He will definitely have your back with his trusty firearm strapped to his side or rifle slung over his shoulder while he hovers over people at main circle and councels staring people down and getting his kicks and ego inflated while being proud of his intimidation tactics!

Funny how our President's son was just found guilty of being a drug user in possession of a firearm yet James has no problem being high as a kite and using drugs while having his firearms at our gatherings. HE SURE STANDS BY HIS SECOND AMMENDMENT RIGHTS YET COULD CARE LESS ABOUT BREAKING THE LAWS BY USING DRUGS AND OWNING A FIREARM... that VOIDS his 2ND ammendment rights! 

If you don't feel comfortable with being around firearms in our church then you can always look for Jesus Joe the Bible Thumper. Jesus Joe is ALWAYS prepared with his cans of bear mace ready to use it on anyone he sees fit as he has just shown at this year's Arizona Love Gathering when he bear maced a crowd! James was also there with his firearms to "protect" our gatherings too! 


AND... if you are really nervous about your saftey you can always choose to stay at Acamp where their weapons of choice are shovels which they have no problem using against others and have been used to harm many people throughout Rainbow history!

Sure seems most the violence at the gatherings come from the Rainbow "focalizers" and gatherers themselves!

So... you should have nothing to worry about at a Rainbow Gathering with all the hippies and their weapons of choice that are there to protect us and keep us safe!

Guess we now need to add metal water bottles to the list!

Don't forget to support the locals

With this year's Rainbow gathering possibly happening in NE California again be sure to support the locals!

The local Pit River Tribe would love for us to support their heritage and the traditions of their Casino, liquor stores, tobacco stores and cannabis grow operations where all of your addictions and harmful cravings will be met with their open and accepting arms as they hope to grab as much of the almighty dollars as they can... made off of the suffering and misery of others!

Please try to appreciate and respect their customs and traditions of spreading these addictions that they have had for thousands of years!


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Psychic Vampires

Pretty much a good summary of most members of the Rainbow Family!

Everything said HERE would be a very accurate description of most of the people you will find at the Rainbow Gatherings! 

Used up newcomers that never return after their experiences and left wondering WTF...

They have been there for as long as I can remember!