Monday, June 3, 2024

Will Rainbow sacrifice a baby into the fire again this year in California?

Every California gathering has me thinking about the year a Rainbow sister bear threw her baby into a fire! 

Guess there is a lot more to it than an old article...

Rainbow rules or you are not welcomed home

Another day of Rainbow Family saying that they could care less about anyone else's laws or rules but you must obey and follow any of their own rules or you are not welcome there....

Rainbow hypocrisy at it's true finest!

I was told today by a Rainbow sister bear that our National Forests are not there for everyone and that when Rainbow comes into the forest it is their's and people must follow their rules or not come.

Nothing truly irks me more than a Rainbow telling me that someone is not welcome or not to come to a Rainbow Gathering in OUR national forests where EVERYONE has a right to use the National Forest just as they do!

This involves one of the main aspects of why people around America have such a dislike for Rainbow gatherings. 

Rainbow be like... We dont need no fucking permit to gather in the forest because we have a right to use that forest just like everyone else in this country! Your laws mean nothing and you can't stop us!

Then they turn around and tell others that they are not allowed at a gathering or not to come!

Funny how Rainbow feel they are immune from our country's laws yet everyone else must follow their rules!

The biggest hypocritical aspect of Rainbow indeed!

She also thinks it is okay to go into people's private camps and take whatever they want and that you can not do anything about it. Called this a Rainbow tradition and that if I didn't like it I should not be there!

It is crazy when you see these supposedly peaceful Rainbow folk try and tell and convince other people and the main populations that they are such good people then they turn around and spew nonsense that clearly shows that THEY ARE NOT GOOD PEOPLE and sickenly proud of the fact that they constantly commit crimes and their thuggish attitudes and behaviors.

When I read such ignorant and awful shit that is routinely coming out of some of the Rainbow family's mouths it does not really piss me off. Might irk me for a bit for sure.

BUT it saddens me, if anything, that other people read what they say! The new and young people that come to these groups to learn about all the good things they heard about Rainbow Gatherings and think about going there READ THE RAINBOW'S OWN WORDS and see that though there are a lot of good things about Rainbow they can't help but have all the bad things forced upon them and get a taste of how dark Rainbow has indeed become and how much it truly has changed! Then they don't go...

You can not make this shit up!

This sister bear is a perfect example of how the modern Rainbow think, act, and are now a days!

Definitely a member of the Gang of Nine!

Rainbow is turning into a "family" of thugs, scumbags, criminals, hypocrites, and really dark people.

No wonder why Rainbow is slowly decaying and dying!

People now go for their first time and 99% of them will never want to return!

You can imagine the ones that choose to stay with their new found family of misfit scumbags!

All the real Rainbow are starting to not go anymore or dying from old age.

Isn't it quite comical though... Rainbow has built itself off of appropriating things from other people's cultures and beliefs and NOW OTHERS WITHIN THE RAINBOW FAMILY HAVE APPROPRIATED THE RAINBOW GATHERING ITSELF FROM RAINBOW ITSELF to fit their own personal wants, needs, gains, and agendas.

It might look like a Rainbow Gathering and still function like a Rainbow Gathering but it is definitely starting to show it has finally turned into something far more dark and disturbing!

The more I think about it... people ARE right!

Modern Rainbow is nothing more than a solid white race base of people that has filled up with white homophobes, criminals, antisemitics, racists, drug addicts, alcoholics, and homeless people.

And rapists, pedophiles, and human traffickers at that!!!

I feel bad for the small percentage of the true Rainbow Family that are trying to keep the Rainbow fire alive!

They seem to be flogging a dead horse at this point!


Truly decaying and dying beyond salvation...

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Wonder how Kiddie Village will fare this year?

I mean... with all the drugs given to children, sexual assaults, and violence that has happened there over the fast few years can they ever recover?


Any parent that brings their children to that camp should be charged with child endangerment or neglect as far as I am concerned! 

Bet the drugs are good and plenty there this year being on the West coast!

One of the Gang of Nine groups on Facebook

The Gang of Nine is alive and well and as strong as ever!

This is the main Rainbow group on Facebook that the actual Gang of Nine has full control of.

And remember... Rainbow has no membership but you can join the Gang of Nine's group and be their member!

They love to censor people that question their hatred.

As you can see their leader Scotia Fogelsanger is right in there as are some of the other 8 people that make up the main core of leadership within the Gang of Nine.

Notice how their leader Scotia has two Facebook profiles?

That is because when people ban her for her nonsense and hateful rhetoric she has the other profile so she can still see what people who don't like her say and talk about. This way she can keep track of her enemies and be aware of what is said by them!

That profile can be banned to but they all have other fake profiles they use anyways to spew their hatred and it can't be traced to them! If you watch some of the profiles of people that encourage the hatred you can figure who they really are pretty quickly!

Don't forget that PSA that the sister put out on Facebook around this time last year speaking openly about the Gang of Nine. She shared who she narrowed down the leaders to be...

Her VIDEO is actually a good watch!

And these people have control of a Rainbow group of over 40,000 people? 

Such hatefulness amongst those people. 

The Gang of Nine are all homophobic and transphobic. 

And antisemitic to top it off!

I hear Scotia will not be making it to this gathering this year.

Guess she had her fill  from poisoning someone and trying to kill them last year?

But... just because she will not be there it does not mean that the other Gang of Nine and their foot soldiers won't be there to continue any violence or do as Scotia sees fit from afar!

If you are on any of their bad sides...



If I had a hundred dollars...

... for every Rainbow I have met that are thieves and steal... the magic hat would never need another donation ever again!

No shit!

They will steal something from someone, somewhere, or an establishment and always have some sort of justification, reason, explanation, or excuse of why they do it or why it is okay!

Pretty pathetic at just how common it has become lately.

Pretty pathetic at just how common it has become amongst Rainbow and accepted as a norm.

Even the Rainbow that don't steal have no problem in sharing the rewards of the thefts by others.

Someone will show up with some cannabis and be asked where they got it. They will say they stole it from someone and everyone around will be like RIGHT ON LET'S SMOKE!

And it goes far beyond that.

They steal people's food.

They steal people's crystals and stones.

They steal people's pipes.

They steal people's lighters.

They steal people's animals.

They steal people's automobiles.

They steal people's gas.

They steal people's clothes. 

They steal people's IDs.

They steal people's wallets.

They steal people's purses.

They steal people's shoes.

They steal people's sleeping bags.

They steal people's drums.

They sreal people's guitars. 

They steal people's hats.

They steal people's drugs,

They steal people's tobacco. 

They steal people's patches.

They steal people's jewelry. 

They steal people's water.

They steal people's books.

They steal people's pins.

They steal people's flags.

They steal people's innocence. 

Shit... there is not much they won't steal if they can.

And they know it is easy to just disappear and move on down the road to the next town or city. 

Most of them are proud of this and like to show off or share their ill-gotten gains with others as if it is a big game they all play.

The greatest thieves are even looked up to!

People always wonder how a good amount of the Rainbow seem to always get by and make money and continue their nomadic life non stop.

It is because the beg, steal, or sell drugs!

And always moving to a new place makes those three things easier for them and helps keep them from getting caught!

Yeah... that magic hat would definitely be filled!

And remember that if you steal and share... sharing is caring so it is okay!


Today there was a very interesting post on one of the Rainbow groups that had over a hundred comments in response. In ALOT of those comments Rainbow family openly discussed how they steal from people while they are at the gatherings and that it was okay because everyone does it and how they consider it a "game".

That post was just removed after the admin/moderators realized just how bad it made the Rainbow family look and not wanting people to see the truth about it!

Swept under the rug so they can try to pretend and say it doesn't happen and continue to try to not look as bad as they really are!

Rainbow family are experts at sweeping shit under the rug hoping nobody will see it or find it and and acting like their shit don't stink!

Happy Pride Month except from the Rainbow family

Be who you are!

Pride month is here and if you really want to see the true faces of alot of the Rainbow Family who claim to pray for peace, spread love, and are supposedly against hate...

Read through the Rainbow Facebook groups all this month and you will get a fill of what I am speaking of.

Alot of Rainbow family have a problem excepting gay people and are truly homophobic. Especially when it comes to the trans folks. They do not even bother hiding their feelings when they see people say something about it being Pride month.

I bet the moderators and admin that care are quite busy deleting these posts or comments. BUT... on a lot of these groups the admin and moderators are just as homophobic and anti trans as the people making these comments and posts and letting them remain while deleting people's posts that question their hateful words or speak out against them!


So much for Rainbow being all inclusive and anyone welcomed?

So much for anyone with a belly button being welcomed.

So much for peace and love huh?

I find it ironic that these same Rainbow family that sure like to force their hatred upon others online are the same ones you meet in person that then run away when questioned and can't back up their filthy mouths!

I can definitely see why a lot of gay and trans people don't feel safe at the gatherings and won't go!

Rainbow Family Of "Living Light"

The one thing has fascinated me when it comes to the Rainbow Family Of "Living Light" from when I was younger is the aspect of said "light".

More so the energy side of the meaning.

Now, I have had the discussions about energy with thousands of Rainbows as I am sure many have. You truly get to find out about others with these discussions.

After you filter through all the bullshit newage sewage shit... you meet some very true and unique individuals and the same said about experiences with them.

I learned of energy before my first gathering or knew anything about Rainbow. But Rainbow helped teach me and learn about energy and what I sought.

My first true experience with energy was when I was young and in the Navy. Me and my partner were taking care of someone and I was monitoring the person's vital signs manually with my fingers on their pulse. All the sudden the kid's pulse stopped and I felt something go through my fingers into my arm and then when it hit my chest it was gone. Honestly though I was about to have a heart attack. The kid fucking died. Everyone kept asking me if I was okay and kept saying I was pale. My CO sent me home.

Anyways... shortly afterwards the voice in my head ended up getting me to my first Dead show. Still in the Navy. Never even heard of them before. That was a Hampton Virgina show in the early nineties. I got out of the Navy shortly after and pretty much went to Dead lot.

That introduced me to Rainbow "family" and the Gatherings.

I feel that in order to be whole you need to know both about the light and the dark in full. The negativity and the positivity equally. How people become whole varies with everyone but once you get there you are there with the rest.

Alot of the people pretend or lie or really think they are whole when they are far from it.

Not everyone is ready to spend their time hanging out in Shady Grove with a Touch of Grey... so to say.

At Rainbow gatherings there seem to be a lot of people searching for something than only happens through energy.

Becoming whole.

Yet... they practice and preach their high holy light bullshit almost to a point where it becomes cultish.

I don't even know what a living fucking light is?

These people are definitely never going to become whole because they truly ignore, shame, and shun the other half thinking for some reason that they can combat it or destroy it or change it.

They need to learn more about the other half to understand and except it. Then it will truly show them why their self righteous high holy asses will never be whole unless they come to different and new understandings about energy and being whole.

And it goes Vice versa...

And no one can say whole is going to be easy when you get there!

It is truly hard to remain neutral in the world of energy.

And all these idiots throughout Rainbow Land that go around trying sell energy through their "work" or "talents" you will never be whole and it is not somewhere money will take you!

Ladies beware of them MANY rainbow brothers that want to help you with energy, chakras, or massages.... most of them just want to feel you up!

Energy can not be bought though people sell it and make bank off of it. It is meant to be free and shared by all.

Have I learned some dark lessons and done dark things in my life. Absolutely. Spread the light? Plenty. We all have, can, and will... if we choose to. And really figure out how. No one can truly show another but the hints are everywhere and always have been throughout time.

I am an asshole all the time and definitely have to make up for it three fold all the time...

Being whole is another whole story down a different hole...

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The right to gather...

The Rainbow Gatherings and it's Gatherers/Followers hold their gatherings in places where the local population usually do not want them there.

Rainbow Gatherers/Followers could care less about any of the locals or what the locals feel.

They feel it is their right to be there and there is nothing that can stop them.

It is ironic that Rainbow go ahead and gather and do what they want regardless of not being wanted... because they have a right to be there... then take it upon themselves to decide that if they don't want someone to be there at their gathering they will run them off or escort them out OR WORSE!

Do they even care that they are doing the same thing by telling people they don't want them there even though they have the same right to be there?

Still happening to this day with Scotia and her Gang Of Nine as well with Solace Dane and his Nic@Nite wannabe motorcycle gang without motorcycles.

The Gang of Nine's antics of threatening harm to people that show up to the gatherings that they don't want there is live and active...

And you gotta remember that Solace Dane went out of state recently to illegally enter a college and personally threaten the girlfriend of someone he does not want at the gatherings! 

Only difference between the locals and the Rainbow is that the locals respect those rights of Rainbow to be there whether they want them there or not while Rainbow does not respect the same rights of others... the same rights they hide behind and use themselves!

And... the locals won't threaten, assault, kidnap, poison, or kill the people they don't want there WHILE THE RAINBOW WILL!