Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Rainbow illegally dumps all of their trash

I can not believe that with all the black eyes that the Rainbow family has recently received that they would take all the trash from cleanup and go around and dump it all in the local's paid for dumpsters and openly commit crimes... once again for the world to see!

I mean, seriously guys, WTF?

You take the immense amount of your trash and decide it is best to dump it into the local dumpsters instead of paying for it to go to the fucking dump?

Basically stealing the services others have paid for?

So much for the Magic Hat and the funds that people give for THAT EXACT PURPOSE!


Did people become wise after finding out and knowing that Adam Buxbaum (aka Finch) pretty much used leftover money  from a previous gathering, set aside for Rainbow's future needs, on himself and his travels and treating it like his own personal bank account? 

Not having to account for nothing to anyone?

How much was that again?

I know it wasn't chump change...

I guess not many people want to or will give to the Magic Hat anymore after his fucking movie! 

And you can't blame them.

Yet again, a bunch of Rainbow that want props and everyone to know just how great they are for helping clean up the gathering hoping to be looked up to and glorified by others to fill their egos and they decide to commit crimes and advertise it without a care in the world to whoever will see and listen.

No fucking big deal?

I disagree and so many others will too!

I truly think that people are purposely trying to sabotage Rainbow and and give them a bad reputation at this point...

And it is people like Finch that are destroying Rainbow and it's gatherings all the while running it into the ground repeatedly and not giving a fuck about anyone else but themselves and their own fucking egos! 

It is sad because Rainbow family have been watching this happen for a long time. They do nothing about it but watch this train wreck happen not even realizing that they are on it or even caring!

The stench from this year's shitshow only keeps getting worse...

Welcome the fuck home!

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