Friday, July 12, 2024

Rainbow does not like loud music

Rainbow hypocrites once again...

Is there anything they are NOT hypocritical about?

They are all over and bitching and whining on Facebook about the locals wanting to use our National Forest that were playing music too loud and used their gang mentality to mob those people and damage their vehicles. 

Pretty fucked up if you asked me!

Peaceful and there praying for peace? 

Didn't they just release their Vision Circle consensus that they THEMSELVES say where they "reaffirm the RIGHTS of EVERYONE to move freely on public lands"?


Does ANYTHING that ever comes out of any of their mouths not involve hypocrisy or lies?

Is there a single fucking honest one of them anywhere?

You be the judge...

I also find it IRONIC that they could care less about the rule that the National Forest Service has in place that says people have to be quiet after 10 p.m..

They care more about loud music from the locals, during the daytime, yet they could care less about having drum circles with DOZENS of drums ALL NIGHT LONG and EVERY night for MULTIPLE weeks continuously? 

They could care less about other people that want to enjoy our National Forests or even obeying the simplest of rules that are in place to not disturb others in our National Forests! 


Not to mention there is the fact that their drums disrupt and scare off ALL of the wild animals for endless miles the whole time! 

If their hundreds of dogs haven't already...

And they say they care about people and animals!

Yeah... they only care enough about animals when they can use them to scam others for money...

Welcome the fuck home!

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