Saturday, July 13, 2024

When someone sends me a nasty email...

... I don't know what the fuck they are expecting to accomplish by it and in doing so.

Do they not realize IDGAF and they might just be giving me another reason to do what I do even harder now.

After reading another email this morning that someone sent me, of course anonymously, I have been sitting there thinking about, pondering and wondering about, how I can even get my word out FUTHUR than just here.

I have been pondering on something David Findlay said earlier...

The voices in my head have been pondering about his words since reading them.

If the worst of us can cause hundreds of others to not wish to go to gatherings and one single idiot can cause thousands to not want to go to gatherings and go elsewhere...

I wonder what one person can do to open the eyes of one million people with the truth about Rainbow and it's gatherings? 

Dare I see that as a challenge? 

Why thank you David!

I now have something to do today!

I am going to design a real nice and attention grabbing sticker for this blog!

And with today's technology make it convenient for others to come here when they see my stickers by including a QR Code on it that go to a special page that explains what this blog is about.

And let them go from there...

Figure I will order ten thousand real nice weather resistant stickers and stick them EVERYWHERE I go in my travels from now on and on EVERYTHING I can think of!

Put then on gas pumps...

Above urinals...

On fast food drive through menus...

Stop signs...

Street signs...

Rest stops...

Various doors...

Smoke shops...




National Forests everywhere...




The list is almost infinite! 

Hell... I will even flood the local towns of future Rainbow gathering sites with them EVERYWHERE for all the locals to see!

Wonder how much more shit I can fill this blog up with before the next Annual/National comes around? 

You think I can reach that million people?

I bet more!

I mean... I do get the fuck around!

Two hundred and fifty thousand miles in the past three years back and forth and up and down and around our country...

Rainbow choose to keep fucking with me then I am going to fuck with them back AND TWICE AS HARD!!!

I will keep on ordering as many stickers as it takes!



You got my response!

Hope it was worth it for you!

Welcome the fuck home!

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