Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Oh... the emails I get from people!


The amount of emails I get from people who claim to be Rainbow!

They are usually full of darkness, hatred, and threats which only proves many of the points I make.

I usually archive them under...

1. Rainbow related threats and hatred.

2. Rainbow related threats and hatred on behalf of Scotia Fogelsanger or her Gang of Nine.

3. Rainbow related stuff.

4. Non Rainbow related stuff.

I guess I am going to have to now start a new folder...

5. Threats, racism, and hatred on behalf of Elizabeth Washoe and her supporters.

I sure have woke up to a bunch of threats full of hatred and more racism on behalf of her!

Maybe one day I will post the various emails and show everyone just how insane the threats, harrassment, and intimidations truly are!

The one thing that I find that is common amongst these emails is that people get really agro when they have no say in the things they want to say, but cannot, unlike on Facebook.

They don't get the attention they seek with their own words and that seems to drive them crazy!

This is definitely is not Facebook!

This is MY blog that YOU choose to go out of your way to read because you want to...

If you don't like what I have to say then don't fucking come here and read it!

I sure have learned a lot about other people though from the emails they send!

It is pretty sad and pathetic!

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